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90 day report-rejected again

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always makes me laugh when i see posts like this.

Online 90 day reporting is one of the easiest things i have done here

If you cant do that, just go to Immigration, it takes minutes

You really want to pay 3k for an agent to do that?

Seriously dude........give me 2k and I will do it for you.


they get irritated when some one can afford to send thing out to get it done with no huss and fuss, while they have to do it themselves that frustrated them, the rage within that other got it so easy.

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The new online 90 days Web based software  https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login IMHO seems to be OK.


Just enter your passport number and country and hit the magnifying glass, and the rest of the form is autofilled for you based on the current information Thai Imm have on their records.


The current stand out issue is that if you renew your visa, the next 90-day online report due after the visa renewal may still have your old visa expiry date on the form. (you can see in the autofill visa expiry date field identifying the problem)


So I have found just keep submitting the same information 14 days out multiple times from the due date of the next 90-day report.(changing the renewed visa date each time to your latest visa renewal date)


Eventually after 3 or 4 rejects finally someone in Thai Imm takes a look and identifies the visa renewal date information in their Imm system is correct, but the visa information prepopulated in the form is outdated and approves your 90-day report.


The following online 90-day reports now will have the correct visa renewal date in the form.


This process works for me  every time after a visa renewal.

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On 6/10/2022 at 8:16 PM, proton said:

More money than sense then ???? all you have to do is fill in name and address and a few other details

After Agent does my first 90 day I will try to do next one online as it seems dead easy. If I’m then getting messed around …. back to Agent. 

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14 hours ago, proton said:

Let us know how you get on

My concern with this approach is that an Online Rejection will compromise my Stay and Agent can’t resolve …. Plus my strategy of no direct Imm contact is breached. Think I’ll stick with Agent unless I’m forced online by being out of country then????

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