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A couple of moderation points.

Please don't turn this into a hospital bash....or we'll close this thread immediately.

Moving on....

From personal experience, a bill for a totally natural birth at Samtivej with no complications, plus two nights accomadation in a non fancy but private room set us back close to 90K. But, this was before they started the packages, which as far as I know has only been very recently. Any complications, and prices are going to get steep quickly.

Chulalongkorn Uni has an excellent hospital and for this kind of stuff, they have an excellent repulation. You may want to try there. Importanly, it is a government hospital.

As for costs, I don't know what to say. If at any point you decide to move back to Australia in the next 28 weeks with bubs (I am assuming you are an Australian permanent resident), you'll be able to claim the baby bonus. I think it is $4K or $5K that you can get, but it might help defay some of the cost. I may or may not be worth the effort though.

I dont think anyone is bashing hospitals here, just trying to help - i dont think you should threaten to close -  sounds a bit heartless!

To fear honest critisism makes one complicit!

Thanks for your concern....though I was practicing a bit of pre-emptive modding. Along with a few other subjects, discussions regarding Thai (private) hospitals are pretty predicatable sometimes and usually quickly start to contain largely unsubstantiated attacks on the hospitals themselves, rather than anything to do with the original topic. See rule one of the forum rules regarding defamatory comments.

So if you want, I can delete my original note, let this tread turn into a sh!tfight about how thai hospitals are evil busineses, and let the OP not get any sunbstantive help at all.....

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Wow, this is a real heartbreaker of a situation and I feel for you, Lodes... I know just what you mean about seeing your baby being sick and getting jabbed by needles, not to dwell on that but it really will make a grown man cry. Chin up however, as babies are remarkably resilient little buggers, and your beautiful little Samantha will be right as rain in short order and have no memory whatsoever of her early difficulties.

As to your financial dispute/dilemma with Samitivej -- I cannot believe that they would keep your baby, have you thrown in jail, or any such thing. It would seem to me that after they have rendered the required medical services and your Samantha is ready to go home, then that would be the time for you to sit down and hammer out a negotiated payment plan, not now while you and your family are emotionally drained and making sure your little one is receiving the care she needs.

My kids were both born at Paolo Memorial, a fantastic place located just between the Saphan Kwai BTS station and Big C -- the first one a normal delivery and the second a c-section due to breech presentation. We paid a small deposit to secure the package in both cases and the balance due when we took our babies home. At no time was money discussed while mom and baby were under the care of medical professionals, that is, they didn't require payment prior to our leaving the facility.

For now try to forget about lawyers and million baht bills (ridiculous!) and rest assured that at the end of the ordeal, something reasonable will be worked out so that you can pay what you are able to pay and the hospital admins don't lose face.

Congratulations to you, to her mom, and best wishes to little Samantha for a happy, healthy future!

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I picked up a room cost sheet from Bangkok International Hosp. yesterday. They are on Petchburi Rd in Bangkok.

It showed the rates for all room and the Nursery rates (incl room cost, nursing services, hosp. svcs and meals) are show below:

Nusery 2550 per day

NICU 3100 per day

Intermediate NICU 3600 per day

Attention Room 8800 per day

I dont know the differences among the categories.

You might call them at 02 310-3000 or 02-310-3281 or 755-1281 and see if they have roomavailble . I think BKK Hosp offers top notch services doctors and facilities.

Good luck and I'll say a prayer for your family.

Thanks I copied that real quick.

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Toasted , bkkmei, pattayadave jayman


Jing jing,

Samantha will be right as rain in short order and have no memory whatsoever of her early difficulties.

