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Thai Airways Not recommended In Oz

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An interesting news item from Stickman today:

An Australian reader visited the local branch of Flight Centre keen to book an air ticket to Thailand on Thai airways. His preference was to fly Thai but he was told that this branch no longer deals with this particular national carrier. The explanation was that given the airline’s financial situation, Flight Centre did not think it was appropriate to expose customers to a situation where there was a real risk of them not being reimbursed if things did not go according to plan.. Many people who booked flights on Thai Airways back in 2019 for travel in 2020 still haven’t received refunds. Some are especially annoyed given that it recently took delivery of two new aircraft.

I don't know if that policy extends to all Flight Centre shops in Australia or just the branch the reader visited. As it's a nationwide company I'd guess the former.

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I would take any statement from Flight Centre with a bucketload of salt, IMO it's more likely they are not getting enough kickbacks from Thai Airways. The explanation they are offering is in the interest of Flight Centre customers, right?


My first visit to Thailand after retirement was booked through Flight Centre. I later found out there was a $480 discrepancy between what Flight Centre charged me, and the airline's prices, on top of the agent's commission.


Flight Centre have been prosecuted several times for misleading advertising and price fixing. They have an extensive track record.










IMO, anyone who books through Flight Centre has rocks in their head.


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