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US CDC and Singapore Who is in Charge?


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As an American I am ashamed at what the CDC just said about Travel to Singapore:


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday urged Americans to avoid traveling to Singapore entirely, reclassifying its Covid-19 advisory for the city-state and saying the situation there is now “unknown.” 

The change stems from a lack of testing data that the CDC used to get from data aggregator Our World in Data. That information hasn’t been updated since Nov. 8, the CDC said in an email to Bloomberg. 

The designation came as a surprise in Singapore, which maintains far stricter testing and social distancing measures than in the U.S., and where the city-state’s Ministry of Health posts detailed virus statistics, in English, on its website every day. 

“I do think it’s bizarre,” said Ooi Eng Eong, a professor of emerging infectious diseases at Duke-NUS Medical School, adding that Singapore tests so much that “we know more than what most people look for.”


Last time I checked the US has a thing called an embassy in Singapore and why not just have a low level employee call the Singapore MOH and ask "what are your  Covid number for today"? Also I watch Chanel News Asia and they broadcast Singapore's Covid numbers all day long?


This from a nation that just recorded 1 million Covid 19 cases in a single day(possibly over a weekend?).  I would have more faith in Singapore's Ministry of Health than the CDC or the NIH.  Rochelle Walensky and Anthony Fauci???  Please make these two retire or just go away.  

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“I would have more faith in Singapore's Ministry of Health than the CDC or the NIH.“


I lived in Singapore for over two years and frequently visit on business. I like many things about Singapore, but I have little faith in any Singapore government department reporting news that might be detrimental to business or the image of Singapore.


Back in the days of the Indonesian forrest fires creating smog in Singapore, I would check the official smog report (visibility in the hundreds of meters) and then compare that with the pea-soup 15meter visibility on Orchard Road.


If Singapore stopped reporting data there is a reason why they did so. 


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