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Gratuitous violence on Thai TV


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I was having lunch in a restaurant today with the Gf and the TV was on (without sound). Whilst enjoying our food I happened to glance over to the TV and was shocked to see a news video showing 4 guys beating the s**t out of another and I mean seriously full on graphic violence. Then the whole video was repeated again followed by snips of the most graphically violent bits. It went on for about 3 or 4 minutes. I know there's a lot of real crime programmes showing all sorts but this was really bad and the repeating of it was completely gratuitous. They censor out the drinking of alcohol, smoking and the smallest glimpses of risque flesh but when it comes to real life violence almost anything goes any time of the day. How hypocritical is that? I have to say it briefly put me off of my khao pak pak. TV companies and the government need to act more responsibly. I'm not a fan of censorship but there has to be guidelines at least to protect younger viewers seeing these horrible images. The country is covered in CCTV cameras and these acts of violence are fast becoming a regular feature for cheap TV entertainment. 

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