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Fifth wave of COVID-19 already sweeping through Thailand – Medical Services chief


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1 hour ago, LukKrueng said:

Thanks for the explanation. I was lost without it. 

I replied to the part in the op saying the temp readers DO NOT DETECT HIGH FEVER IN ASYMPTOMATIC people. Let me walk you through my logic: 

1. Asymptomatic means you don't have symptoms. 

2. Fever is A symptom. 

3. An ASYMPTOMATIC doesn't have symptoms (look at No. 1 above) 

4. Temp readers try to detect 1 symptom (ie high fever), but as in No. 1&3 above ASYMPTOMATIC people (carriers or innocent) do not have any symptoms there's nothing to detect hence was my somewhat sarcastic question "what a surprise"

"you should be on mastermind - specialist subject, the bleedin' obvious" - [John Cleese - c/o Basil Fawlty 1970s]

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This variant is a hypochondriacs dream its everywhere, only problem is what will it now take to accept is a god damn flu, cases will sky rocket hospitalizations down.

It will require WHO to down grade and this wont happen till China is ready covid zero

In Ireland we 10x cases to last year and fewer in hospital go figure...

Edited by tomyami
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12 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

1. Have you read the list of symptoms? 

2. If it's not one of them, why on earth every shop, market, condo building, hospital and pretty much every public place have temp. checking machines installed since day 1 of the pandemic on Thailand? (As was the case in many other countries around the world, although many countries stopped it since...)

We were discussing Omicron, which has not been around since day 1 of the pandemic! (Fourth wave is Omicron). The list of symptoms may include fever, but many symptoms found in Alpha, Beta etc are not found in Omicron, which has a  different lineage than say Delta (ie it did not mutate from Delta and appears to have come from the original Wuhan strain. 

If you cannot appreciate the difference you are outside your comfort zone. 

I suspect temperature checks are like waving a stick at this highly infectious strain, which also appears to be dancing rings around mask wearing. 

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