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Man Rams Benz Into Bus Passengers, Killing One


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some of our posters seem to think that the Thai justice system is somewhat different the the ones in the west.

some of those poster from a very ""high moral ground"" seem to reflect the notion that this system is treating the rich and pooyai differently then the common people.... Wow what a revelation!!!

does OJ Simpson ring a bell??

Michael Jackson Ring a bell??

President of France with a very elaborate wine expanses?

president Clinton??

Do rich people and famous people get away with it only in Thailand??

Let's examine a couple of your examples: <br>

1. OJ Simpson APPEARED IN COURT during the entire length of his trial. He did not get a six month extension like Moo Ham. Additionally, when the verdict of the court went in favor of Simpson, the victim's family sued AND WON for wrongful death (something that will never happen here). No comparison whatsoever.<br>

2. President Clinton was impeached according to the constitutional laws regarding presidents who commit crimes while in office. This case is a travesty of justice as it was the Republican Party who strung this along and blew it (sorry for the pun) way out of proportion. You don't see the Republican Party doing the same t Bush, do you? <br><br>

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As somebody said earlier ' get off their fat &lt;deleted&gt;' and protest. One thinks civil war will be the only thing that will change the heirarchy. They could not care less what the world thinks, just look how they are behaving in their own country.

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Look, if the victim doesn't want him to go to jail and would gladly accept a small payment, why are you getting so worked up about the rich taking the chance?

Because it creates a 2 tier legal system.

A fairer solution would be if the victim doesnt wish for the attacker to go to jail he/she should gladly be given the right to kill or seriously injure the attacker.

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some of our posters seem to think that the Thai justice system is somewhat different the the ones in the west.

some of those poster from a very ""high moral ground"" seem to reflect the notion that this system is treating the rich and pooyai differently then the common people.... Wow what a revelation!!!

does OJ Simpson ring a bell??

Michael Jackson Ring a bell??

President of France with a very elaborate wine expanses?

president Clinton??

Do rich people and famous people get away with it only in Thailand??

Let's examine a couple of your examples: <br>

1. OJ Simpson APPEARED IN COURT during the entire length of his trial. He did not get a six month extension like Moo Ham. Additionally, when the verdict of the court went in favor of Simpson, the victim's family sued AND WON for wrongful death (something that will never happen here). No comparison whatsoever.<br>

2. President Clinton was impeached according to the constitutional laws regarding presidents who commit crimes while in office. This case is a travesty of justice as it was the Republican Party who strung this along and blew it (sorry for the pun) way out of proportion. You don't see the Republican Party doing the same t Bush, do you? <br><br>

My point exactly that the rich, famous with the right connections and good lawyers will always get away with it.

it can be in Thailand as else where in the world. injustice and abuse of the leagal sytem is not limited to Thailand's rich.

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some of our posters seem to think that the Thai justice system is somewhat different the the ones in the west.

some of those poster from a very ""high moral ground"" seem to reflect the notion that this system is treating the rich and pooyai differently then the common people.... Wow what a revelation!!!

does OJ Simpson ring a bell??

Michael Jackson Ring a bell??

President of France with a very elaborate wine expanses?

president Clinton??

Do rich people and famous people get away with it only in Thailand??

In all the above cases you mention there, was room for reasonable doubt, but a broad day light running over of a crowd at a bus stop is hardly comparable, also the night club case of Duncherlem shooting someone was again not a case of reasonable doubt. Injustice is everywhere, but here if you are rich your unlikely to go to jail for almost virtually anything! I doubt that in the States or the UK you would still be driving around after running into a crowd deliberately. But this subject is not really about those countries it is about poor people being rail roaded blatently at the expense of the rich here in Thailand.

I beg to differ on your conclusions... not about injustice and rich getting away with it but the appearances that this is limited to Thailand as some posters have tried to amplify.

As for the above cases that you mention as having a "reasonable doubt"... :o thats where the fact you are rich comes into play.

the richer you are the better lawyers and legal defense you can afford so when the case goes to court is has nothing to do any more with justice it has to do with who's side has a better legal team. and if your legal team are the best money can buy they will always find a reason to get you of.

have you ever seen the prices the best lawyers charge?? why do you think they charge this?? do you know how much OJ's lawyer chrged for defending him?? do you think someone with out cash would have had the benefit of such a great legal defense?

you mentioned the word deliberately. that is very easy to say but very difficult to prove in court as deliberately suggests a state of mind. and proving ones state of mind at the time of the incident is something that can very easily be casted with the reasonable doubt.

