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They Say You Should Never


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mai chai , the trick is not letting anybody know that you have any choices left or not ,

the trick is that they have to feel honoured to have a chat with ya ,

then eventually the negotiating is not of any important anymore ,

but more of a question like how you want it and for what price ,

isn't it tricky ?

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Dear all,

This morning I woke up and could not avoid thinking that today it was going to be hard.

To stop this ugly thought I swiftly continued my daily morning routine which includes dancing The Polka

for a few minutes. Then thinking about what to wear today I quickly decided to wear the same clothes I have been wearing

for the last two weeks or so. A bit smelly, but after a few splashes of Old Spice it seemed OK to me.

Arrived at the appointment just in time (30 seconds before the meeting was about to start) which I think always leaves a good impression.

I know this because as soon as you enter the room people start pointing their fingers at you and start mumbling to eachother.

Anyway I noticed this lady who was there yesterday as well but now somewhat scantily dressed (in my opinion) and she was just looking at me

eyes wide open and such. Must have been the Old Spice ha ha.

After all the formal introductions we started again to discuss the hot topics and after a while we took a short break.

Went to the toilet and there it was again, the ugly thought.

Went back into the room where we continued to negotiate.

After half an hour or so the whole atmosphere changed, lot's of loud discussions and fingerpointing.

Dammit, you see Alex, you were right.

It is going to be a hard time.

The lady that was present the previous day, looked at my face and recognised what was happening.

She stood up and walked to me, pushed me back in my chair and took control of the situation.

Guy's I tell you, I have never seen anything like that.

I was blown away...

This petite lady showed skills I have never experienced before.

She took things in her own hands and showed some alternative ideas/solutions.

I was thinking that the whole situation was going to erupt in a big sticky mess, in which it did at the end.

I left the meeting with my knees shaking, thinking of what to do tommorow.

If any of you have some advice, please tell.

Oh have to end with a question.

What would you do in my case?

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The T-shirt; 'blow'. At first I thought she was 'advertising' cocaine, but then I noticed the container beside her. According to Wiki:

Blow is a controversial energy drink notable for its use of drug culture in its marketing, such as the name of the drink itself, which is a slang term for cocaine. Rather than being sold in liquid form, it is distributed as vials of white powder similar in appearance to cocaine, which are to be mixed with water or any other beverage, and can be bought in large Styrofoam containers made to resemble cocaine bricks. Additional packages can be bought on the drink's website, referred to by names such as "The Recreational User Pack" or "The Fiender's Hook-Up" for various quantities. Cases on the website also include free stickers, tattoos, or shirts sporting the brand's logo. The powder has also been distributed along with a mirror and credit card to simulate the "cutting" of cocaine.

Blow's producers have come under fire from parents and other concerned parties, who allege that its marketing targets adolescents and glorifies illegal drug abuse, citing the use of rock music and women in seductive poses on the drink's website, as well as the inclusion of a Myspace link.

On January 31, 2008, the Food and Drug Administration sent a "warning letter" to Blow. According to the FDA, Blow is a drug under 21 U.S.C. §321(g)(l) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and violates the Act because it was not approved by the FDA. [3]

Disgraceful. Okay, so the girl is merely earning a wage, but anyone working for a mob such as that, which exploits the immaturity of young teens, is not my 'cup of tea'. Sorry about going off-topic (almost serious) for a moment... can we get back to the mirth now?

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Alex, my poor boy. Please let Cent-Com know when you are over-worked and in need of a replacement. :D You really have been over exerting yourself lately, and some of the guys here are concerned. It won't affect your performance, will she, or um, will it , all the "work" I mean???? :o

Edited by gampaan
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He's off to Korea (S) and is undoubtedly to be involved in some high level negotiations with the aim of re-unifying S with N. My prediction is that reunification will occur - but not for at least ten years and perhaps as many as twenty years. I don't need to spell out why - the signs are obvious (China's move to a free market economy, competing on the World stage, the essential element in this of a democratic society, etc - it is a progressive inevitability). Thus, influence over Pyongyang will dissolve (as will the pressures/influences upon other states) so that the pressure upon the N to end its isolation will be insurmountable. Do you not agree, Alex?

Oh - and don't forget to take a stack of Celestial Bibles!

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Thank you Zpete,

Your advice is very much appreciated.

What I always do before doing some bedroom olympics.

I grab a plastic bag from 7-11 or Lotus and secure it with a generous amount of duct tape.

Then I apply a thick layer of chilly paste (make sure you cover the entire area) and then as a final I put on an extra thick condom

and secure that one with duct tape as well.

When the condom snaps, the chilly paste will do it's work and the girl will start screaming like crazy.

Then I know it's time to pull back so to speak.

Old trick I learned during my time in the Korean whoaaaaah.

You guys have any other suggestions to make the whole experience more safe???????

(Catch you all later I have another meeting scheduled).

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Hi all,

I am here in the roo m room but it seems all other participants are a bit late?

Not sure if you all have been updated with the situation here.

I told you all that the meeting a few days ago ended up in a big mess.

Well as a result the North have send 11 SK officials back home and yesterday fired a few missiles.

Clearly a move to provoke a reaction from our side and so we will.

I cannot yet reveal our strategy but watch the news as all hel_l will break loose the coming days.

Ah, I see Mr. Kim and Mr. Park entering the parking area.

Sorry guys, need to go.

Will give you all an update later tonight as I have another meeting with a lady named SU in the late afternoon.

By the way, any of you familiar with the SAT subject test?

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So lets see how far you can actually go with answering a question with a (related) question.......

So to start,

would you like one lump or two ?

The original.

The plot thickens......what is SAT?

Alex mentioned a girl named, SU, hmmmmmmm....... maybe she SAT, on Alex's lap.

Alex, have you a boy named SU, too?

Edited by Zpete
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Hi all,

Finally back after my encounter with SU.

I will reveal to you some of the encoded hints I post here.

You all know I mentioned the 1+1=2, right?

OK, this revered to the 11 SK officials that where going to be booted out of the Inter Korean Economic Cooperation Office in Geaseong.

There are a total of 13.

1 (+) 1 (=) 2

11 makes eleven, eleven plus two makes 13.

A total of 13 officials where there, 11 where booted right?.

Ping did a good job finding out on the Blow (Girl) thingy but what does it really mean, what am I trying to tell you all?

The girls name I mentioned, SU, Means Soviet Union.

How is the SU involved in the issues in NK?

I will reveal this to all of you in a few days, is that OK?.

For now I would like to show you how China is doing their covert operations.


Yep, just have some soldiers dressed in Budhisth clothes and then wreak violance.

South and North will come together but it will take at least another 20 years.

For now whe are just discussing the nuke thingy.

Oh, and they gave me a surprise today.

Look at this:


A bit weird but...........

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That's a very good snap Alex (the one with the soldiers with Monks' robes.) I hope that it does not involve what you say it does!

As for the girl, my sincerest sympathies to her. That must be one of the worst disability cases I have ever seen. Obviously, she can't walk with her body so deformed as that - but she couldn't even get into a wheelchair. How does she get around? And such a young age - to have to go through life like that!

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