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Blatant Gambling On Jomtien Beach Caught On Tape

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At first glance this appears to be a group of young men enjoying themselves on Jomtien Beach. What is in fact going on here is an illegal gambling event taking place in broad daylight. We obtained these images from a source at the CCTV Center bases at Pattaya City Hall after we received complaints from members of the public who are amazed that groups of gamblers such as these appear not to be concerned about the possibility of being arrested by Police. We can confirm that Police based on Jomtien Beach were contacted by the CCTV Center on this occasion; however theses groups are using a group of well-trained spotters allowing the gamblers to disperse before the Police arrive.

We must warn you that any form of gambling is illegal here in Thailand and if you spot such a group on either Pattaya or Jomtien Beaches, please contact your local Police Station or contact their emergency number 191 stating your location clearly to the telephone operator. We understand that patrols of uniformed and undercover Police on both beaches are being stepped up in an attempt to eradicate these beach gambling events.



gambling on the beach , the horror .......................

what a waste of resources , still it keeps them occupied .


Shock, horror, the sky is going to cave in!

Gambling is akin to a national sport in the town where I live.... Always one or two illegal casinos opperating, usually sponsored by the good boys...



For many Thais gambling is more than an obsession - it is their whole life.

I have had Thai workers who have worked for two years and more for me, and who have sent nothing home in that time. Their families pay US $ 1,500 (probably more now) to get them abroad and then NOTHING.

On one site a couple of the German supervisors brought out Thai foremen that they said were necessary to their particular section. These men never saw the site - they were running gambling sessions 24/7. When the Germans returned to Thailand, their bodies were sent home in boxes - courtesy of disgruntled families.

In a mixed workforce in Libya (Thai and Filipino) we were required by Phillipino law to remit 70% of the basic wage to the PNB and the men were allowed the 30% plus overtime earned. We also provided facilities for them to remit more if they wanted to. As a matter of convenience I told the accounts people to do the same for the Thais. This initially provoked a near riot, with sit-downs, shouting, threats, so on. But we insisted - and after a few months the entire Thai workforce was content because their families were receiving money each month.

These Thai workers followed me from job to job for ten years, until I was posted to Hong Kong.

They do not have the strength of will to discipline themselves, but when disciplined the Thai worker is a damned good worker. (This is not contrary to other posts I have made - I have seen virtually no discipline in most Thai construction firms in-Kingdom - only where there is responsible Western overview)

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