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:o Last week while diving Chumphon pinnacle two European divers were spear fishing, this is very dangerous while other divers are in the water, also I don't think is legal in Thailand.

I did not manage to see the boat they got on but there was only one other boat on the mooring line and to fishing boats a long way from the dive site.


Let the guides on the boat where they were diving with know.

It may not do any good, but maybe it will. Or pretend you were almost hit by them, and go angry to that boat. That may work even better. Or if you really want to end it: inflict a small wound on yourself, and claim they hit you, that should do the trick.

:o Last week while diving Chumphon pinnacle two European divers were spear fishing, this is very dangerous while other divers are in the water, also I don't think is legal in Thailand.

I did not manage to see the boat they got on but there was only one other boat on the mooring line and to fishing boats a long way from the dive site.

If it is illegal then they should follow the rules. But if it is legal what is the problem? Skilled spearfisherman aren't that much dangerous and spearfishing is just great fun. Do non-spearfishing divers have more rights to be underwater then divers who like spearfishing nowadays?


you actually think thats its ok to spear fish when there are lots of divers in the water around you?

doesnt seem very safe to me, then again I'm not a spear fisher (?) so maybe it is

:o Last week while diving Chumphon pinnacle two European divers were spear fishing, this is very dangerous while other divers are in the water, also I don't think is legal in Thailand.

I did not manage to see the boat they got on but there was only one other boat on the mooring line and to fishing boats a long way from the dive site.

If it is illegal then they should follow the rules. But if it is legal what is the problem? Skilled spearfisherman aren't that much dangerous and spearfishing is just great fun. Do non-spearfishing divers have more rights to be underwater then divers who like spearfishing nowadays?

I have no problems with spear fishing as long as it is away from other divers, Chumphon pinnacle has lots of divers around; it’s like shooting going around shooting in a wild life park full of visitors.

If you go spear fishing stay away from other divers and protected areas.

:o Last week while diving Chumphon pinnacle two European divers were spear fishing, this is very dangerous while other divers are in the water, also I don't think is legal in Thailand.

I did not manage to see the boat they got on but there was only one other boat on the mooring line and to fishing boats a long way from the dive site.

If it is illegal then they should follow the rules. But if it is legal what is the problem? Skilled spearfisherman aren't that much dangerous and spearfishing is just great fun. Do non-spearfishing divers have more rights to be underwater then divers who like spearfishing nowadays?

I have no problems with spear fishing as long as it is away from other divers, Chumphon pinnacle has lots of divers around; it’s like shooting going around shooting in a wild life park full of visitors.

If you go spear fishing stay away from other divers and protected areas.

Moby as far as Im aware Chumphon pinnacle is not in a marine park or protected area. Spearfishing is only illegal in marine parks and you would have to be next to the fish that the guy was firing at to be hit. Likening it to shooting is a bit much as the spears do not travel very far at all and most spear fishermen I know are always very careful. Each to their own as they say, its a big sea.

  • 1 month later...

Does anyone out there remember the giant groupers that used to live around the pinnacle. I mean the 2 - 3 metre potato groupers, which all vanished in the late 90's. Remarkable creatures, curious too, would swim right up to divers, due to their size no fear. I heard they too were victims of illegal fishing.

  • 3 weeks later...

I think it's dumb to spearfish while diving.

While snorkeling, however, is different. It can be quite fun. I did it on tropical reefs in Micronesia. It's best done at night. Quite an amazing hunt. Wow.


Since spear guns are illegal weapons here in Thailand, this whole discussion should not be here.

If anybody wants to go spearfishing, be it while diving or snorkeling: not with my DC, that is for sure.


Since spear guns are illegal weapons here in Thailand, this whole discussion should not be here.

Under which law specifically are spear guns illegal in Thailand???? Spearguns are sold all over Thailand including Central world in BKK. Spear fishing is only illegal in marine parks of which Chumphon pinnacle is not one. It is classed as a sport in " most countries " I do not know of anybody that uses a speargun whilst diving only free diving. Most spear fishermen I know are very selective in what they shoot, not taking giant groupers etc even when they are at the end of their arrow. The amount of divers bouncing off the corals around Koh Tao is more of a concern to me than a couple of spear fishers!!

Since spear guns are illegal weapons here in Thailand, this whole discussion should not be here.

Under which law specifically are spear guns illegal in Thailand???? Spearguns are sold all over Thailand including Central world in BKK. Spear fishing is only illegal in marine parks of which Chumphon pinnacle is not one. It is classed as a sport in " most countries " I do not know of anybody that uses a speargun whilst diving only free diving. Most spear fishermen I know are very selective in what they shoot, not taking giant groupers etc even when they are at the end of their arrow. The amount of divers bouncing off the corals around Koh Tao is more of a concern to me than a couple of spear fishers!!

I completely agree.

I don't believe its illegal. I have never spear fished but do not object to other people doing it.

Dive instructors taking down hundreds of student divers with little or no buoyancy control have a far greater negative impact on the underwater environment the spear fishermen.


Spear fishing is only illegal in marine parks of which Chumphon pinnacle is not one.

Slightly off-topic, but does anyone know of any websites that show exactly where Thailand's marine parks are?

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Spear fishing is only illegal in marine parks of which Chumphon pinnacle is not one.

Slightly off-topic, but does anyone know of any websites that show exactly where Thailand's marine parks are?

