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U.S. House Speaker Pelosi begins Asia tour; no mention of Taiwan

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Disliked by misogynists and Trumpists.

She will be condemned by the MAGA-philes if she goes.

She will be condemned by the MAGA-philes if she doesn't go.  Whatever she does is wrong.  No objective discussion possible here. 


I have noticed that the elder "great statesman" types of the GOP, like Kissinger, have, in general, been displaying a somewhat defeatist attitude.  Not long ago "The Kiss" was saying the US should back off on the Ukraine so as not to get Putin any more riled up than he already is. 


Way to go to show strength and determination, Henry.

But it is practically nostalgic that the likes of the much-much right wing Washington Examiner is taking a hard-line against China on this matter:

Pelosi shouldn't back down on Taiwan trip

Say what you will about Old Joe, one thing he is not is the bend-over boyfriend of the world's dictators, like his White House predecessor.


China is not going to do something to get itself banished from the world's largest economy.  When the various quarantines are over they'll have a lot of catching up to do, they're already missing out on shipping stuff in time for Xmas.



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