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Arrested In Police Checkpoint With Illegal Viagra


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An acquaintance of mine brings some Viagra from Cambodia for sale on the international market. Yesterday he and another guy was stopped in a police checkpoint close to the border with around 300 pills. They were arrested and brought to jail. The police want 100,000 THB for the bail.

Any hints about what kind of sentence the might face? Or any tips of what they should do.

Wait for the November Erection and he should be pardoned soon after...

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It's 9.15 in the morning here in Bkk. Why would i want to edit it? It's social commentary . . . .

Yes, I know what time it is here, but even you have to be drunk to post off-topic trolling in a thread. Your trolling is usually atleast partly on topic...

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They are ok!

They had to pay bail 60,000 THB. The police took them to the bank to sort it out. Then they have to go back for court in a couple of weeks.

The police treated them both nice. They had to spend one night in jail though, which appearantly was a bit scary.

The sentence is gonna be a fine like 5,000 THB each, and they will get the bail money back.

Good one, this is how it's done in Thailand... If they had paid up quickly they probably would have had all charges dropped, ie, said Viagra was found to be panadol......... BiB would still keep the Viagra for obvious reasons. The longer it drags on the more expensive it gets with additional expecnses like the public prosecutor needs to be paid of as well, therefor they would have been looking at 200k plus...... Idiots......

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Why is it off-topic? I'm painting a picture of the types of idiot who might pull this kind of stunt. Think of it as local colour.

Given the nature of the drug, could we expect the painting to be using a firm and stiff brush stroke, and an interesting use of colour and texture using a new medium on a skin type canvas?

These guys should be farging thrown in jail and/or deported. Feel sorry for the 'guy along for the ride' but let's face it, for all the s&*T that Thailand is getting in the 'they don't hold up IP protection' 'they are going for compulsory licensing' blah blah blah then all the drug dealer threads 'all evil' 'society hates them' these clowns are guys who are clearly profiting illegally from drug smuggling.

I think a few of the posters giving advice on how to get out of this would be well advised to check whether their moral compasses still face north.

Despite corruption of the police, these guys did the crime; AFAIC they should do the time.

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And further evidence - if it was ever needed - of the utter garbage of western society that washes up on these shores. You can just see it, can't you? Some hopeless fathead with a waist measurement larger than his IQ, with hairy shoulders protruding from his unwashed vest, and yet - in spite of all that - with an innate and massive self-confidence brought about by the fact that he's white in a brown country.

And now, he will be crapping himself inwardly but externally keeping up the bravado cos he's a white man, innit?


We've got tons of utter garbage of eastern society washing. We can see it.

Fortunately most of them are young hot whores who do what they do best.

The ones that are'nt whores just need a little whining and dining to put out... :o

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And further evidence - if it was ever needed - of the utter garbage of western society that washes up on these shores. You can just see it, can't you? Some hopeless fathead with a waist measurement larger than his IQ, with hairy shoulders protruding from his unwashed vest, and yet - in spite of all that - with an innate and massive self-confidence brought about by the fact that he's white in a brown country.

And now, he will be crapping himself inwardly but externally keeping up the bravado cos he's a white man, innit?


We've got tons of utter garbage of eastern society washing. We can see it.

Fortunately most of them are young hot whores who do what they do best.

The ones that are'nt whores just need a little whining and dining to put out... :o

Now Now you two, stop it!

"He without sin" theres a few on here!!

I really dont know how people can get to the age of 40+ without ever making a mistake at all!

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Is there anyone else who actually hope they manage to dig up a good prosecutor who will not only go for the minor stuff but also realize the bigger picture and that these guys were likely to be illegally trading them without a work permit? So on top of any punishment for trying to smuggle and peddle potentially harmful illegal drugs, there's that angle as well.

By properly prosecuting the bad apples, the good apples will need to suffer through less silly dragnet regulations that don't amount to anything but hassle for all.

To me, they're guilty of trying to poison people in Thailand and should not be let off easily.

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To me, they're guilty of trying to poison people in Thailand and should not be let off easily.

Bearing in mind the people they were trying to poison in Thailand were quite likely the same trash Bendix described they could actually claim they were ridding the place of vermin albeit without a work permit. A kind of Darwinian pest control service.

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It is not "they", one did not know anything and was innocent.

Can people read?

Well, perhaps only the one was actually doing the smuggling, but I would have a hard time believing the other knew nothing about it. But it's not like he was going to run over to the first police officer he saw and rat out his buddy. Guilt by association. Sometimes you never really know who your friends are, until you end up in jail because of them !

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It is not "they", one did not know anything and was innocent.

Can people read?