Email the DNP or go there National Park , Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department

61 Phahonyothin Road, Ladyaow , Jatuchak , Bangkok 10900 Thailand. Tel. : +66-2561-4292,3 ext. 440, 435, 407


  • 1 year later...

Did anyone identify the boat they were spearfishing from? Please post it if possible as I would be interested in going out on a spearfishing trip (Have PADI speciality & own speargun) and could possibly get a group of 5-6 hunters interested if we need to charter the whole boat.



To all of you who are complaining about the 2 Europeans (why been European is of any significance I dont know - but anyway), note:

1) Spearfishing is 100% legal in Thailand - except in protected areas (the Pinnacle is not a protected area).

2) The OP does not say who arrived at the Pinnacle first, and in the absence of that it could just as well be argued that it was the Divemaster (any Dive Master) who was irresponible to take paying recreational scuba divers diving where spearfishing was taking place!

The only thing that can be said about what these 2 spearfisherman were doing is that they were diving on/at a known reef structure that recreational scuba divers use. That, in my opinion (Note: - I said my opinion - just opinion, though, I am sure many will feel likewise) could be construed as "bad dive etiquette".

There is plenty plenty blue water spearfishing oppurtunities avaliable in the Gulf, and plenty pelagic type fish to hunt (e.g. wahoo, big jacks, small marlin, sail fish, barracuda's and other blue water speicies) that do not impact reef eco-systems when hunted by spearfishing to the extent that it takes place in Thailand.

I completly agree that the reefs, and those species which live on the reefs (to include the big groupers), which are so important to the success of recreational scuba diving industry, should be left alone for scuba divers to enjoy - but beyond that, the crtisisms of spearfishing as expressed to date on this thread (and other similar threads) have little factual evidence in support of them, or are plain down right incorrect (as in comments that spearfishing is illegal in Thailand).

Spearfishing is legal, and when practised in a responsible manner by the comparitvely few who do spearfish in Thailand (Thai's as well as foreign tourists), it is 100% sustainable.

To all of you who are complaining about the 2 Europeans (why been European is of any significance I dont know - but anyway), note:

1) Spearfishing is 100% legal in Thailand - except in protected areas (the Pinnacle is not a protected area).

2) The OP does not say who arrived at the Pinnacle first, and in the absence of that it could just as well be argued that it was the Divemaster (any Dive Master) who was irresponible to take paying recreational scuba divers diving where spearfishing was taking place!

The only thing that can be said about what these 2 spearfisherman were doing is that they were diving on/at a known reef structure that recreational scuba divers use. That, in my opinion (Note: - I said my opinion - just opinion, though, I am sure many will feel likewise) could be construed as "bad dive etiquette".

There is plenty plenty blue water spearfishing oppurtunities avaliable in the Gulf, and plenty pelagic type fish to hunt (e.g. wahoo, big jacks, small marlin, sail fish, barracuda's and other blue water speicies) that do not impact reef eco-systems when hunted by spearfishing to the extent that it takes place in Thailand.

I completly agree that the reefs, and those species which live on the reefs (to include the big groupers), which are so important to the success of recreational scuba diving industry, should be left alone for scuba divers to enjoy - but beyond that, the crtisisms of spearfishing as expressed to date on this thread (and other similar threads) have little factual evidence in support of them, or are plain down right incorrect (as in comments that spearfishing is illegal in Thailand).

Spearfishing is legal, and when practised in a responsible manner by the comparitvely few who do spearfish in Thailand (Thai's as well as foreign tourists), it is 100% sustainable.

Perfect answer!! As always it's the sport that gets the blame instead of the minority of morons that do it irrisponsibly. It happens all the time. Jet skiing is another perfect example. They don't harm the environment and aren't dangerous until a moron gets on one, rides it with no respect to others in an area he shouldn't be and ruins it for the rest of us. When it comes to spear fishing though, eating what you kill is a must, otherwise you're just a strange person that likes to kill stuff, very worrying!!

  • 2 months later...

Tisk Tisk, spearing whilst the water is occupied with recreational divers is not a good idea.

Unfortunatly in Thailand, there are many people that learn how to dive here, get their cert here and think they know it all. I have had issues with many a DM that thinks he owns the waters. You'll find in maost countries spearos and divers get along well. The best caretaker of the ocean is a well educated spearo, conservation is of the most importance to us. We spear fish which many divers never see, or don't even know live in Thailand.

It's a shame that there are a few others out there that insist on spearing on gas and taking as much as their stringer can carry. These people are either Thais making a living from spearing, in which case I have nothing to say as we are all guests in their country. The others are foreigners, either just starting out in the sport or very very poorly educated with regards to the sport of spearfishing.

If you spear to many fish in most developed countries or fish under the legal limit, you can go to jail. I used to take many fish when I started spearfishing, but as I got more and more experiance I took fewer and fewer.

I know the dive community here, and probably a few readers, dislike spearing but I would like to encourage these people to have patience in the matter, we are trying to educate folk and bring the sport to the level it should be at. Its going to be a very long process, but a rewarding one.

For anyone interested in hunting some real fish in the right places, with top quality gear please call me on 085-222-8986 or P.M me.

In closing I'd like to clarify that spearfishing is NOT ilegal. I legally represent PELAJ in S.E.A and unlike Malaysia, spearing is fine in Thailand. You can even legally spear on the borders of national parks, as long as you really do honor a 3km boundery. This is how the fishing operators work and how we should operate as well. It is all to easy to spear in places we shouldn't, it is all down to the spearos.



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