Your mouth to gods ears.. Thanks

Observer and samran

The ‘pre-emptive modding” “kept it clean””

Guesthouse, in my book your, a legend mate.

doc says she looks over the worst but still needs a lite oxygen feed for help, it's the 5 day mark that tells he said. in a day or 2 they might see how strong she can breath on her own, But for sure it will come. She open hers eyes for about 5 minutes today. like it was the first time see was ever seeing and it might of been . she focused ? as well as a newborn can, on her mom. emotion came strong but it was all good,

later the new Mum is calling ,loudly, shes getting better too. lol


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Congrats on your babygirl hope she gets better quick. I agree with Jing Jing. I have had 3 kids in various hospitals in Thailand and in my experience the admin are pretty incompetent and difficult to get answers from. In each case everything worked out in the end though. Its best not to worry so much about the money side of things. If I were you I would have a beer and get some sleep then in the morning re-read guest houses post very carefully.

Good luck

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Is there a Thai version of declaring bankruptcy? Possibly your wife could do this. If no Thai bankruptcy is available, then give them your foreign home address, go home, and declare bankruptcy there - then send them a copy of your home country documents.

The last thing you need to be doing is balancing a money issue against a life issue - the life is far more important. Let the health care portion of this drama complete to a successful conclusion, and then start to deal with the financial or legal issues. The good thing is that you got into the door and are receiving good care for your family.


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My family is known for Big babies and with her small stature the baby has come 6 weeks early. (Premmy) I thought she had things sorted but it turns out the delivery package she put a deposit on was for Natural birth. With the cesarean birth, we lost the package deal.

I just KNEW those package deals are a scam. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Also typically when getting caught in such things, I say "Very well then, bye-bye and NOT even consider giving them another satang for any other treatment, AND expose them as scammers to anyone who will listen or read.

Again: In Thailand, you do NOT pay ANYTHING up front, EVER. Or suffer the consequences you shall.

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The amount may "sound" substantial to those without children, but I have known a few local parents with premmies and care for them at the hospital is going to be more, and quite normally a lot more than your original package price. It's a totally different amount of care that has to be provided them. By the way, every single package we researched has a clause that if you change from natural to c-section, the price changes accordingly.

It's no different for changing from no 24 hour baby incubator, simply monitored by orderlies and a few nurses, etc. for healthy babies to 24 hour monitoring, baby ICU, oxygen machines, etc. There's going to be a cost difference. As for 'not being able to move a baby'.... I'm sure it's possible.... but likely the equivalent to changing hospitals for a very weak elderly adult after say open heart surgery. Would you want to make it a policy that you can "just do it?"


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Lodesafun, For what its worth, there is a system in Thailand called the Kings Grant, In which a Thai person requiring specialist care is given such care at an appropriate hospital and the bill is picked up by this system.

I dont know the full details but several people in our village have been sent to the heart unit at Khon Khan for operations and only had to pay the standard 30baht.

Maybe somebody else will have more details.

Meantime all the best and keep your head up mate.

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This story sounds all too familiar.

Me and the missus used Samitivej when the wife got pregnant and we went there for her regular check ups. Service was good though a little expensive. After 5 months I asked the doctor to give me a few ballpark figures for the cost of the birth. She said that Samitivej do not offer packages anymore so a natural childbirth will cost between 80-150k and a caesarian could be up to 250k. I am not kidding. She must have seen my jaw drop cos she told me that this was a new management decision and it had nothing to do with her. In fact she was paid per delivery so the more the merrier for her.

I told her we would change hospitals and she said she understood. Several days later after we had checked out a number of other hospitals and decided on Rama 9 hospital after a friend's recommendation. My wife then got a call from Samitivej saying they had decided to re-introduce delivery packages and asked which one we would like to choose. My missus told them we had decided to use Rama 9 hospital and that we would be in to collect our file. The person then strongly advised that it was not in the baby's interest to change doctors at this stage. The wife thanked them for their concern and hung up.

We picked up our file at Samitivej and again we were pressured to stay and told it was not in the baby's interest to change doctors. We thanked them and left with our file. We took the file to Rama 9, who welcomed us with open arms. Included in our file were docs from another patient at the hospital, which clearly demonstrated that we made a good decision in jumping ship when we did.

I later mentioned this to my colleague who had a good friend working at Samitivej and mentioned my case to him. The guy ummed and ahhed and mumbled something to the effect that we should look at the new ads for packages in several expat magazines, which had come out a week or 2 after we left the hospital. I can only assume that, like us, many many patients had decised not to opt for the 'price lottery' and go somewhere where there were assurances that they would not be ripped off.