At the end of the day there is only one legal system but it is not fair here in Thailand as in other countries. if you are Rich you can afford a good lawyer who will get you of or will get much less then the poor who can not afford a the best lawyers.

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some of our posters seem to think that the Thai justice system is somewhat different the the ones in the west.

some of those poster from a very ""high moral ground"" seem to reflect the notion that this system is treating the rich and pooyai differently then the common people.... Wow what a revelation!!!

does OJ Simpson ring a bell??

Michael Jackson Ring a bell??

President of France with a very elaborate wine expanses?

president Clinton??

Do rich people and famous people get away with it only in Thailand??

In all the above cases you mention there, was room for reasonable doubt, but a broad day light running over of a crowd at a bus stop is hardly comparable, also the night club case of Duncherlem shooting someone was again not a case of reasonable doubt. Injustice is everywhere, but here if you are rich your unlikely to go to jail for almost virtually anything! I doubt that in the States or the UK you would still be driving around after running into a crowd deliberately. But this subject is not really about those countries it is about poor people being rail roaded blatently at the expense of the rich here in Thailand.

I beg to differ on your conclusions... not about injustice and rich getting away with it but the appearances that this is limited to Thailand as some posters have tried to amplify.

As for the above cases that you mention as having a "reasonable doubt"... :o thats where the fact you are rich comes into play.

the richer you are the better lawyers and legal defense you can afford so when the case goes to court is has nothing to do any more with justice it has to do with who's side has a better legal team. and if your legal team are the best money can buy they will always find a reason to get you of.

have you ever seen the prices the best lawyers charge?? why do you think they charge this?? do you know how much OJ's lawyer chrged for defending him?? do you think someone with out cash would have had the benefit of such a great legal defense?

you mentioned the word deliberately. that is very easy to say but very difficult to prove in court as deliberately suggests a state of mind. and proving ones state of mind at the time of the incident is something that can very easily be casted with the reasonable doubt.

At the end of the day there is only one legal system but it is not fair here in Thailand as in other countries. if you are Rich you can afford a good lawyer who will get you of or will get much less then the poor who can not afford a the best lawyers.

If say in England the Earl Grosvenor son the Duke of Westminster one of the richest men in the country, had done the same, despite his father's money and influence he would be in jail. The difference is that being rich in England in such a high profile case might get you a better solicitor (and possibly bail), but you wouldn't get off, but here you will that is the difference! No justice system is perfect and never will be, but to make comparison between the UK system and the Thai one is like comparing chalk and cheese, so let us just stick to the cheese.

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My point exactly that the rich, famous with the right connections and good lawyers will always get away with it.

Not true at all. Although money definitely helps, rich people with the best lawyers and connections go to prison in America every day. It's easy to pick a few famous cases where the rich didn't go to prison. It's just as easy to find thousands of cases where the rich did go to prison.

Here are several examples that received national news coverage:

Kenneth Lay and other Enron executives (as a major political donor and good friend of George Bush, he was rich and about as connected as you can get but still convicted of fraud)

Bernard Ebbers and other WorldCom executives (convicted for securities fraud, among other things, no parole possible until he's almost 90 years old)

Jack Abramoff (This lobbyist's conviction led to convictions of White House officials, a Congressman, and other lobbyists)

Roman Polanski (pled guilty raping a 13 year old girl, then fled the US and still a fugitive from US)

Leona Helmsley (multibillionaire real estate investor convicted for tax evasion)

Norman Hsu (Democratic fundraiser who was discovered to be a fugitive for past investment crimes)

Michael Skakel (Kennedy family member convicted of murder)

Randall “Duke” Cunningham (congresman who took bribes)

Andrew Luster (Max Factor heir serving life sentence without possibility of parole for several drug assisted rapes)

Elliot Spitzer, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Gary Condit, James Mc Greevy, Bob Livingston... (although Clinton was able to keep his job, the list of American politicians to lose their jobs over 'inappropriate' sexual behavior made public is a long one)

The list goes on and on but thousands of America's rich and mighty have served time in prison in the US. Also note, that none of the above crimes were as out in the open and blatant as Mu Ham's crime and the best lawyers in the country weren't able to keep their rich clients from going to prison.

