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Looks like weed for the most part legal to smoke at home. Just wondering, and I know weed can be tested in your system for up to a month but as far as driving, how are things if you have a smoke in the night and drive next morning? Is there a legal limit or how does it work? I wonder if they have adjusted or even created a legal limit for THC in your system as I am guessing before it was zero, or assumed zero as it was illegal. Anyone know for sure?


Like I am sure anyone would be sober and ok to drive the next morning. But would be an awful position to be in if you had a serious accident, were tested and off to the cleaners

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On 6/18/2022 at 7:29 AM, Orinoco said:

You can always sport the pot smokers on the road.

They are the ones doing 15 kmh very close to the hard shoulder.  :giggle:

As opposed to the ones doing 120km/hour  sideways on their roof, often ending up smashed into an electricity pole or some poor pedestrian,  What kind of drug, I wonder, have those people been "abusing"   See it every day on the tv. can't ever remember any news stories regarding a guy driving "stoned out of his mind" as the reefer madness crowd like to call it. It may have only been just legalized but only the most naiive amongst you would think that no one was smoking it before. Of course we can expect plenty of  stories over the next few months as the media frenzy developes. But its patently obvious that its effects are completely different to alcohol and far less debilitating so it should not be treated in the same way


Interesting. Pretty straight forward question and I would assume there would be an official legal limit on weed, though TIT and logic rarely comes into play. With all the discussion re pot and no one seems to be able to answer what should be known by any pot smoker. Any drinker has some idea of how many drinks you can have first hour and thereafter or what the legal limit is. So I fire up around 9pm, just before bed. I am sure I would be sober physically but am I legally fit / under the limit to drive in the morning?

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19 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

Interesting. Pretty straight forward question and I would assume there would be an official legal limit on weed, though TIT and logic rarely comes into play. With all the discussion re pot and no one seems to be able to answer what should be known by any pot smoker. Any drinker has some idea of how many drinks you can have first hour and thereafter or what the legal limit is. So I fire up around 9pm, just before bed. I am sure I would be sober physically but am I legally fit / under the limit to drive in the morning?

Apparently they haven't thought that far in advance yet:



Talk about start at the end and work your way back to the start lol. My 6yo makes more thought out decisions than some here. The news is just irritating and non factual. Are they saying it will be illegal for all drivers here to use weed? There goes the legalization, as 98% of weed users will be drivers

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7 hours ago, Scott said:

It's hard to know how the driving aspect will work.  There isn't a field test that can be easily administered to see if a person has THC in their system.  In the US, for example, they use the standard field sobriety test to determine whether a person is impaired.   They can also call in a specially trained officer to help determine if the person is impaired. 


If they have reason to believe the person is impaired, they will be charged and given a blood test.   In some states there is a zero tolerance while operating a vehicle for Marijuana, opiates, benzos and other drugs whether prescription or not.  In those states it's easier to charge someone.  


The problem, however, is that unlike alcohol, marijuana can remain in your system for a very long time.  It lasts for weeks in the blood system.   


Because it is relatively tricky to prove impairment unless a field sobriety test is fairly conclusive, they generally fall back on the original reason for the stop such as speeding, crossing the median strip, etc., etc.


Thai cops had a field sobriety test before blood alcohol limits wereset in law in the late 90s or early 2000s. But it was rarely used and cops had no breathylizers. I guess it is now the same situation with stoned drving.



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Driverless cars will be the answer to this. Stoners will switch to auto pilot, while drunks and yaa baa addicts will override it because they feel super consident. 

43 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

Many stoned Thais have been riding motor cycles for years.

Yeah the chatter on the news etc sounds like this is all new. There is certainly an active weed lobby flooding social media with BS stories of people OD'ing on weed, having accidents....performing all sorts of atrocities. Probably generated by the group who have the most to lose by legalizing weed. 

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