Lodes I sympathise with you. Samitivej is now for locals with big pockets or expats with comprehensive insurance plans and I for one will never return, unless I am hit by a car in their driveway. I will live in Thailand for the rest of my life and unless someone convinces me otherwise, I will continue to tell all and sundry that Samitivej is a poorly managed hospital. This is a direct result of their poor service and if it means they lose business then they deserve all they DON'T get.

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Is it possible to get a package which includes the covering of possible complications?

Samitivej is very expense (as stated previously only for those with deep pockets, or extensive insurance policies).

One of my wife's Japanese friends came here and got "Sick" (i think she was just tired). Went to Samitivej for 1 day/night and it cost 50,000 THB. And they did not treat her for any specific illness.

But the Japanese girl had some kind of mega travel insurance which paid for it (to be honor the whole thing seemed like she was just trying to milk the insurance a bit)

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In each case everything worked out in the end though. Its best not to worry so much about the money side of things. If I were you I would have a beer and get some sleep then in the morning re-read guest houses post very carefully.

Very sound advice. Ta.


I’d never declare bankruptcy . I was gonna say unless…. But no I hope never to. Thanks for your suggestion.

Chanchao, dave111223, heng.

It is a bit ruthless the package set-up. I suggest you always go the caesarean. And hope that there are no complications. There is no package to cover all events that may happen because who could ever tell what would be involved. As heng said . also Heng

They could move the baby as they had before, and they told me that it was easy done. And were prepared to do it to the Gov hospital. Before the bed was lost. At a cost of ? (2400 bt was the cost from suk to current hospital ekkimai – thong lor 49).


I appreciate your imput . but and PM would have been better. I know the fix I’m in , just looking for constructive help. And in so doing don’t want this forum closed.

Thai narak,

when they saw that you are farang they already decided to do all possible expensive diagnostic. I’m so beliving this about my GF experience there.


Your post is revealing. Thanks.


Good info that may help others in future. Thanks

Chanchao---- easy mate.

GF ready gotta go. later.

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Thread cleaned up....

Keep it clean guys. We've offered two pre-emptive warnings, already deleted some posts, and it is still going. Best to keep it to your expereinces only and let people form their own views regarding hospitals.

Rule 1, regarding defamatory posts, is very relevant here and they will not be tolerated.

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doc says she looks over the worst but still needs a lite oxygen feed for help, it's the 5 day mark that tells he said. in a day or 2 they might see how strong she can breath on her own, But for sure it will come. She open hers eyes for about 5 minutes today. like it was the first time see was ever seeing and it might of been . she focused ? as well as a newborn can, on her mom. emotion came strong but it was all good,

later the new Mum is calling ,loudly, shes getting better too. lol


Lodesafun.. This is an awfull story and I do wish you and your family all the best and that you daughter & GF recover quickly. I have no real advice to give you. But I can advice that for the birth of my son (normal delivery) I paid 3100 baht in a government hospital here in Korat, which has an excellent reputation for child birth. I believe for a C Section the bill would have been 9000 baht.

Edited by mpdkorat
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A couple of moderation points.

Please don't turn this into a hospital bash....or we'll close this thread immediately.

Moving on....

From personal experience, a bill for a totally natural birth at Samtivej with no complications, plus two nights accomadation in a non fancy but private room set us back close to 90K. But, this was before they started the packages, which as far as I know has only been very recently. Any complications, and prices are going to get steep quickly.

Chulalongkorn Uni has an excellent hospital and for this kind of stuff, they have an excellent repulation. You may want to try there. Importanly, it is a government hospital.

As for costs, I don't know what to say. If at any point you decide to move back to Australia in the next 28 weeks with bubs (I am assuming you are an Australian permanent resident), you'll be able to claim the baby bonus. I think it is $4K or $5K that you can get, but it might help defay some of the cost. I may or may not be worth the effort though.