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My point exactly that the rich, famous with the right connections and good lawyers will always get away with it.

Not true at all. Although money definitely helps, rich people with the best lawyers and connections go to prison in America every day. It's easy to pick a few famous cases where the rich didn't go to prison. It's just as easy to find thousands of cases where the rich did go to prison.

Here are several examples that received national news coverage:

Kenneth Lay and other Enron executives (as a major political donor and good friend of George Bush, he was rich and about as connected as you can get but still convicted of fraud)

Bernard Ebbers and other WorldCom executives (convicted for securities fraud, among other things, no parole possible until he's almost 90 years old)

Jack Abramoff (This lobbyist's conviction led to convictions of White House officials, a Congressman, and other lobbyists)

Roman Polanski (pled guilty raping a 13 year old girl, then fled the US and still a fugitive from US)

Leona Helmsley (multibillionaire real estate investor convicted for tax evasion)

Norman Hsu (Democratic fundraiser who was discovered to be a fugitive for past investment crimes)

Michael Skakel (Kennedy family member convicted of murder)

Randall “Duke” Cunningham (congresman who took bribes)

Andrew Luster (Max Factor heir serving life sentence without possibility of parole for several drug assisted rapes)

Elliot Spitzer, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Gary Condit, James Mc Greevy, Bob Livingston... (although Clinton was able to keep his job, the list of American politicians to lose their jobs over 'inappropriate' sexual behavior made public is a long one)

The list goes on and on but thousands of America's rich and mighty have served time in prison in the US. Also note, that none of the above crimes were as out in the open and blatant as Mu Ham's crime and the best lawyers in the country weren't able to keep their rich clients from going to prison.

Don't forget the heroine to whom we all aspire as well: Martha Stewart

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some of our posters seem to think that the Thai justice system is somewhat different the the ones in the west.

some of those poster from a very ""high moral ground"" seem to reflect the notion that this system is treating the rich and pooyai differently then the common people.... Wow what a revelation!!!

does OJ Simpson ring a bell??

Michael Jackson Ring a bell??

President of France with a very elaborate wine expanses?

president Clinton??

Do rich people and famous people get away with it only in Thailand??

In all the above cases you mention there, was room for reasonable doubt, but a broad day light running over of a crowd at a bus stop is hardly comparable, also the night club case of Duncherlem shooting someone was again not a case of reasonable doubt. Injustice is everywhere, but here if you are rich your unlikely to go to jail for almost virtually anything! I doubt that in the States or the UK you would still be driving around after running into a crowd deliberately. But this subject is not really about those countries it is about poor people being rail roaded blatently at the expense of the rich here in Thailand.

Well said. I can name you lots of rich people in the US that are in jail or have been in jail - here are just a few: Conrad Black, Martha Stewart, the Enron guy, Mike Tyson...Of course (with the exception of Tyson) they committed the most dastardly of all American crimes - money crimes! You can bet high flying executives in the US are now thinking a lot harder before deciding to swindle, etc., That's my main point - until the rich hi-sos in Thailand start doing real time in a shit-hole Thai prison, they will continue to act with impunity. There's no incentive for them to change..

Edited by thaigene2
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Of course in the Philippines and some other countries they just kill the guy.

Yeah, like the "good old" U.S. of A:

Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who wrote a series of stories linking the CIA to crack cocaine trafficking in Los Angeles, is dead at age 49. Webb was found Friday morning at his home in Sacramento County, dead of an apparent suicide (shot twice in the head).


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Of course in the Philippines and some other countries they just kill the guy.

Yeah, like the "good old" U.S. of A:

Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who wrote a series of stories linking the CIA to crack cocaine trafficking in Los Angeles, is dead at age 49. Webb was found Friday morning at his home in Sacramento County, dead of an apparent suicide (shot twice in the head).


Mmm, sounds like another normal day in Pattaya. :o

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some of our posters seem to think that the Thai justice system is somewhat different the the ones in the west.

some of those poster from a very ""high moral ground"" seem to reflect the notion that this system is treating the rich and pooyai differently then the common people.... Wow what a revelation!!!

does OJ Simpson ring a bell??

