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Where Have You Been Bitten By Creatures In Thailand?


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Not in Thailand but when I was living in Malawi (Kamuzu Banda days) I got bitten right on the end of my nose by a hornet. Looked like someone had superglued a balloon onto the end of it!

Here in Thailand been bitten 3 times by dogs, once on the leg, once on the buttocks and believe it or not, once on the starboard tit ..... the mongrel actually launched itself at me! Had rabies jabs for the first one, nothing for the other two.

Mozzies and ants tend to leave me alone though so it's not all bad after reading some of the stories on this thread.

Father in law got bitten by one of those red centipede things a few years ago leaving his arm badly swollen for touching a week. I caught the thing, cut it up into 3 pieces and each piece crawled away in a different direction .... horrible things they are, scare the sh*t out me they do. :o

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The other day a red ant bit me john thomas. :o

And about 10 years ago a bleedin cockroach bit me on the ball sack while I was staying in a dive over a kitchen on Sumatra. Had itchy plums for days after, which caused a lady boy to chase after me at the local waterfall when I was trying to cool 'em off! Buggers - the lot of 'em! :D

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The other day a red ant bit me john thomas. :o

And about 10 years ago a bleedin cockroach bit me on the ball sack while I was staying in a dive over a kitchen on Sumatra. Had itchy plums for days after, which caused a lady boy to chase after me at the local waterfall when I was trying to cool 'em off! Buggers - the lot of 'em! :D

Hah. The sack bite story reminds me when that happened to me, and I had to go into a big business meeting that morning where I was presenting to a bunch of Thais. You should have seen the innovative ways I came up with to scratch, but they must have thought I was the weirdest damm farang they ever saw, contorting his body all over etc.., sort of like Mr. Bean.

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I got drunk in Chiang Mai and managed to fall out of bed in my sleep. Woke up on the floor and something had bitten me all over my bum - big red marks with a yellow middle - it was awful, there were about 20. My friend thought it was hilarious and took lots of photos. My next birthday she made me a card with the picture on and gave them out to all our girlfriends - oh how funny

Never worked out what bit me and have never had anything like that bite me again.

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About 10 years ago I was up North, near Chiang Mai. Walking on a dirt road with some friends. I got hit in the back of the neck by a big blop of black ants that fell out of a tamarnd tree. The blop covered me in seconds. I had so many bites on me. It seemed like I had to kill each one to get them off me. I have no idea how many hit me, but it felt like a big blob drop on my neck and back before everything turned to hel_l.

The Thai friends I was with tried to help me brush them off and afterward put some ice on my neck. After it was all over, from time to time I would see them look at me, then each other, and by the look in their eye they were laughing their asses off. :o They never laughed out loud and were concerned I would have a fever. But even I find it funny :D

Chung *j*

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The other day a red ant bit me john thomas. :o

And about 10 years ago a bleedin cockroach bit me on the ball sack while I was staying in a dive over a kitchen on Sumatra. Had itchy plums for days after, which caused a lady boy to chase after me at the local waterfall when I was trying to cool 'em off! Buggers - the lot of 'em! :D

Hah. The sack bite story reminds me when that happened to me, and I had to go into a big business meeting that morning where I was presenting to a bunch of Thais. You should have seen the innovative ways I came up with to scratch, but they must have thought I was the weirdest damm farang they ever saw, contorting his body all over etc.., sort of like Mr. Bean.

Have just sprayed all possible points of entrance, haven't sprayed for 3-4 months but your stories :D prompted urgent action, there are limits, normally i don't mind a beautiful creature biting said place gently occasionally :D

Kind regards :D

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Some years ago at Nong Nooch, a thing that looked like a red ant bit the sole of my foot several times.

It took some shaking off but apart from drawing a little blood, no ill effects.

Until I got back home and the unbearable itching began.

My daughter took a look at it and said she saw little red zig zag marks under the skin.

My doctor sent me to the tropical medicine clinic, where the Malaysian doctor there said he'd never seen anything like it.

He figured it was some kind of parasite and prescribed a course of hookworm tablets which made me pee bright green for a week.

It worked though and I later learned after much research that it was a wasp that lives with red ants.

It lays its eggs under the skin of mammals and they hatch and burrow around and feed until they're ready to bite their way out.

I've only seen one other case of this, a young Thai girl who was bitten in the leg.

She didn't go for treatment and the pain nearly drove her crazy before the things emerged and left her in peace.

