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Dog Poisoning


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Hoping to get a bit of input from TV members on this typically Thai problem.

In my moo-bahn there is a horrible, aggressive dog that belongs to a local teacher. She is a nice lady, but seems unable to face the fact that this dog is an absolute nightmere. Every time someone rides past on a motorbike it will chase them, snapping and trying to bite them. The local children have formed a virtual exclusion zone. Also, I have had to forbid my son from riding his bicycle in the area. I have to take a detour home if this thing is outside the gate. (It is left to roam freely most days).

When approached about this she looks embarrased, and says that he is very old, and his brain is not functioning properly, and he doesn't mean to do it. Matters are made worse by the fact that when she is around it doesn't even bark, just lies down quietly.

A friend of my wife came to visit and the dog tried to bite her. Now this woman is not the type to take any nonsense. She got hold of the lady's number and called her up to ask her what was going on with this wretched creature. She replied she knew, but then put the phone down.

I want to kill this beast, as it seems the only solution. My wife seems worried about karmic reprisals, where as I am more concerned about someone seeing me, telling her and my car getting trashed or suchlike.

I have lived in this estate for over 2 years now. The straw that broke the camels back was this thing snarling and snapping at me a few minutes ago. Just had enough of it.

The only slight fly in the ointment is that the dog owner is a nice lady, and really loves the dog, so I don't really know where to go from here with this one. Is poisoning it a reasonable thing to do under the circumstances, or shall I wait for it to take a chunk out of my sons face ? Also I have no idea how to do this, I am thinking rat poison and beef ?

Looking for some ethical advice, and/or some advice from accomplished poisoners.


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