I dont think anyone is bashing hospitals here, just trying to help - i dont think you should threaten to close - sounds a bit heartless!

To fear honest critisism makes one complicit!

Thanks for your concern....though I was practicing a bit of pre-emptive modding. Along with a few other subjects, discussions regarding Thai (private) hospitals are pretty predicatable sometimes and usually quickly start to contain largely unsubstantiated attacks on the hospitals themselves, rather than anything to do with the original topic. See rule one of the forum rules regarding defamatory comments.

So if you want, I can delete my original note, let this tread turn into a sh!tfight about how thai hospitals are evil busineses, and let the OP not get any sunbstantive help at all.....

I have no problem telling the forum members that my daughters were born in Phayathai 2 hospital in 1995 and 1996, excellent service, good prices, great communication, and no surprises. Most importantly was the clear and concise manner finanical issues were provided by in counciling sessions at the hospital well in advance.

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Hi Lodesafun,

I do hope things are calming down a bit.

I haven't yet sussed out if you already paid Suk hospital the 72K. If so, I doubt there is little you can do, but I must admit, I have never heard of a local hospital saying saying ALL BETS OFF if the procedure has to change and hitting someone with a line item bill of the sort you have received.

If you haven't paid it yet, please try telling them you are happy to pay the C-Section package price and nothing more. If they won't budge, absolutely won't budge, then its going to make for nice reading in some periodical like Newsweek as a counterpoint to all the medical tourism Thailand is trying to promote might be your next best tactic.

As to hospitals that can handle the needs of your lovely child, there are plenty and almost all have room. Don't be bullied or cowed by a doctor saying where she is now, is the only option. Child care, even premature care is well practiced by many hospitals in this country for many years now. Unless there is some specially critical condition that makes moving her impossible, Bangkok General, Rama 9 and others are more than capable of handling her needs until such time as she is ready for full-time Mommy and Daddy care.

Check with the other hospitals, get the rates and recommendations. Be proactive and continue giving your love and support to you child and girlfriend.


Dr. B

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My baby is due in under two weeks and whilst I won't worry the mother with this unfortunate story, I have perhaps some comments to make.

After it became clear that my girlfriend was pregnant late last year, we decided to approach all the hospitals in the Pattaya area for their costings both for delivery packages and pre birth packages. Our findings were that the two main hospitals, namely the Pattaya International and the Bangkok Pattaya were very reluctant to specify what was included in the package. Numerous repeat emails took us past the point where we had to decide on some course of action.

We decided to follow the recommendation of a friend which had her baby with a particular hospital and under the care of a particular doctor. This ran smoothly for a few months until we felt that he was becoming overwhelmed and his facilities stretched.

A chance meeting with two couples who had recently had babies delived at Pattaya International under the care of a particular doctor resulted in our making an appointment. I commented on the lack of literature featuring prices etc. and the doctor privately admitted that that was deliberate but that they were trying to move away from a "how much will the patient bear" system.

We felt much happier there and now with information in hand, we settled on the Bt32,000 delivery package which is 3 days and 2 nights. Moving to a caesarian package is possible and we have an agreed rate for that.

One of the main problems is that the people writing the quotations have poor english. Also, the numbers are so far out of their salary range as to make any mistakes not immediately obvious. Prices go up and down like a yo-yo and they will all, yes all, right royally rip you off if they think they can get away with it.

I feel happy with what we have booked but I am quite aware that problems may be forthcoming.

I wish the OP all the best and support at this time when all you should be concentrating on is your new addition. Please keep us updated.

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As someone (of similar financial means) whose partner is due to give birth at Samitivej in a month's time, not only are my thoughts with you but my nervousness has just multiplied considerably. Basically, if the package doesn't come through, we're screwed. (All our dealings with the hospital thus far have been smooth sailing. Expensive, but professional.)

Hang on in there buddy. Many of us are following this story with interest.

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My best wishes to you all. Your post strikes a nerve as my pregnant wife is also of small stature and I was a 9 pounder.

