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Jomtien: Atmospheric Café for Laptop-Working?


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Hello, on this holiday trip to Jomtien I have to do more paid laptop work than anticipated. As I don't want to sadly hack away in my accomodation, I'd like to find coffee shops etc. where I could type on my laptop for 1-3 hours max – mainly in morning hours - and have interesting-people-watching plus coffee and juices on the side (my work is semi-dull). I won't do any calls, YouTubing or other noisy things; am decently dressed. My screen is always family-friendly and anybody can see my screen. My preferences:


  • location: Jomtien much preferred over Pattaya proper


  • power-plug very welcome (laptop has weak battery)


  • NO Starbucks, no mainstream tourist hang-out, no dark beer pub


  • Thai-frequented and atmospheric place preferred, student café great if Laptop-friendly


  • Coffee-house noise levels no problem, but can't stand louder music or TV


  • Laptop-sitters welcome and not seen as unwelcome table-blockers


  • co-working space perhaps ok, if one-off visits by tourists are ok


  • wifi very welcome, slow fast no problem


  • wouldn't like to sit at a wall-mounted counter where behind the screen I only see a wall


After typing, i wish to dispose of the laptop in my accommodation before exploring or beach-walking. So it shouldn't be too far from "central" Jomtien. I can't carry the laptop while exploring. I could use Grab/Bolt and, if need be, a motorcycle taxi.


So where'd you plant yourself? Thanks!

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1 hour ago, henrik2000 said:

I don't want to sadly hack away in my accomodation

Get better accommodations.


I spend an obscene amount of time on the computer and do it from my condo but I have a wonderful balcony which lets me view the ocean and the beach and the various going-ons and there is nothing at all sad about this.


Add up all of the money you'd spend on overpriced coffee, then imagine spending that instead on accommodations you can enjoy being in during the day.

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