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Just read in the newspaper today the Gary Glitters Judge quit the case because it was too complicated for him.

How is that for a reason to get out of a situation. Seems Gary Glitter has returned off and on to Cambodia and buying up land to live there, yet when the boys catch up to him they kick him out.

The man doing time, no he is free.

Even still enters the country while Blacklisted. So figure this out. A new one for me.

Imagine this, Glitters Playground with the Merry Go- Round etc full of the unfortunate kids. Seems this might become another Michael Jackson scenario.

Why doesn't the home country where he belongs at void his passport permanently??? Is his glitter blinding those officials too??????

sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh. This dude has to be put away permanently


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Sounds like he had a Thai lawyer.

Doesn't need to be too complicated either. :o

On the subject of voiding passports the authorities are obliged to have some proof of wrong doing (before cutting up someones passport)

We can't have everyone rushing out to buy a length of rope purely on the strength of someones suspicions (as in a recent case in the realm)

And on Michael Jackson I have long considered him to be an absolute weirdo (a real queer <deleted>) but until he is convicted he should be extended the same rights as provided in the constitutions of most (developed) countries.

I don't even like their (Jacksons / Glitters) singing anyway. Now if it was Alvin Stardust that is another matter.


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Gary Glitter, AKA Paul Gladd, and child pornography.

"Some were as young as two years old. Some images showed children being tortured."

Saturday November 13, 1999.

The glam rock star Gary Glitter received a four-month prison sentence, after pleading guilty to a string of child pornography charges.

Sentencing Glitter, Mr Justice Butterfield said "This is not a victimless crime. The victims are the little children whose images you wished to view. Without the ultimate consumer, men like you prepared to pay for this material, there would be no market for this filth."

John Royce QC, prosecuting, said: "The investigation demonstrated that he had an appetite for child pornography that was bluntly voracious.

"He spent literally hundreds of hours logged on seeking out material of the sickest kind." He was often logged on for six or 12 hours at a time.

Dressed in a dark blue suit and wearing the bouffant pony-tailed wig he uses to hide his baldness, Glitter bowed to cheering supporters in the public gallery as the last of the not guilty verdicts was read out by the jury foreman.

Will that do for starters in the voiding his passport stakes?


Can you give the name of the paper where you read this?

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He viewed some porn on the net, big deal.

He doesn't deserve to be persecuted the way he has, there are far worse people out there, he has just become a scapegoat, an easy target.

The guy may benefit from some form of psychiatric help but I don't think he deserves to be hounded around the world the way he has.

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He viewed some porn on the net, big deal.
Yeah he viewed some porn, but not two 18+ year olds hammering each other in a sexual fashion... it was minors, kids, 16 or under, the report quoted a two year old. (ok we dont know if the report is real or not) but kiddie porn is just wrong.

What two adults want to do to each other, and film, is upto them, but when you have kids who are abused to make this filth then that changes the complextion of the case entirely.

He doesn't deserve to be persecuted the way he has, there are far worse people out there, he has just become a scapegoat, an easy target.

Oh yes he does, looking at pictures of 6 year old girls/boys being FORCED to do stuff they normally wouldnt even have the slightest knowledge about is wrong, the guy has gotten off lightly in my opinion, his nadgers should be cut off, his manhood should be stapled together with an industrial staple gun and he should be handed back to the parents of the abused children. Maybe there are worse people in the world than him, but not many.

And thats giving him a light punishment for his crimes.

The guy may benefit from some form of psychiatric help but I don't think he deserves to be hounded around the world the way he has.

Medical help maybe could help, but in my opinion he deserves a million times more "Hounding". The only medical help i beleive would help would be a padded cell and a stright jacket.

Why isnt this man behind bars? Why does he still have a passport?

Hes a nonce, plain and simple, the world would be a much nicer place without this kind of pervert kicking about.

Sorry but i despise and hate this kind of criminal. He will get no quarter from me.

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He viewed some porn on the net, big deal.

He doesn't deserve to be persecuted the way he has, there are far worse people out there, he has just become a scapegoat, an easy target.

The guy may benefit from some form of psychiatric help but I don't think he deserves to be hounded around the world the way he has.

Perhaps the children he viewed on the internet might like some of this psychiatric help that you feel this pervert needs.

Along with children Jonathan King saw and Peter Townsend of the Who but he only viewed it as research , reasearch for what?

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Flogg the bastard.

Who do you think would buy him?

Be OK if he was sold sold by weight, the fat bastard and to think when he was strutting around the stage singing "You wanna be in my gang?" his audience was mostly children.

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Glitter is the lowest form of life, he should be hounded from any country he tries to settle in , I just fail to understand what place on this world would want to give him credability I can only guess the money signs are in their eyes. All perverts should have their goolies cut off.

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And "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

I doubt that there are many coming here who are without a few skeletons in the closet.

The only difference is that most choose to rate their own crimes as being less than the other guys.

I don't hold with paedophilia but paedophiles are not the only sicko's visiting the region.

For you guys who get so emotive on your favourite crusade of the month, go take a look in the mirror and tell us what you see.