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When we first moved out to the boonies the local kids would come around with their slingshots and kill lizards. Some old man gave them 10 baht each for the bigger ones. He claimed that eating them gave him power. At that time there were all kinds of creepy crawlers including the huge centipedes. I put up a two meter wall all around the two rai where the house is. Now we have a good population of various lizards and see VERY few of the creepy crawlers. We do have many mango trees and with them come the big red leaf weaver ants. They are suicidal protecting their territory and when they bite they inject formic acid into the bite. Not a serious bite, but it certainly gets your attention. Other than that, once in a while a bee or wasp sting.

The most serious bite I had was when I was living in Bangkok. I never felt it or knew when I got it but the result was Dengue fever. The was NOT any fun. My wife won't allow the took gaes in the house because of the big turds but even she can't control the jing joks in the house. Those little guys eat anything smaller than they are including spiders. Mother nature takes care our bug problems. :o

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Believe it or not a baby tiger bit me on my chest/breast. Didn't break the skin. It was about 13 years ago when I was at a wealthy person's home in Nakhonsawan. It was only about a month or two old i guess. It was about the size of a medium size dog. Even though its was son young its arms and wrists were very thick and strong. I've been afraid of tigers since including the babies.

I was bitten by a rat on my finger once in Kanchanaburi. Stupid situation. Got rabies shots for the first time.

A pack of dogs attacked me while I was riding in Chantaburi. They were actually someone's pets who got out of their fenced in area. The leader of the pack looked like big goofy great dane. He bit a video tape I had hanging from my left mirror and then bit my foot through my leather shoes. Later I found out that that pack ended up biting five other people. The owner of the dogs had to pay for rabies shots for everyone.

I visited a school in Kampangpet for a few days one summer. I didn't have a place to sleep as there were many people there so I slept in an open area under one of the school buildings. BEfore going to bed I had a few beers with some of the other people there; I was a bit out of it. I did not have any mosquito protection that night. By morning I counted 30 bites on one arm and 20 on the other. My faces was dotted too. Because of the beer I slept without really being bothered by the mosquitoes.

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Scorpion sting on my leg whilst asleep in my house on Samui.Bloody hurt and I was hungover from the previous nights escapades.The only thing that relieved the pain was a cold beer at noon.

Stung by a scorpion on the foot while moving bricks outside our back door, 2 months ago. It was the small greyish variety. I've heard they are more painful than the large black ones which we also have. My family didn't take it too seriously. I did. It was like an electric shock. swelling and immobilised me for 2 days.

My brother in law was stung on the hand by a sting ray while fishing in our river 3 weeks ago. The local treatment - to boil a can of mackerel and make a poultice around the site. It apparently works almost instantly ?! He was fine after a few days. I've also heard that pissing on stings from sea creatures and the like is better than vinegar.

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Scorpion sting on my leg whilst asleep in my house on Samui.Bloody hurt and I was hungover from the previous nights escapades.The only thing that relieved the pain was a cold beer at noon.

Stung by a scorpion on the foot while moving bricks outside our back door, 2 months ago. It was the small greyish variety. I've heard they are more painful than the large black ones which we also have. My family didn't take it too seriously. I did. It was like an electric shock. swelling and immobilised me for 2 days.

My brother in law was stung on the hand by a sting ray while fishing in our river 3 weeks ago. The local treatment - to boil a can of mackerel and make a poultice around the site. It apparently works almost instantly ?! He was fine after a few days. I've also heard that pissing on stings from sea creatures and the like is better than vinegar.

Interesting.........."boil a can of mackerel and make a poultice".......believe you, but please explain a bit more how that works? Do the mackerel stay in or come out the can and if you use sardines or tuna does the treatment still work. Any particular brand of mackerel or will any old Mae Saam Krua tin do? :o

And where was that stingray caught? The Chao Phraya by Nakhon Sawan? If so, it ain't as polluted as I figured. What bait/method caught the stinger? Did you ever see the Steve "Croc Hunter" Irwin video? Not sure they ever allowed it to be shown, but it was all caught on film. Poor guy got it through the chest. :D

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really, what kind of snake could that have been then?

Last time I got a bad bite it was actually in America, recently. Three bites in a perfect triangle that were itchy and red for 2 weeks. Five weeks later, can still see them faintly.

bitten by an unseen snake on the ankle walking in flood water,my leg blew up 4 times the size within the hour ,took months for the swelling to go down,hurt like hel_l :o

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I once stayed in a temple three days in Northwest Thailand. As a kid, I had always wanted a monkey. There were these wild monkeys there at the temple everywhere. They would beg for food. I decided to reach out and pet one of the cute little things. Not a good idea! Have you seen the teeth on these little devils?? Good way to lose a finger....or worse.

