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What Is The Perception Of Tiger Woods In Thailand...


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my gf told me that he came to thailand as a child teenager yearly and was treated badly because of his father's race and that he wasnt allowed to join some golf club in thailand, and that he never talks about being Thai in the media, calls himself "Asian instead", does not sponser any Thai brands, and overall is not interesting in playing ball with the Thai Hi-So who looked down on him previously.

i dont know if this is all true or not, but she told me this just a few days ago.

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He is a good golfer.

Yes,although he is a mixed guy American-Thai, , he is an american.(he has rised in USA)

We thai used to crazy about his Thai blood. Now Thais think Tiger Woods is a good american sporty man.

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I've just finished reading a book called 'Playing Through' By the late Earl Woods with Fred Mitchell. It sure is one of a very good books. I'm not a fan of any kind of sports but just happened to see the book at my local library, and checked it out. I finished the book in one day, the book is in English and has about 250 pages. I have great respect to The Woods, especially the father. They all went through all kinds of trouble before they get to this point. I don't care what people think about Tiger. To me; he is a talented, smart and strong person. And I'm sure he will be in the history of sports forever.

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Thanks to you previous posters for some info. I'm looking forward to some more responses and writing a good paper.

The feeling most Thai's I have talked too is they love and respect Tiger for the brilliant golfer he is, they would love to feel he is a som-of-Thailand representing the country on the world sports stage, but, due to reasons most don't know or understand, Tiger has absolutely no interest in adopting Thailand in any way what-so-ever. Generally Thai's are not upset by this, but deep down are possibly a little disappointed they dont get the oportunity to claim Tiger as their own. It is probably more of a issue with wealthy Thai's whom are pretty shallow!

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Watched the Tigger play in the Johnnie Walker at Blue Canyon some years ago. The cream of Thai society fawned at his feet. The lad was cool professional and wise beyond his years...........He blanked them.

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He apparently visited the king wearing shorts, 'insulting' the king in the process, apparently.

My partner doesn't think much of him, I think she sees him as a bit of a traitor but she couldn't give a <deleted> about him in all reality.

If he doesn't give a toss about Thailand because of the way he was treated as a youngster then I'm with him all the way, the so-called 'Hi-So' edjits who shunned him because of his fathers race are two-faced and conceited lime-light hugging amateurs and what better than for one of the worlds top sportsmen looking down on them som nam naa! :D

'Hi-So' Rant over :o

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He is a good golfer.

Yes,although he is a mixed guy American-Thai, , he is an american.(he has rised in USA)

We thai used to crazy about his Thai blood. Now Thais think Tiger Woods is a good american sporty man.

Tiger Woods has stated publicly that he does not feel his ethinicity has anything to do with golf and that is why he has downplays it and does not like to speak about it. He states his ethnicity as African-American and Thai.

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Most of the people I have talked to here (Thai people that is), are proud of Tiger. I am not a sports fan, but I work at a school and if you mention his name everyone knows who he is and everyone knows his mother is Thai. They like him and are proud.

What is sad is that most famous Thais are Thai-something rather than just Thai. They end up having to go or live somewhere else to fulfill their full potential.

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My GF says that he and his mother have both said things in the past that were considered uncomplimentary towards Thailand and so they are not that popular.

As far as race is concerned I believe he refused to call himself African American on the Oprah Winfrey show and said he is mixed race for which he got criticized by the so called African American community. Quite right he says he is mixed race imo as he is only 1/4 of African descent with the other parts being 1/4 Thai, 1/4 Chinese, 1/8 European and 1/8 American Indian apparently.

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besides tata and tiger can you name some famous thais. famous outside of los. taksin dont count.

James Wattana and Paradorn Srichaphan would be the only 2 I could think of.

vanessa mae - violin player... :o

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It's interesting to learn how certain people (i.e. those who ran that exclusive golf club) treated Tiger Woods as he was growing up and then, once he became famous, two-faced back on him. hmm this will make an interesting addition to my report...

