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Should Renew Work Permit/non-b Or Not?

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2 years ago a partner and myself started a business and go one work permit with that business. My partner set everything up as he was on the island and I was abroad. A year later we switched it to my name as he went to work somewhere else. Also, the business is no more but I still have an active work-permit and non-B.

My lawyer tells me I need to pay 21k baht now if I want to keep the business going even though it really isn't going, I guess the benifit being I get to renew the visa and work permit and only do visa runs every 3 months?

Anyway, I could survive now back on a tourist visa, except for the monthly visa runs, i would only have to pay for the visa run and avoid the 21k plus the 1500 every 3 months to my lawyer.

Anyway, is it better to keep this work permit going or should i just let it all expire and be a tourist again and save a lot of money but have to do visa runs all over again every month or so?

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2 years ago a partner and myself started a business and go one work permit with that business. My partner set everything up as he was on the island and I was abroad. A year later we switched it to my name as he went to work somewhere else. Also, the business is no more but I still have an active work-permit and non-B.

My lawyer tells me I need to pay 21k baht now if I want to keep the business going even though it really isn't going, I guess the benifit being I get to renew the visa and work permit and only do visa runs every 3 months?

Anyway, I could survive now back on a tourist visa, except for the monthly visa runs, i would only have to pay for the visa run and avoid the 21k plus the 1500 every 3 months to my lawyer.

Anyway, is it better to keep this work permit going or should i just let it all expire and be a tourist again and save a lot of money but have to do visa runs all over again every month or so?

The forst question should be would the business that is not operational and paying taxes be able to offer you a work permit ... better talk to your lawyer again

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Why wouldn't it? We got one work permit with the business creation. As far as taxes I do not think we have ever paid them. I do know for sure that nothing, other than visa runs, have been spent in the last year towards the business. They 21k to do a "balance sheet" which I guess keeps the company "going". It would have been 15k if I had done before June but they said now 21k.

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Why wouldn't it? We got one work permit with the business creation. As far as taxes I do not think we have ever paid them. I do know for sure that nothing, other than visa runs, have been spent in the last year towards the business. They 21k to do a "balance sheet" which I guess keeps the company "going". It would have been 15k if I had done before June but they said now 21k.

You have to show that the business is capable of 'supporting' the individual(s) holding work permits, otherwise the authorities will not proceed. In simple terms the business records must show tax (& VAT) paid, the positive cash flow required to support the salary ( tax) for the permit holder(s).


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technically, you could just pay the personal and corporate tax and social contributions for a salary of Bt50,000 per month, which would justify a work permit.

Has your company any paid up capital ?

Why do you state you have a work permit but you keep doing visa runs ? Sorry, but that is not right.

What about your corporate returns ?

Do you actually have the permit or does your lawyer tell you that you have one ?

I think you need to give up a little more information. Purely cost wise, it is cheaper to have the work permit but you cannot do so indefinately as the company must make near 700k per year just to pat its costs.

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