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Boy, it seems like there are a lot of dog bites.

For whatever reason, dogs like to snarl at me; but, I snarl back and have thus avoided bites by any dog. Do any of you have the same problem??

I was walking down a soi of Ratchadpisek one day and this dog sees me gets up and starts charging my way. He apparently wasn't interested in hassling any of the multitude of thais that were all about the street.

So, I tried to cross the street and give him a wide berth as I kept walking. The bastard tracked me across the street and kept snarling as he approached me. The <deleted>!! The thais started laughing as I started snarling back at the dog and started posturing like I was going to hit the mut. I was relieved once the mut started to back away. It kept snarling at me while I was walking past and tried to feign like it was going to nip me as I walked away; but, I kept yelling at the bitch until it backed off completely.

The thais were laughing. It seemed to me like maybe one of the Thais trained it on me to get a laugh. If so, mission accomplished. Alot of Thais had a good laugh at the spectacle. It got my blood pumping that's for sure.

Which reminds me of when a pack of dogs started approaching me while I was on a 4 am jog. Its NO fun facing a pack of aggressive dogs. Luckily there were some decent sized rocks that I hurled as best I could at them making sure it hit the ground like a skipping rock to make the most noise. Alas, my snarling, yelling and rock tossing won out and I made my way back home in a lot faster time then when I left.

now, I've moved to a Bangkok Moo baan and I've seen some dogs out and about. I go for my walks with a nice light tennis racket. hehe. just in case.

Why do dogs single out certain people for aggression??

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I got bitten on the leg by something , have no idea what it was. Its left a round raised scar about a centemeter in diameter. That was about four years ago.

Someone told me it was a spider bite. If anyone has any other ideas please tell.

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Why do dogs single out certain people for aggression??

A very good question.

A few years ago, on the Khon Kaen University campus, a dog singled out my farang friend from across a large courtyard where hundreds of Thai students were walking at lunch break. The dog made a beeline right for her, then attacked her. She got away with some some moderate injuries.

My take on it: Must've been sent by Immigration. :o

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Yeah, the dog thing is very strange. Happened to me in Chiang Mai just two nights ago. I was walking down a pretty quiet road at about 10pm. I'd say there were about six or seven people closer to them, but three dogs charged straight for me. I actually had to kick one of them before they were convinced that they weren't just going to be able to treat me like a pincushion.

I suppose we just smell too unfamiliar to them, so they charge for the Farang. However, the Immigration theory makes some sense too, what with the recent changes. What a good way to put the stray dog population to good use!


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Scorpion sting on my leg whilst asleep in my house on Samui.Bloody hurt and I was hungover from the previous nights escapades.The only thing that relieved the pain was a cold beer at noon.

Damm, I thought those buggars could kill you? Nothing other than a hurt leg?

got bit by them little brown ones a couple times was like a MEGA bee sting on the upper arm.. nothing else was gone by morning too unfortunatly the scorpions (to the disapproval of my wife) didnt survive the attack LOL

THEY started it !!!!!!!! :o

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Hi all,

After all this talk of stings and bites I began researching scorpion,centipede and spider bites,I came across this site for hobbyists.Mainly keepers of venomous critters.Very interesting site and 'bite and sting" reports kept me glued for hours.


scroll down to 'Reports' for the bite and sting stories.

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Went to our shop's washroom on the upper floor, there was half an inch of water on the floor, took off my short pants and hung them on the door so they wouldn't get soaked. I hadn't noticed that there was a trail of small red ants going across the wall. Finished my job, put my pants back on and got bit all around up and down. Then I saw the trail of ants.

I was chased for the second time last night by the same Rothweiler in front of the local Tesco Express. The dog looks as if it has been crawling through barbed wire for years, open scars all over it's face, out of a horror movie. The first time, I was put putting by on the motorcycle and heard a dog breathing heavily , the Roth jumped at me out of the dark, looked to my left and just had time to squeeze the throttle and escape it's jaws. I think I shat a few satangs.

Second time was last night, I walk out of Tesco Express, start the motorcycle and he spots me from the middle of the road, he dashed and chased but just missed me again. Bunch of Thais had a laugh.

Next time I see it while driving the truck, it dies.

