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Multiple Log-ins


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Just realized working on two computers that I can log in and post as "raro" from both computers simultaneously...not sure if this is a good idea....

This is one reason why you should make sure you log out from the forum when finished, especially if you are using a public computer, like in an internet cafe etc..

totster :o

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Shouldn't matter really. It would be quite frustrating if you left yourself logged in on a computer somewhere and then found that you couldn't log in on any other computer until the first one was logged out again. If you follow what I mean...

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Im not sure if im misunderstanding, but you mean logging into two or more active computers? Because unless you tick the "remember me box" you will automatically be logged out. Or shouId be.

Just dont tick the box if using a shared pc, and close the webpages when you are finished.


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Just realized working on two computers that I can log in and post as "raro" from both computers simultaneously...not sure if this is a good idea....

From "simultaneously" i get that you now mean two active comps at same time. (doh!). :D

But..why is it a bad idea? What harm could be done? :o

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Just realized working on two computers that I can log in and post as "raro" from both computers simultaneously...not sure if this is a good idea....

From "simultaneously" i get that you now mean two active comps at same time. (doh!). :D

But..why is it a bad idea? What harm could be done? :D

Multiple log-ins on your own computer/s are unlikely to do any harm.

However the "remember me" AS A DEFAULT is an accident waiting to happen for those using public computers.

I made this point in a post ages ago to no avail. TV has more important issues to address.


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I am automaticlly logged to TV in on my main PC downstairs and on my laptop in the bedroom and am logged in to both at the same time when they're both turned on. This also works for Skype. I have the same Skype account automaticlly logged in to both PC's and when they are both on I can be talking to somebody on one PC and my wife can talk to somebody else on the other one at the same time. Using Skype to Skype and/or Skype to phone in any combination we can talk to two people at the same time, using both PC's logged into the same account.

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...thinking about it....as long as thoose are my computers no harm can be don, indeed. I was just surboreised that it is possible running several instances of TV at the same time on different computers.

Farangsay is right, the default "remember me" is a time bomb for members using public computers.

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