Michael Jackson Ring a bell??

President of France with a very elaborate wine expanses?

president Clinton??

Do rich people and famous people get away with it only in Thailand??

]In all the above cases you mention there, was room for reasonable doubt, but a broad day light running over of a crowd at a bus stop is hardly comparable, also the night club case of Duncherlem shooting someone was again not a case of reasonable doubt. Injustice is everywhere, but here if you are rich your unlikely to go to jail for almost virtually anything! I doubt that in the States or the UK you would still be driving around after running into a crowd deliberately. But this subject is not really about those countries it is about poor people being rail roaded blatently at the expense of the rich here in Thailand.

Well said. I can name you lots of rich people in the US that are in jail or have been in jail - here are just a few: Conrad Black, Martha Stewart, the Enron guy, Mike Tyson...Of course (with the exception of Tyson) they committed the most dastardly of all American crimes - money crimes! You can bet high flying executives in the US are now thinking a lot harder before deciding to swindle, etc., That's my main point - until the rich hi-sos in Thailand start doing real time in a shit-hole Thai prison, they will continue to act with impunity. There's no incentive for them to change..

there are also many rich Thai people that went and served time or were punished. and there are many that got away or got of easy.

the fact remains the same.

if you are rich or your daddy is rich you will be able to afford a good lawyer and a considering judge and get of with less punishment then the average joe.

this applies not only to Thailand as some posters want to display but to anywhere in the world.

the the real issue here is if a wealthy brat will pay for his crime and not Thailand's rich are untouchable... they are treated the same as any upper class anywhere else in the world.

I found the following paper that relates to the USA.

Upper Class Evading Punishment

We all see it over and over again, how the upper class status provides immunity to violent and non-violent crimials. In most cases, convicts who are from the upper-class, are more likely to be paroled at the earliest possible date, whereas the less fortunate lower-class convicted person may have to see out their full sentence. Willaim Domhoff a sociologist, provides a number of criteria that distinguished the uppermost social status from all others. A person is considered a member of the upper class if his/her father was a millionaire entrepreneur, 300,000 a year corporation executive, or attended any of the 130 private schools listed in the back of Kavaler's THER PRIVATE WORK OF HOGH SOCIETY, or it they belonged to any of the exclusive clubs mentioned in Baltzell's PHILADELPHIA GENTEMAN, "The Making Of A National Upper Class."

For all the above listed reasons, a judge is more likely to suspend sentence, and impose community sanctions such as probation rather than imprisonment, or impose a very light punishmnet when the accused is found guilty. It is clearly seen in our society how money and power change with one another, as money alters the lifestyles of a persons future and the way they are treated by the courts. The upper class rapidly see these effects when they are born into a wealthy family. There is a considerable belief that public humiliation is a great penalty to suffer for an upper class person, making further punishments less desirable than for a lower class person. When they do commit crimes it is seen in a more acceptable manner and even in some of the most horrendous crimes (William Domhoff 130-131). Due to their wealth and status, the upper-class frequently are able to secure highly respected citizens of their community as witnesses, which enhances reputation and character in their effort to acquit themselves. They can point to a record of highly visible community service programs and occupational successes that assists them in destroying their criminal image as a criminal that they fell the jury will listen to.

A leading sociologist, William Domhoff states, they may have a powerful connection, friendship, kinship, or business affiliations with the judge, prosecutor, or others who are in an influential position. This so called hush hush syndrome of the upper-class, is able to destroy the balance in our justice system which leads to monetary bribes and political business appointments to law enforcement officials or jurors.

When the upper-class do provide testimony to the court, their occupation and their social status assists them to speak convincingly in maintaining their innocence or rationalizing for their humanistic errors. Due to their intellect and education, they are both socially and intellectually superior to the police officials, judge or jury, and most of the courts' personnel. They represent a class that has been conditioned to be treated with deference and respect, whose story their class culture has predisposed them to accept, In addition they have considerable knowledge pertaining to the courts processing system which assist them in conducting their defense. By way of their high level of sophistication and education, they are able to display their intelligence, money, and status to protect them when brought to trail.

