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Wanted - House For Rental-petchabun (south)

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Hello all, Wife and myself have to move out of our current property at the end of July. I am looking for a house to rent in the south of Petchabun province for at least a year.

Ideally would consider anything in the Wichianburi/Sri Thep area or small villages off highway 21.

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  • 1 month later...
Hello all, Wife and myself have to move out of our current property at the end of July. I am looking for a house to rent in the south of Petchabun province for at least a year.

Ideally would consider anything in the Wichianburi/Sri Thep area or small villages off highway 21.

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hi! I came through here( ban phu toei) last year looking for a hotel..nobody could tell me!if there was one!..but stopped for a beer anyway!..met a guy who told me they were going to build houses just out of town..where the friday market is, going to si thep!..dont know if they got round to it!...eehm! do they have a hotel in ban phu toei?..might pass through again sometime!...

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