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Mondulkiri airport project stalled after Chinese investor ‘runs out of funds’


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Ambitious plans to build a major airport in remote Mondulkiri province appear to have come to a stop after it was reported that the Chinese firm behind the project has run out of funds Mr. Sin Chanserivutha, Undersecretary of State and Spokesman for the Secretariat of State for Civil Aviation, confirmed that so far the Mondulkiri Airport Development Project is still idle.

He stated that “As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, which has affected many companies, the Chinese company has suffered huge losses, and he has stated that he can no longer afford to continue investing,”.

According to Mr. Sin, the Secretariat of State for Civil Aviation has proposed 3 scenarios to the to the Ministry of Economy and Finance to resurrect the project – namely:
1.Examine the possibility of taking the state budget to use on this construction process
2.Examine the feasibility of using concessional loan funds from the World Bank or the Asian Development Bank
3. Find another private partner to study construction feasibility.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501152983/mondulkiri-airport-project-stalled-after-chinese-investor-runs-out-of-funds/



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