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Covid restrictions ?


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I thought it would be limited by the number of people you know.


Seriously though, with the violation of the rather nebulous crowd and alcohol rules being routinely cited in instances in other jurisdictions where the local police have made arrests at private gatherings, I would make formal enquiries at your local RTP station. A discretely proffered donation should fend off the most persistent of the curtain twitchers.



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Even Winston Smith never had this sort of sheet to deal with.  


I suggest you throw your party at the Chestnut Tree Cafe, a place where The Party does not allow its members to have feelings such as love or camaraderie for one another, but Victory Gin is plentiful.


Apologies to Eric Blair.

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I agree with @NanLaew, best to stop by your local police station and ask, you don't want the threat of a police raid or putting your guests through the possibility of getting arrested. Or you could find a large restaurant able to hold 50 customers and meet there, just give them advanced notice.

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10 minutes ago, bbko said:

I agree with @NanLaew, best to stop by your local police station and ask, you don't want the threat of a police raid or putting your guests through the possibility of getting arrested. Or you could find a large restaurant able to hold 50 customers and meet there, just give them advanced notice.

While your there hand them as thick of a brown envelope as possible and invite them to the party as well. It will work a charm.

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