Along with their vast monetary resources, they usually can afford a very high priced attorney, who can make a skillful defense for them in counteracting the prosecution's case. An upper-class person not only has a tremendous social advantage when it comes to monetary superiority, but they also receive legal assistance from within the prosecutors office as well, (Domhoff 200). Many of these persons provide political contributions to the prosecutor's office, which assists them greatly in their time of need, especially when it comes time to mount a legal defense.

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I really don't understand what these posts have got to do with a man driving a mercedes into bus passengers.

So how is it with the case against this Ham Noi.

I really want to follow this case and not all the other bs that is thrown in here. Start a new topic if needed.

I was hoping to see some results but everytime a new posts gets in here it is about something else.

I agree... apparently the other thread being deleted was not enough of a clue...

anyway, returning to topic of the thread... how much does it cost to get away with smacking someone in the head with a rock???

not much...

Mu Ham, bus driver agree on damages

One of five victims has settled his injury claim resulting from a road rage incident in which Kanpithak Pachimsawat drove his Mercedes into a crowd of bus passengers. Bus driver Sathaporn Arunsiri, who received head injuries when Kanpithak hit him with a rock, agreed to take 50,000 baht in compensation, after entering negotiations at the provincial court in Phra Khanong yesterday. Kanpithak's father Kan-anek made the offer. However, he failed to reach any settlement with the other four victims whose damages claims reach six and seven-digit figures. The businessman said he would consider the possibility of compensating the four in other forms than cash. *Perhaps a 30% discount off the rack-rate for a 2-night stay at the Landmark Hotel (although granted it has yet to be established Dad is the owner)* The court said a new round of talks would be held on May 6. Kanpithak, better known by his nickname Mu Ham, 20, ran his Mercedes into a crowd at a bus stop last July, killing one person and injuring several others. He faces several charges in

Continued here:


Made an offer he / they can,t refuse comes to mind.

No wonder the so called upper class get away with all they do.

Do Thailands so called under privilidged really deserve better....... i would certainly hope so.

One thing for sure is the nutter in the merc needs putting somewhere out of harms way, least of all for his own wellbeing and mental state.

&lt;deleted&gt; do his family think they are doing apart from the obvious of ignoring the continued displays of a mentally unstable / dangerous individual who is their son.

He needs councilling in a secure establishment and needs to be kept out of harms way until he can prove his mental state is acceptable and stable!!!!!!!!


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Yiahaaaa, yes lets imprison or kill the mentally ill, let the ones responsible for the way society handle the mentally ill go free. :o ( and yes lets at the same time make sure all future babies have blue eyes and blond hair)

Judging from a few of the lynch mob comments here, it is safe to say , that there is quite a few posters here, that can be pretty sure they will go same way if they are ever found out, take cover guys the hangman for the mentally ill might be waiting round the corner just for you :D

Well, if i ever drive a car into a crowd of people because the bus they were riding in came too close to my car, i think "they" would be completely justified in locking me up. No one here has said the kid should be locked up for being different or strange or manic depressive or bi-polar or delusional or whatever he may be. He drove his Mercedes Benz that his parents bought for him into a crowd of innocent people. I'm sorry, I'm stilll having trouble understanding what lets him off legally and morally for doing that.

Jail? What would happen is that you would be dragged out of the car & ripped apart like 6 Dobermans on a rabbit. They would be sweeping up your body parts with a whisk broom.

Rage among youth is a real big problem today. Check out the music they listen to: Slipknot et al. They are pissed off & they don't need a reason to get violent.

If the shrinks could ever rehabilitate this fool I would say lock him up for 20 more for vehicular manslaughter. Just MHO.

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but let's not forget that three leaders of the Western world were re-elected by the populace after it had been shown that they had lied and led their countries into war. The damage and devastation caused by those actions dwarf the topic at hand
But it's not the topic at hand, is it?

Please leave your liberal soapbox bullshit for other threads. I thinks you'll find quite a few of them. Thanks.

Excuse me for raising something that you obviously didnt feel relevant to your idea of how the debate should be going. If you read prior posts in the thread some members where stating that the Thais continued to accept such behaviour with ambilvalence. A little perspective sometimes does not go amiss when slating an entire race of people. Can I suggest you aim your indignation at generalisations as opposed to members who try and diffuse such thoughts? If keeping the thread solely on topic is so important to you why did you stray off it to reply to my post?

