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Google Ads.


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I haven't noticed it recently, but there is a google ad that is total misleading and attempts to trick you into subscribing to their service. Perhaps google has noticed and it is gone.

Anyway, it's the one saying something about your destiny revealed and it's scary real and don't click if you're frightened easily. All they're trying to do is get you to enter your cell number so they can send you SMS's about horoscopes and charge you for it. You may not even notice the charge of $5.99 unless you scroll down a bit and read the small print. Not really a reputable service, I'd say. The science is bogus and they're trying to trick you into subscribing and then the charge would show up on your phone bill. Happened to my father with a different type of cell phone service. He didn't know he was being charged as entered no payment info and then he got his bill. Needless to say he canceled the subscription immediately.

Just watch out and beware for services like that.

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