A pillar of society or what??? in many cases I very much doubt it. :o

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in many cases I very much doubt it

Your own opinion based on what pray tell?

And why are you so keen tell us not to call for the flogging, castration, burning and boiling in oil of a nounce?

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And "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

In that case I'll have two flat ones, three with points and a packet of gravel.

For me I think these people are very sick and coniving and very good at insiuating their way into positions of trust wher they can carry out these truly shocking deeds against children.

Now we come to the people who watch this stuff in my opinion there are no better or worse than the people who actually carry out these crimes.

So what do we do with them?

I fully understand the burn 'em and hang 'em brigade but that just's not going to happen so I think they should be locked up for a verey very long time because leopards don't change their spots.

As to DAVE yO I can't find anything on the net re the Cambodian judge jacking the job in.

Surely they must have more than the one judge in Camboadia.

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in many cases I very much doubt it

Your own opinion based on what pray tell?

And why are you so keen tell us not to call for the flogging, castration, burning and boiling in oil of a nounce?

His opinion was probably based on much the same as mine :o There have been very few ex pats that I have met in SE Asia in the last 25 years, that were not hiding from something or someone!

What are you hiding from?

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He viewed some porn on the net, big deal.

Yeah he viewed some porn, but not two 18+ year olds hammering each other in a sexual fashion... it was minors, kids, 16 or under, the report quoted a two year old. (ok we dont know if the report is real or not) but kiddie porn is just wrong.

What two adults want to do to each other, and film, is upto them, but when you have kids who are abused to make this filth then that changes the complextion of the case entirely.

He doesn't deserve to be persecuted the way he has, there are far worse people out there, he has just become a scapegoat, an easy target.
Oh yes he does, looking at pictures of 6 year old girls/boys being FORCED to do stuff they normally wouldnt even have the slightest knowledge about is wrong, the guy has gotten off lightly in my opinion, his nadgers should be cut off, his manhood should be stapled together with an industrial staple gun and he should be handed back to the parents of the abused children. Maybe there are worse people in the world than him, but not many.

And thats giving him a light punishment for his crimes.

The guy may benefit from some form of psychiatric help but I don't think he deserves to be hounded around the world the way he has.

Medical help maybe could help, but in my opinion he deserves a million times more "Hounding". The only medical help i beleive would help would be a padded cell and a stright jacket.

Why isnt this man behind bars? Why does he still have a passport?

Hes a nonce, plain and simple, the world would be a much nicer place without this kind of pervert kicking about.

Sorry but i despise and hate this kind of criminal. He will get no quarter from me.

The only thing I can really add to that is that I consider active tot-touchers to be worse than murderers as it completely ruins a life as well as robs innocence.

If they are just voyers and not active then they certainly are when given the chance.

There's no cure.

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in many cases I very much doubt it

Your own opinion based on what pray tell?

And why are you so keen tell us not to call for the flogging, castration, burning and boiling in oil of a nounce?

Based on my observations over the years. Thats what.

And I am not against flogging (etc) but I would also include it for a great majority of the other offences that are perpetrated on a daily basis.

At least for the same number/types of crimes that it is applied for in Singapore.

On the subject of sin and casting the first stone I might acknowledge that I am not without sin (thats impossible unless you are only a few hours old) but apart from a couple of minor motorcycle overspeed cases I am convictionless.

As Maejo Man said "There have been very few ex pats that I have met in SE Asia in the last 25 years, that were not hiding from something or someone!"

His experience is one that I share. I am not saying all, but I am saying a goodly number have fitted the description.

And from my understanding many of those who call for the flogging etc are indeed sicko's in their own right. It's just that the "victims" ages are more advanced.

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well ,have taken your advice,johnbgood ,and had a good look in the mirror,i dont see innocense,but i dont see a kiddy f****r either!! hes a f***ing nonce, just shoot him :o

I am not saying don't shoot him.

What I am saying is that they should shoot all the sicko's and deviates wherever (and whoever) they might be. :D

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What I cant understand is how this guy can walk around such a hot place wearing that stupid bloody silver zip up jumpsuit with all the sequins and glitter .......... must be bloody hot !

..........and give the man an Aussie passport please.........then he can be arrested and tried in Australia under Aussie laws.......I cant understand why the septic tanks cant do this !!! (he is s sepo isnt he ?)

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What I cant understand is how this guy can walk around such a hot place wearing that stupid bloody silver zip up jumpsuit with all the sequins and glitter .......... must be bloody hot !

..........and give the man an Aussie passport please.........then he can be arrested and tried in Australia under Aussie laws.......I cant understand why the septic tanks cant do this !!! (he is s sepo isnt he ?)

No, he's a whingeing pom (although I hate to admit it).

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He was convicted 1999 in Great Britain on the kiddie porn charges, and his real name is Paul Gadd.

So based on his conviction why doesn't Great Britain void his passport??? He is still using that passport to go to other countries and he continuing his venture victimizing other kids in a different place. "" (I also would like to say even though one may be convicted of a past crime, does not preclude having their passport voided. As long as the person stays clean and proves that over the course of time, yes one can travel. But if that person then continues to do the way of their past, then that should be taken into account as a remedy to restrict such person back in their own native country.)""

