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Energy Min Urges People to Reduce Energy Usage By 10%


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What I use and pay for is my business and it's so much cheaper than back in the USA for the only fact that I consider.  I refused to listen to that cr@p in America so why should I change here, especially when the exchange rate is in my favor and total utilities cost is much less %wise than in America.  I run my air when the rising sun starts to get hot or the humidity makes everyone sweat even though it's not hot yet.  Otherwise the rooms are airing out every morning before her daily floor cleaning.  I keep the air on in our bedroom once it's turned on and when I'm outside for a while my wife goes in to turn off the air.  Explaining it to her just doesn't work so when I am finished with what I'm doing I go back to our bedroom to turn on both air conditioners until it's cool enough for me to turn one of them off.  She always comes in saying she's hot and going to rest.  Next thing I know her phone's on, then she's snoring, and next she moves onto the floor with blankets where the tiles are now cold.  My wife had the 2nd air conditioner on the opposite wall installed for me.  So who am I going to listen to?  My wife and myself or the regular annual repetitive buffoons (those in power or any self proclaimed AN specialists with charts and links always mouthing off).

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