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You might want to get onto a web board with more Thais for some direct opinions. Only one I know where the Thais speak a lot of English is on faceparty though.

Blizzard, did you question answered or was you hoping that it wasn't? :o

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besides tata and tiger can you name some famous thais. famous outside of los. taksin dont count.

James Wattana and Paradorn Srichaphan would be the only 2 I could think of.

vanessa mae - violin player... :D

How could she of slipped my mind :o:D

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besides tata and tiger can you name some famous thais. famous outside of los. taksin dont count.

James Wattana and Paradorn Srichaphan would be the only 2 I could think of.

vanessa mae - violin player... :o

She's getting a little old for me, but I still love Vanessa anyway! :D

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besides tata and tiger can you name some famous thais. famous outside of los. taksin dont count.

James Wattana and Paradorn Srichaphan would be the only 2 I could think of.

vanessa mae - violin player... :D

She's getting a little old for me, but I still love Vanessa anyway! :D

old or not, she's welcome to play my violin any time :o

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tiger isnot a remarkable man. he is the greatest golfer ever, that should be enuff.

i asked the wrong question people, sorry. what i wanted to know was is theur any thai chicks or dudes famous to non asian countries. before i found out about los 4 years ago i wouldnt have been able to name one famous thai.

to be fair i couldnt name too many famous asian from any asian country. asians just dont prosper in west celebrity wise.

Edited by blizzard
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"My GF says that he and his mother have both said things in the past that were considered uncomplimentary towards Thailand and so they are not that popular"

Unfortunatly Thais don't seem to realize how at Luk Krung of a black american servicemen and local were thought of in the recent past and how this might just affect a young tiger. Check Siamsquares post. His mom has said some uncomplementary things? :o

I bet she has good reason. You Go Ma!

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both - tiger woods & vanessa mae, were offered thai citizenship only after they became famous - both refused

....which only goes to show that they have their feet firmly on the ground. :o

we can debate their personal reasons, but you can be absolutely sure which side of the fence has been hypocrites!

Edited by Payboy
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besides tata and tiger can you name some famous thais. famous outside of los. taksin dont count.

James Wattana and Paradorn Srichaphan would be the only 2 I could think of.

vanessa mae - violin player... :o

But like Tiger, Vanessa was born and raised outside Thailand, in Singapore. When you think of it, it's very hard to name any Thais who have achieved acclaim or achievements in arts & culture in the world. This is not a put-down for Thais, but just an observation. In fact, for a country the size of England or France, it's quite surprising.

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I think those who have only heard "good things about Tiger" from locals are likely just being told what they want to hear -along the lines of: "you handsum man, love you too much, and Thai man no good"-. In general -and I have nothing against Tiger myself- the Tiger summary is usually along the lines of: great golfer, too bad his mom was probably a prostitute, and too bad he's half black (meant negatively). Racism is alive and well in the LOS, no matter what minor level of PC'ness you hear from the minority of local folks who are in direct contact with foreigners.


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He doesn't associate himself with Thailand because when he started to get good at golf and went to try out for the national team they wouldn't let him because he was black and they also said that his mother was a "rented wife"

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besides tata and tiger can you name some famous thais. famous outside of los. taksin dont count.

James Wattana and Paradorn Srichaphan would be the only 2 I could think of.

vanessa mae - violin player... :D

But like Tiger, Vanessa was born and raised outside Thailand, in Singapore. When you think of it, it's very hard to name any Thais who have achieved acclaim or achievements in arts & culture in the world. This is not a put-down for Thais, but just an observation. In fact, for a country the size of England or France, it's quite surprising.

How about Tera Patrick? :o Can't see that starchy old maid in the Orwellian-sounding Ministry Of Culture rushing to adopt her as a symbol of Thailand, but she fits a lot of people's perceptions of the place... :D

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