Well, perhaps only the one was actually doing the smuggling, but I would have a hard time believing the other knew nothing about it. But it's not like he was going to run over to the first police officer he saw and rat out his buddy. Guilt by association. Sometimes you never really know who your friends are, until you end up in jail because of them !

I'll never forget my first summer as a student backpacker traveling in N. Africa, Middle East, Europe and had just seen the movie "Midnight Express." Scared the beejessus out of me. I crossed all borders ALONE.

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To me, they're guilty of trying to poison people in Thailand and should not be let off easily.

Bearing in mind the people they were trying to poison in Thailand were quite likely the same trash Bendix described they could actually claim they were ridding the place of vermin albeit without a work permit. A kind of Darwinian pest control service.

###### good point. So, in other words, we should reward them perhaps. Sometimes i need to step back to see the bigger picture.

No . . . on second thoughts . . let's win the small battles first. Back to original position: bang them up - including the hapless travelmate - and kick them out. You know it makes sense.

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Thats why I never make contact with anyone when crossing the border .Before you know the guy is 'wrong' and they think I am his friend . And because of being a nice naive guy you will be put in monkey house , no thank you . So people when seeing a farang , not being supportive while crossing the border , it can well be me .After crossing I will give you a smile ,no problem . :o

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Thats why I never make contact with anyone when crossing the border .Before you know the guy is 'wrong' and they think I am his friend . And because of being a nice naive guy you will be put in monkey house , no thank you . So people when seeing a farang , not being supportive while crossing the border , it can well be me .After crossing I will give you a smile ,no problem . :D

yeah, but you've all probably heard the stories of somebody traveling with others and when one guy goes to buy the ferry tickets a bad azz ends up stashing crap in your pack just before the border crossing and you get nailed anyway. You become an inadvertent mule. I'd tell you cases I've heard of but would be accused by others of fear mongering and not telling a first hand story. :o

I believe if you travel with somebody, you take all responsibility for him being an idiot or criminal, and you should know better. Only cross borders with people you'd trust with your life.

So, yes, the 2nd guy gets hammered here too. His fault.

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It is not "they", one did not know anything and was innocent.

Can people read?


Sometimes you never really know who your friends are, until you end up in jail because of them !

That should make quite a few people pause and think before embarking on some visa-run service with a bunch of random Farang misfits who-can't-manage-an-actual-visa.

It's good that I don't have any friends, or else I'd have to make an actual effort to cross a border alone.

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As a general rule (and I most certanily don't condone criminal activity)... let's just call it advice for 'entrepreneurial morons' like those mentioned in this thread: you need to get any "payments" taken care of waaaaaay before you get to the station, much less INTO the court system. All you're doing is increasing the number of folks you have to pay off the longer you wait.



And further evidence - if it was ever needed - of the utter garbage of western society that washes up on these shores. You can just see it, can't you? Some hopeless fathead with a waist measurement larger than his IQ, with hairy shoulders protruding from his unwashed vest, and yet - in spite of all that - with an innate and massive self-confidence brought about by the fact that he's white in a brown country.

And now, he will be crapping himself inwardly but externally keeping up the bravado cos he's a white man, innit?

Quoted to prevent editing by Bendix when he sobers up.

:o:D :D

Edited by kankaroo
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Quite funny reading this thread... Where was it mentioned they were foreigners? One was actually traveling on a Thai passport & would not even to do a visa run so make your own minds up who the gulity person was. :o

Edited by TopDogger
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There was some idiot at Bangkok airport boasting on his mobile about how much dosh he was going to make taking a suitcase full of Vitamin V back to Blighty... went as far to say that if he was stopped in the UK he would consider the fine as a form of tax.

Last time round, at the bus terminal in Heathrow, another likely lad was almost leaping out of his clothes because they had not yet put his suitcase in the bus and later complained on his mobile that his mates refused to give him a lift home.

A couple of weeks in LOS seems to lead to a massive dislocation from reality!

what is vitamin v

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What's to stop one from going & buying Viagra from a chemist & re-selling at a mark up in more convenient loacations?

Illegal or not?


Illegal. As evidenced by legit pharmacies getting fined, taxed by the authorities when caught selling any of hundreds of sought after pharmaceuticals that are supposed to be prescription only.


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What's to stop one from going & buying Viagra from a chemist & re-selling at a mark up in more convenient loacations?

Illegal or not?


Illegal. As evidenced by legit pharmacies getting fined, taxed by the authorities when caught selling any of hundreds of sought after pharmaceuticals that are supposed to be prescription only.


How would one prove an erectile dysfunction for prescriprion purposes?


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As far as I know, it's no different than wanting a prescription for xanax or whatever from a psychiatrist. You only need to tell them you are having issues and you'll get the prescription.


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