I spent the last 12 years working in children's hospitals in the US including the neonatal ICU. I have of course, not seen your babe, but a child 6 weeks early should be doing pretty well. I have personally worked with 23 to 26 weekers that are really pushing the envelope. I can't help but wonder if the babies ICU stay and your wife's aren't similarly excessive. I would be interested to see the records of birth and see if there are any complications in the delivery room you may not have been made aware of. You have been given some good advice as to legal remedies. It has been my experience and that of neighbors here that you can negotiate especially if the pricing seems arbritrary. My neighbor recently had a heart attack and had balloon angioplasty and a stent placed. He developed a post op infection which lengthened his stay. He refused to pay for anything after the heart procedure as the infection was their fault. He threatened letters and malpractice actions. They gave him quite a discount! Worth a shot.

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My baby is due in under two weeks and whilst I won't worry the mother with this unfortunate story, I have perhaps some comments to make.

After it became clear that my girlfriend was pregnant late last year, we decided to approach all the hospitals in the Pattaya area for their costings both for delivery packages and pre birth packages. Our findings were that the two main hospitals, namely the Pattaya International and the Bangkok Pattaya were very reluctant to specify what was included in the package. Numerous repeat emails took us past the point where we had to decide on some course of action.

We decided to follow the recommendation of a friend which had her baby with a particular hospital and under the care of a particular doctor. This ran smoothly for a few months until we felt that he was becoming overwhelmed and his facilities stretched.

A chance meeting with two couples who had recently had babies delived at Pattaya International under the care of a particular doctor resulted in our making an appointment. I commented on the lack of literature featuring prices etc. and the doctor privately admitted that that was deliberate but that they were trying to move away from a "how much will the patient bear" system.

We felt much happier there and now with information in hand, we settled on the Bt32,000 delivery package which is 3 days and 2 nights. Moving to a caesarian package is possible and we have an agreed rate for that.

One of the main problems is that the people writing the quotations have poor english. Also, the numbers are so far out of their salary range as to make any mistakes not immediately obvious. Prices go up and down like a yo-yo and they will all, yes all, right royally rip you off if they think they can get away with it.

I feel happy with what we have booked but I am quite aware that problems may be forthcoming.

I wish the OP all the best and support at this time when all you should be concentrating on is your new addition. Please keep us updated.

1st off, Lodesafun I hope both your daughter and GF are doing well. It sounds like many posters here are giving you good advice. #1 priority is the care of your family. You can work out the finances once they are home and well.

I have a few questions for torrenova.

My wife is 5m pregnant and we plan to have the child here in Pattaya. We went to Bangkok-Pattaya hospital for her initial exam which set us back like 9000thb. I'm told that subsequent visits will run a lot less. I would like to know the doctors and hospitals you were referred. I would like to go into Pattaya International armed with a doctors name and some pricing. Didi you have a particular doctor you liked/disliked at Bangkok-Pattaya? What hospital/doctor did you initially see and feel was overwhelmed?

Your recommendations/advice is greatly appreciated on this matter and I'm sure many others posters will benefit from your experiences as well.

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May 2007 my GF and me booked a birth package at a private hospital in Phuket, the price was 24000 Baht. But apparently this price only applies for a natural birth which is as uncomplicated as can possibly be. A few very small extra's, such as my GF being given oxygen, drove up the price to 31000 Baht. Could be worthwile whilst shopping around for a hospital, to inquire what exactly is included in the package.

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The bottom line is.... no kidding that the price is going to go up the more things you add to the service you are purchasing from them.


Indeed, but as we can see some of these...higher class hospitals (and I'm using the term losely) cannot even be bothered to list what is including in the packages. And what extras costs.

So they can virtually add anything they want under 'extra costs' and you are obliged to pay.

Shady practise if anything.