Enough said, I am taking my liberal butt to enjoy a single parent left handed vegetarian smoothie.

With regards the young man in the car, does anyone have an idea of how he will now be perceived by his peers. It is easy for us to assume they will just laugh it off, but I was wondering if anyone out there in the know could actually say how the rich upper class view others in their group who behave in such ways. Afterall his arrogance and neglect has brought their power to the public debate forum. Whilst it is not being debated it is still safe in their hands. Make it global news and the law makers may decide to take it from them. How do they treat people who interfere with the status quo?

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A fast reply and a honest one would be to look at the past history, Judical, military, and democratic, of Thailand and her punishment of various crimes or precieved crimes by persons who are, were, or maybe, Government payees or from the monied group. I really do not think the " rich upper class" is real concerned with how their peers treat or are precieved by the rest of the people. With the memory of the people that I see here about certain things (face and Money) not included, I doubt if the next weekend get together will include the topic of their adventures.

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Regarding Highdiver's point..

I agree with you that the hi-so's in the Western world are treated differently by society and the courts. But our posts above about the US vs Thailand is quite accurate - in the US rich people can and do go to jail - and that acts as a dterrent in my view - while here there is no deterrent as rich people don;t go to jail.

As to your main point, yes, there are lots of existing sociological theories that those from the 'upper and middle' classes esp in America (but also other countries - the UK certainly comes to mind) are given special treatment. In fact it goes much further than that - these segments CONTROL society via the so-called 'free' media. The media are usually commercially controlled and exist to sell things - not to broadcast the 'news' to inform you every night. The media itself is made up largely of upper-middle class people who are of a similar mindset - and often dominated by certain racial stereotypes - white (anglo-saxon or jewish) with a master's degree. The BBC comes to mind - many of the reporters and editors are ox-bridge grads with little connection to the lives of 'ordinary' people (in Britain that means about 95% of everyone elee).

Doesn't mean they don;t care about the lives of everyone else - they certainly do report on the downsides of being in the 'underclass' - which probably means most people. It's just that they can't really relate to it.

So the end result is that the rich and upper middle class are seen as the 'normal' good-character types who are trying to run the world in a way that is to help everyone - when in reality they want to maintain the class divides and do so through racial and ethnic stereotyping, limiting access to tertiary education and then throwing an extra measure in to that by allowing only chidlren of the 'elites' to attend 'elite' universities to remind everyone who's boss.

It happens everywhere you're right. But at the end of the day - you can be Lord Whomever of Wherever in the UK and still go to jail if you rape and kill your maid. And that's a good thing - here in Thailand? I doubt it very much don't you if your last name was 'na' something or other...or Summatijenpronwong..etc? Jing?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Any update on this story?

(It had slid down to Page 4 of this Forum - and I know many are still interested.)

The most important update here came from 'sriracha john' many days ago!

He showed the link between the obnoxious father of the (allegedly) murderous son:

The Landmark Hotel.

It is on THOSE steps where all we who (uniquely in my less than humble view) feel so strongly about this obscene tragedy must make their protests known and felt!

And please, mods, don't delete this one too! An appeal to show peaceful, legal, support for a just cause can't possibly be legally actionable..................!!?

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Any update on this story?

(It had slid down to Page 4 of this Forum - and I know many are still interested.)

The most important update here came from 'sriracha john' many days ago!

He showed the link between the obnoxious father of the (allegedly) murderous son:

The Landmark Hotel.

It is on THOSE steps where all we who (uniquely in my less than humble view) feel so strongly about this obscene tragedy must make their protests known and felt!

And please, mods, don't delete this one too! An appeal to show peaceful, legal, support for a just cause can't possibly be legally actionable..................!!?

So then it is confirmed is it - the Landmark Hotel ownership? Now then more to the point - can we flag the real court date when the 'honest' judge must make his/her verdicts - and is there a way to re-flag a day or so before to alert members?

