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Programming Recommendations?


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I have noticed that when I enter a new signature line in "my controls", it changes every post I have ever made (or seems to).

Thinking that it would be way cool to alter our signature line to something that is appropriate to a particular post or topic, my question is whether the basics of how these forums operate is flexible or a "product off the shelf"?

If a continuing work in progress, please consider my recommendation made...


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Off the shelf? OFF THE SHELF!!!!

How dare you even suggest such a thing ,sir.

I'll have you know that this Site is a work of absolute genius.......

By minds that excell is every aspect of Forum Creation.

For example. Recently I and others had cause to complain that it was 'hanging' and too slow.


See what I mean old bean?

Mind you. How long this improvement will last has yet to be seen.....


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Off the shelf? OFF THE SHELF!!!!

How dare you even suggest such a thing ,sir.

I'll have you know that this Site is a work of absolute genius.......

By minds that excell is every aspect of Forum Creation.

For example. Recently I and others had cause to complain that it was 'hanging' and too slow.


See what I mean old bean?

Mind you. How long this improvement will last has yet to be seen.....


JR Texas: Don't know if it is the connection or not, but TF operates like a turtle going down a road (slow, slow, slow). I have noticed this over the past year......getting slower. I think there are way too many pop ups and ads all over.......and now we are really being annoyed with the Sponsor ad that is being inserted in the threads (way too much crap). It is getting difficult to post anything. I am in Isan.....maybe it is my connection........not sure.

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I am in Isan.....maybe it is my connection........not sure.

I would say I'm in the 'greased lightning' camp in Chiangmai. About 1 second to load a page now. Of course this on the university backbone, but still faster then it used to be.

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