Is it that Great Britain is trying to unload this individual to avoid having his problems in their own country in their effort to protect their own kids??????

Right now based on what is going on, yes Great Britain can void his passport permanently, because other charges are lodged against the bitter Glitter from other countries.

Do you fellas have any opinions on this?????


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So based on his conviction why doesn't Great Britain void his passport? Daveyo

Excellent point Daveyo. GB regulary voids passport travel privileges of suspected football brawlers, yet the following Yahoo news article indicates Glitter has committed far more serious acts.


Gary Glitter Goes To Jail

(LAUNCH, 11/12/1999 5:00 PM)

By Craig Rosen

(11/12/99, 5 p.m. ET) - Gary Glitter, born Paul Francis Gadd, 55, pled guilty today at Bristol Crown Court in England, to 54 counts of taking and possessing indecent photographs of underage children. Glitter was sentenced to four months in jail after admitting to the offenses that took place between January 1997 and November 1997.

In 1997, Glitter had taken his computer in for repair and the child pornography was discovered by a repair technician. More than 4,000 images of young girls and boys, ranging in age from two to 10, were discovered on his personal computer, in varying poses and acts. The repair facility notified authorities, and when Glitter returned to pick up his computer, he was arrested.

Glitter's guilty admission comes just hours after he was found not guilty of eight counts of sexual assault on a 14-year-old girl. His accuser, now a 34-year-old woman, made her allegations against the singer after reading about his 1997 child pornography arrest.

Glitter is best known for his musical anthem "Rock And Roll Part 2," a staple song at many sports events."

We all know some inappropriate material can end up on a computer connected to the internet without the owner's knowledge, but the large numbers of inappropriate photos is damning, IMHO.

R Kelly, the USA R&B singer, has been under indictment for 2 years without a trial verdict for videotaping himself having sex with a reportedly underage girl. Despite no resolution of these charges, he must get special court permission and be subjected to significant restrictions to travel outside his home state, much less leave the country.

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Interesting Shotover on that last paragraph!!!!!!!!!!

Check this out, """"" Despite no resolution of these charges he must get special court permission and be subjected to significant restrictions to """travel outside his home state, much less leave the country"""""""

Yet this goofball still continues to go to Cambodia, so my question is WHY and WHO is granting such permission for him to leave the country when Cambodia has charges against him and Cambodia has already labeled him persona non grata yet somehow and someway HE is able to still get inside the country.

I have a feeling there is a huge brawl going on Between Great Britain, USA and Cambodia about Glitters travels and Glitters so called reasons to travel, and Jurisdictional decisions and orders bouncing around without a clear census from all above concerning this individual.

No wonder this Judge decided to get out of the case. He probably got so frustrated with all the legal wrangling and mumbo jumbo between the countries, it became too much due to each country exerting their rights and orders and jurisdictions etc, not to mention kiddo Glitter fighting all of them and filing their motions of responses at the same time.

Whew. Bottom Line------> It seems Glitter got some money to burn to keep him going paying lawyers to fight his cases worldwide. Who is gonna stop that spending.

I have an idea. Great Britain should FREEZE his Bank Account and all Assets and any income coming from his musical or appearance dittos and include most importantly no funds from sidekicks except to live and pay his basic expenses back home till all his legal issues are resolved.

In doing so, this will give the above named 3 Countries a chance to clear up the air and have some direction on what should be done and what to do for the future concerning Glitter.

Perhaps at that point they can void his passport in an expedite manner.


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Another thing Cambodia can do if they wish is put out an International Warrant for Glitters arrest, in which case when Glitter does leave Britain, any country he enters even via Airplane the country the plane lands on can arrest Glitter period.

Why hasn't this taken place???? It is a simple process to do, and send such Valid Warrant to Interpol, in which turn they notify all the countries in the world especially Immigrations.


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Maejo Man said

"There have been very few ex pats that I have met in SE Asia in the last 25 years, that were not hiding from something or someone!" What are you hiding from?

We obviously move in different circles, although I do not dispute the fact that there are a significant number of expats in SEA who are hiding from something - I am not one of them.

I came here because my employers (an international petrochemical company) assigned me here. I get paid to be here and if my employers offered me more money to go somewhere else I would go somewhere else - I have indeed done so on many occassions.

I own property back home, and I return home two or three times a year to enjoy the best of what eurpope has to offer.

I would like to say I was running from the taxman, but I can't even do that - being legally employed with a work permit and a declared income I pay taxes in Thailand - perhaps less than back home, but a lot more than I would like to pay given the service I do not receive from the Thai government.

So I trust Maejo Man will accept that I am one of the 'Very Few Expats' he meets who are not running away from something back home - outwith that he has not met me yet!

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So I trust Maejo Man will accept that I am one of the 'Very Few Expats' he meets who are not running away from something back home - outwith that he has not met me yet!


He has not met me either,

I am not on the run, pay my taxes, albeit reluctantly, when I return to the UK there is no warrant waiting for me and the boys in blue are not waiting for me at the airport.

So as to he is without sin cast the first stone? I am still waiting for two flat ones three with points and a packet of gravel.

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