Edited by thaigene2
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Mu Ham, bus driver agree on damages

One of five victims has settled his injury claim resulting from a road rage incident in which Kanpithak Pachimsawat drove his Mercedes into a crowd of bus passengers. Bus driver Sathaporn Arunsiri, who received head injuries when Kanpithak hit him with a rock, agreed to take 50,000 baht in compensation, after entering negotiations at the provincial court in Phra Khanong yesterday. Kanpithak's father Kan-anek made the offer. However, he failed to reach any settlement with the other four victims whose damages claims reach six and seven-digit figures. The businessman said he would consider the possibility of compensating the four in other forms than cash. *Perhaps a 30% discount off the rack-rate for a 2-night stay at the Landmark Hotel (although granted it has yet to be established Dad is the owner)* The court said a new round of talks would be held on May 6. Kanpithak, better known by his nickname Mu Ham, 20, ran his Mercedes into a crowd at a bus stop last July, killing one person and injuring several others. He faces several charges in

Continued here:


The most important update here came from 'sriracha john' many days ago!

He showed the link between the obnoxious father of the (allegedly) murderous son:

The Landmark Hotel.

So then it is confirmed is it - the Landmark Hotel ownership?

The father's ownership of the Landmark Hotel has NOT been established.... not by me, anyway.

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  • 4 months later...
Any update on this story?

(It had slid down to Page 4 of this Forum - and I know many are still interested.)

The most important update here came from 'sriracha john' many days ago!

He showed the link between the obnoxious father of the (allegedly) murderous son:

The Landmark Hotel.

It is on THOSE steps where all we who (uniquely in my less than humble view) feel so strongly about this obscene tragedy must make their protests known and felt!

And please, mods, don't delete this one too! An appeal to show peaceful, legal, support for a just cause can't possibly be legally actionable..................!!?

So then it is confirmed is it - the Landmark Hotel ownership? Now then more to the point - can we flag the real court date when the 'honest' judge must make his/her verdicts - and is there a way to re-flag a day or so before to alert members?

It's been so quiet for some time now.

Let's not forget this.

When is the court date??

November? Or is all already forgotten.

This story is still sickening me.

Anybody with an update??

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  • 2 months later...

It's been so quiet for some time now.

Let's not forget this.

When is the court date??

November? Or is all already forgotten.

This story is still sickening me.

Anybody with an update??

I was thinking about this the other day.

Does anyone have an update on what happened to Moo Ham, or was the case not pursued, & victims adequately paid off by his mummy and daddy ?

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This brings upsomething that has had me wondering for some time. Whilst the arrests and charges get plenty of publicity I very rarely see any coverage of the actual court proceedings, verdicts and punishments (if any). Is this because the proceedings take a very long time to come to court, settlements are made before reaching court,(as seems to be the case here, at least in the case of one of the victims.

It seems to me to be appalling that the father of the scumbag father seems to be able to buy his scumbag sons freedom with the aquiessance of the Thai judiciary. Just more proof that the whole Thai legal/political machine is a joke, all that is needed is large amounts of cash and you can buy anything you want. From a a bargirl or a traffic cop, to the highest positions in Goverment, its all up for sale to the highest bidder. Still, theres plenty of countries nearby that are worse, the Phils for one.

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This brings upsomething that has had me wondering for some time. Whilst the arrests and charges get plenty of publicity I very rarely see any coverage of the actual court proceedings, verdicts and punishments (if any). Is this because the proceedings take a very long time to come to court, settlements are made before reaching court,(as seems to be the case here, at least in the case of one of the victims.

It seems to me to be appalling that the father of the scumbag father seems to be able to buy his scumbag sons freedom with the aquiessance of the Thai judiciary. Just more proof that the whole Thai legal/political machine is a joke, all that is needed is large amounts of cash and you can buy anything you want. From a a bargirl or a traffic cop, to the highest positions in Goverment, its all up for sale to the highest bidder. Still, theres plenty of countries nearby that are worse, the Phils for one.

Just so. They have laws for everything and convenient adjustable goalposts that can be almost touching or as wide as is necessary , depending on who's kicking the ball. Which is why when people refer to recent well publicised court decisions ' setting a precedent ' , they just havn't been looking long enough or hard enough.

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Just more proof that the whole Thai legal/political machine is a joke, all that is needed is large amounts of cash and you can buy anything you want.

Modest amounts of cash are often more than enough. Long live the status quo.

And for folks in general (IMO most TV'ers included... the ones still in country, even the ones who gave up or quit Thailand and are only living here in memory), deep down, they really like the way things are as well.


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