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Got nipped on the leg by 2 soi dogs walking home late one night here in CM last August. I snarled at them, backed them down, but when I turned to walk away one of them ran up and bit my bare leg, drawing blood. Got home, scrubbed wound with soap, swabbed with antiseptic, bandage, etc. I'm thinking that's it, but on the advice of a friend, went to CM Ram 2 to see a doctor. He explained to me in no uncertain terms that RABIES HAS A 100% MORTALITY RATE if untreated. Uh, guess I'll have the shots.... :o

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Twice, once stung by a jelly fish near Hua Hin, my wifes brother ran off to get some vinegar to put on it and stood on a large thorn. When we got back to BKK we were out for a meal and they ordered jelly fish to 'get ouir own back'.

The second time was not exactly a bite or sting, but i found like burns on my old chap and other places I had touched. I went to the Doctors, he said that it was a caused a bug called che buk kow which I must have squashed and when I touched other parts of my body I spread the acid or whatever the bug has inside. I didn't realise until the next day and it didn't hurt at all but the scars stayed for about 10 days.

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My first time in Thailand I was in pattaya walking down the strip and was getting harrased by some stray dog barking and growling at me and attempting to bite my ankles, tried to play it kool asking it what it wanted to no avail! after a while just got so pissed off and didnt want a serious bite I shouted at it to <deleted> off and it did lol.

Last time I went down to pattaya on the way there taxi driver ran dog over no karmic relationship involved!

Was in Phi Phi in 2005 went to the smaller island where the wild monkeys are, which we were feeding, me seeing them thinking aww aren't they cute I start stroking its head to get an not too approving monkey. Luckily no attack.


Later on I notice a family with some really young babies decided I was going to get a nice pic of them all together. Well ddint even get the babies on the pic and too be honest wasnt too impressed with the pic.


After taking this picture a couple of cheeky monkeys took it upon themselves to ambush me one darted at me from the left one from the right (they knew what they were doing) midst almost shitting myself literaly I managed to run like the clappers, collide with a rock and break my friends gf camera meanwhile catching an incriminating shot of one of the purportrators. Luckily I'd escaped and ran down to the sea away from them with people laughing at me while washing my scraped leg one of them ran up behind me and grabbed my back I quickly turned and out of fear kicked sand at the little <deleted>. Phew no rabie jabs for me thanks.


As always I get leathered by the mossies no matter what I use, whilst in Pah Ngan one time I recieved the scrotum bit which was irritating me some what I decided to apply some mossie soothe only to find out after application, I needed the shower rather rapidly (the power was down) I only used the muscle rub instead :o ###### soon took my mind of the irritation. Thankfully no pics to be displayed here.

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I was in Pattaya for about three months.

Got stung in the water, by a sea urchin they said.

Was up to Chaing Rai and went into the hills to visit the

people there.

They made me a nice new bamboo hut to sleep in.

Went for an afternoon nap and was woken up by a feeding frenzy of the little red ants.

Swelled up pretty good.

They were gracious hosts about it and fogged the hut immediately.

Here is a tip from a Canuck who has battled the bugs in the forests of Ontario in the spring, they can drive moose to drown they get so bad, especially blackfly!.

Two weeks black fly

Four weeks mosquito

two weeks deer fly

and then one week Horse fly,

in order one after the other bigger as they go.

Get yourself some 99.9% DEET.

Muskol if you can find it.

Soak a cotton longsleeve shirt in about 2 to 3 ounces

of the stuff and put it in a medium sized Ziplock back and zip it up.

Do the same with a pair of socks with the toe end cut out.

Put in the same ziplock bag.

When the bugs come out, mosquito hour and the like.

Usually when the sun drops from the sky.

Remove from bag and wear the shirt, put the socks on

above the ankle of your shoes.

You could be in a halo of blackfly, nothing will bother you,

especially the mosquito. Hope it helps for some. :o

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Red Ants - Taking a <deleted> one time, sat there minding my own business (as you do) when sudden intense pain on my bell-end. God it hurt. Stood up and saw 2 of the ######s trying to hide in the inside rim of the toilet.

Titan Triggerfish - These fish are famous for their aggression around Green Rock, Koh Tao in the Gulf. One charged me and before i could stick my fins in his face he took a chunk out of my left leg.

Stingray - In the shallows off Koh Sak in the sand, knelt down gently right on top of a sleeping sand-submerged stingray. Ouch.

Sand Flies - These were perhaps the worst coz they were everywhere and you could not escape them. Found them in Ao Phrao, West side of Koh Samet.

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