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Ok im not hospital bashing ie has fantastic care here

I was told of a case and i know heresay but sorry ive been here long enough to know

corruption everywhere - old lasy no one to help has mild stroke goes into hospital - no

one to advise etc - care was probably great for her - dont know but they would not let

her leave until she paid huge bill for unneses ry tests and not needed medicine

Im not nocking hospitals here but to threatem to close just because of some opinions


bit time

happens in USA as well just to be fair

Problem in my humble opinion is Thais see all forangs as loaded and many are and

to be honest maybe those who have not much funds should not be here but thats what

they believe

I just know luckely i can pay even if over odds and get much better than at home

And yes maybe to be fair those who cant should leave

A forang whos fed up with poor forangs - go home ans c how much worse it is

I do feel sorry for op but you should never have taken responsibility of a child

if you cant properly pay for it

now shhot me doen in flames all u who want

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I do feel sorry for op but you should never have taken responsibility of a child

if you cant properly pay for it

now shhot me doen in flames all u who want

With your logic you shouldn't complain if anyone charges you 1 million baht for a dinner, since you chose to eat. The fact that the menu was hidden or said not to apply is lost on you.

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Thanks for your patience,


Thanks .

It’s a good ideal leaving the cost and situation involved, and I suppose the name of the hospital on this forum as you and some others have. It will help with future references; Show the extremes of costing, the extent of heart and professionalism.

jayjayjay said about…the clear and concise manner financial issues were provided by in counseling sessions at the hospital well in advance. Is the way it should be.


Yes , there’s a bit of flow in the grey matter now. sleep has been easier seeing my look sow , Samantha improve at such a rate. Things are better. Thanks.

Stop by and read a pamphlet about package deliveries. You’ll see it plain… “”all bets off””. Would be a way to condense it.

The 72 G was paid when I moved my GF. More than I thought, but I didn’t bat an eye thinking our baby was born not breathing and now she was. I saw what was done thru the blinds. It was like getting in and not having the meter on in the taxi, not caring just wanting to get home. She got there.

Yes, that’s what I thought too, about many hospitals being able to take care. So you can understand my skepticism. But, as was said to me again today. “There are NO openings in or outside of Bangkok area that can receive her who have a natal ICU. In this case an oxygen feed, as her lungs were weak and she needed a tube to Help her breath.” I got the love for them no worries there.


Being aware is half the battle mate, keep an eye open. I will keep updating if for no other reason but I find this therapeutic. Err… no bills please……


You’re on my budget and you choose there?

If I can help you in any way with any questions don’t hesitate, I’ve not been mentioning the doc name on purpose but he is good. Are you doing a package? Natural? Think about seeing if you can change the deal to cesarean (let us know if they would allow it at this point in the game, how’s it sound if they say no?) Think of the size ratio if there is a big difference between the 2 of you, not that high of odds, having a baby is a painful thing and there would be other considerations, cause ultimately the doc can make any on the spot changes if he judges necessary.


thanks and see above.

I can’t believe how little I’ve written. Things have been happening here as I started replying. I have been so busy that it’s taken over 4 hrs writing this. Pipe is clogged and grey water coming up from bathroom. (Any place I can by a pipe snake besides home pro? Good hardware store? I’m serious) Special soup had to be made for GF with water from a waterfall her sister had brought and ginger. Sterilizing bottles for the mom milk express, cleaning the machine. Yes life goes on.


She’s Doing really really well!!! Today they took the O2 tube out of her mouth and have like a perspect (plexiglass) cake pan upside down over her head with a neck hole cut out and a hose with a slight bit of O2 fitted into it. Looks like something my brother would think up….lol . Doc told me that in two days she may be off it. So her mum and I finally saw her full face unobstructed. We’ve decided she has her mums bottom lip and her dads top.

Mum says she smiled, I reckon burped. Eyes still blue but may not last.

Mum is a bit sore in the belly though. Did a bit of walking today trying to get the doco for BC ready, all for naught as one was a copy and they wanted the original. She pushed it a bit today so I’ve been nursing her most the night. Nice to see her Calm.

