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Welcome To The New Thaivisa.com Look


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A lot tidier; TV is now more unique as it no longer looks like the standard forum package :D.

It'll be like looking back from the face of XP to Windows 95 and seeing how crap Windows 95 really was when people get used to this new look. :o

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Thanks for the speed, I like the color too, but It wouldn’t hurt to find a non-grey tone for at least one area to give a bit of life. A low saturation blue on the bar that separates to the posts might do it. Or if the buttons were white with Dark blue letters on them that also might pick it up a little bit.

But really it does look more modern and thoughtful. Thank you very much.


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But Is the type smaller?

Was wondering the same. However, if you have a scroll mouse - hold down the CTRL key and you can increase/decrease the font size to your satisfaction. Or hit CTRL and the + or - key to increase/decrease it. I upped mine one notch with the mouse and is now a very readable font size.

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Like the faster load. Color no issue.

Problem: 1. don't see log off button, in new lay out

2. Top advert banner does not load next to Thai Visa Logo. (I suppose there it was meant to be.

Instead it loads over the selection buttons view new etc. on all pages.

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hard on the eyes, I am sure peoples viewing times will be shorter, mine definately will be

What a shame :o

I am sure if viewing stats are down George will think its a shame.. he posted here to get peoples feedback.

I agree the old colors were boring but my feedback is that this isnt a change for the better.

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Are your guys for real? I bet if someone offered you a million dollars in $100 notes, you'd complain and say you'd prefer it in $50s because you need more change.

<deleted> . . . this is a webforum, not a interior design studio. The value of this forum is in the contributions, not the bloody ambient tones.

George - vast improvement. Well done. Take no notice of the whining class.

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I've got an add for flowers covering the options line. Can't get to 'View new Posts' on any page.

Edit: OK got it now. Seams the the window has to be expanded to a point where there is no wrapping. Small bug I'm sure George will sort out.

Edited by bdenner
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Are your guys for real? I bet if someone offered you a million dollars in $100 notes, you'd complain and say you'd prefer it in $50s because you need more change.

<deleted> . . . this is a webforum, not a interior design studio. The value of this forum is in the contributions, not the bloody ambient tones.

George - vast improvement. Well done. Take no notice of the whining class.

Pot calling the kettle black, the most obnoxious and opinionated poster on TV thinks that no one should have an opinion.

If george didnt want any feed back he would not have posted the topic, I guess he did so to see what people felt and to see if it would affectthe viewing stats and in turn his revenue.

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Obnoxious and opinionated? It's kind of you to say so. I kinda like your posts, but then I'm the kind of guy who walks into Ben & Jerry's and orders vanilla.

But back on topic. Good work on the redesign. Modern, edgy and it seems faster than before.

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Black and Grey colour make people feel not good. I love the blus colour as before.

Faster is better yes.

But colour influence to mood aswell

I agree the site is faster and more streamlined, but also agree the colors for some reason are not as easy on the eye as before. Also, I worry that we may see the manic-depressives on the forum get even more desperate...but wait, that's why I come here.

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Creative criticism is more valuable than praise.

I agree that the design is more modern, and edgy. But with an entire pallet of blue grey tones you have set up a perfect opportunity to have some color in strategic areas that will show up as very sharp and even more modern and slick. Note how the yellow on the quote and reply buttons really looks corporate and strong. Find another place to run a strong dark blue, or a dark maroon. And the page will come to life.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the page, you really went the right direction, I just see an opportunity to tweek it up a notch.

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..............but the real problem is the Top advert banner which does not load next to Thai Visa Logo but over the "assistant" buttons.
Good to see I'm not the only one with this problem. As I stated earlier I'm sure George will overcome it.
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Are your guys for real? I bet if someone offered you a million dollars in $100 notes, you'd complain and say you'd prefer it in $50s because you need more change.

<deleted> . . . this is a webforum, not a interior design studio. The value of this forum is in the contributions, not the bloody ambient tones.

George - vast improvement. Well done. Take no notice of the whining class.

Bendix whilst I generally enjoy your posts and writing style I think you have missed the point here. Thai Visa is a business first and foremost and if the stats are down the revenue will be down. The value as you quite rightly say is in the contributions but if the number of posts drop off then I am sure the issue of 'interior design' will be addressed.

I personally prefer the old colour but will still read and post as normal. Those that will choose to either not post in protest or spend less time on the forum are...well I am sure you know what I mean. :D

Regards. :o

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