Thanks for the wake up…….:o

Few things that happen today…

I almost thought we were moving her as the apparatus she has on her doesn’t seem that ICUish a few of the machines were off. Still has IV and tube in her nose (very thin) for feeding her the mom’s milk we been saving up (yes ladies she makes it, but I’m the one moving it from point of delivery to the freezer ... downstairs :D… I got the word negotiate, and was told that payments can be worked out when I inquired about moving her (again) and spoke to another hospital that said they had to talk to the hospital. So while I was waiting for response back, the finance supervisor

Wanted to know what the other hospital was charging us so that they might give a discount and keep taking care of the baby. She asked 3 times. each time I said I don’t know but it would have to be less than here. She said let her know when I found out and then went to a dentist appt and I never saw her again today. The hospital called back and said that it would be best to wait 2 more days cause if anything went backwards they might not be prepared. So we didn’t move her and haven’t committed our stay to the hospital she is currently at. I went out for a ciggy and when I went back mum was ready the nurse had handed her an envelope and at the elevator we opened it was bill for 135,000 baht. Not on it were doctor’s fees. So now we have 2 more days there, at least before we can move her. If they say something like we will give you the last two days free, I’m gonna say no thank you But you can give me the 1st two for free… why didn’t they hand us the bill in person ? Not much room negotiation there.

They won’t get my million, as I’m out as soon as possible, about a third of their projected time, include the next two days. But their getting approx their third of a million. So the only break in cost I see is that I’m getting is getting out of “That” hospital early.


Your line, ” I can't help but wonder if the babies ICU stay and your wife's aren't similarly excessive.” I also wonder.

Colino ,

Thank you.


I agree with you, having a baby shouldn’t be the same as buying at a used car lot.


Your key sentence is…”” I do feel sorry for op but you should never have taken responsibility of a child if you can’t properly pay for it.”” With the key word being”” properly”. I can, properly. May I ask , have you had children? This is my first. Will I ever think I have/done enough for my child? There are so many things in life that can happen, The only security I have is that I know there is no security. You can try, plan, work and save, but the intangibles of life cannot be secured no matter how responsible you may be. No flames for you mate. Thank you for the sympathy.

For a guy that never wrote much on TV, I’m sure catching up now.

Again, Thanks to all who have expressed themselves here. It’s defiantly shored up a few weak fronts.

I saw a quote once long ago; I’ll end this reply with it.

“The greatest gift you can give the world is children.”

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The bottom line is.... no kidding that the price is going to go up the more things you add to the service you are purchasing from them.


Indeed, but as we can see some of these...higher class hospitals (and I'm using the term losely) cannot even be bothered to list what is including in the packages. And what extras costs.

So they can virtually add anything they want under 'extra costs' and you are obliged to pay.

Shady practise if anything.

I've certainly heard of some shady happenings... but I'd hardly call it the status quo. Poorly itemized bills are hardly shady (especially since you can request more detailed itemization). The Samitivej Hospital - Srinakarin package description for mom's to be does indicate that if a natural delivery is changed to a c-section (for any reason), different costs will apply.


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Congratulations to new parents. Having a brand new little person in your life is the best thing that will always stay with you, those little eyes, feet, hands, the lovely little movements.. enjoy it.

I think you have done a great job in this difficult time. Take care of yourself, eat good food, get some rest. I know it's not easy to sleep now because of all those things that's going on, but your wife and your little Samantha need you.

Always have someone with your wife, the best is her family member since she might need some very 'privacy' help. She needs to have some support physically and emotionally. Please do not mention money problem with her at this time, there is a chance she might blame herself, (it's the hormone thing). It's definitely not anybody's fault.

If the hospital, doctor and medical people are taking good care of your little one. I think it's a good idea just to let them continue their job. Samantha is still to fragile to be moving around.

You need to keep record of all documents, event, time, name and position of poeple you deal with. If you should need to get a lawyer, get a good one, shop around. There are poeple who think that Farang are rich and ready to pay any amout they want.

The hospital might let you make 'payments.' You have to stay calm and always stand clear that you let them know your financial situations the very first day you got there.

I'm a mother who waited so long to be blessed. My new born child had to go to NICU the very first minute he came to the world, and I didn't get to see my second one because of some complications. Thank goodness your little one is in goodhands.

Best wishes,


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