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Tucker Carlson out at Fox News

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Fox News and Tucker Carlson, the right-wing extremist who hosted the network’s highly rated 8pm hour, have severed ties, the network said in a stunning announcement Monday.

The announcement came one week after Fox News settled a monster defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5 million over the network’s dissemination of election lies.

Fox News said that Carlson’s last show was Friday, April 21.


Tucker Carlson was a key figure in Dominion Voting Systems’ mammoth defamation lawsuit against Fox News, which the parties settled last week on the brink of trial for a historic $787 million.

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Good for Tucker.


I mean that in the same spirit, I might say, "Hitler? Say what you will, but no one rocked the brown suit look better".


Tucker can do his own thing like Meghan Kelly. His brand is bigger than Fox's brand at this point. It's a shallow bench at Fox, so now maybe a third Jesse Watters show in his time slot?


Will Tucker have longevity as an indie or will he fade like Glen Beck?  He'll have to really ramp up the Q-anon to keep the fervor going, but really, who better?


If I'm a militia crazy who has some dynamite and a plan, who's my first call? Not has-been Hannity. I look forward to his exciting new direction (joke from Spinal Tap).

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It was great to see baldie Bongino bounced too.


I loved his stammering and implausible, "we just couldn't come to contract terms", like it was a gentleman's disagreement instead of a bum's rush and a butt kick onto the 6th Avenue pavement.


In the right wing world, a lot of cranks are trying to clamber into the few paying lifeboats. Time for the nickel a word gig at The American Spectator? That means another conservative has-been has to give up a byline.


Is Maria Bartiromo cleaning out her desk and cancelling future balloon-like lip implants to save money?


I'd take that bet.


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Let us now reflect nostalgically on the era of reveling in "liberal tears".


Shoe's on the other foot now and that trend is just getting rolling.


Sometimes, I forward bits from here to other political board posters. Trump as a "nonconformist" got about 15 laughs. 

So please, Trump boneheads, more, please more.

Edited by LaosLover
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Carlson spoke at an event on Friday for the conservative Heritage Foundation, at which he formerly was a copy editor and fact checker at the organization’s now defunct policy review quarterly. 

Heritage president Kevin Roberts said after Carlson’s speech: “If things go south for Fox News, there’s always a job for you here.”

“You’ve saved me before,” Carlson replied. 



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7 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Heritage president Kevin Roberts said after Carlson’s speech: “If things go south for Fox News, there’s always a job for you here.”

“You’ve saved me before,” Carlson replied. 



Again I must cite Spinal Tap:


Going from Fox superstar to Heritage Foundation spokesperson is like when they went from playing stadiums to opening for a puppet show.


He'll do his own thing, no shortage of backers.


No teary last show means he was fired and fired hard.


They're going to rotate hosts in his time slot, so that means he was also fired fast. He's sitting in a low rent bar with Dan Bongino singing, "Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?".

Edited by LaosLover
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Carlson was recently named in a lawsuit filed by Abby Grossberg, a Fox News producer fired after claiming that Fox lawyers had pressured her to give misleading testimony in the Dominion lawsuit. Grossberg had gone to work for Carlson after leaving Maria Bartiromo’s Fox show.


Her lawsuit says that Grossberg learned “she had merely traded in one overtly misogynistic work environment for an even crueler one — this time, one where unprofessionalism reigned supreme, and the staff’s distaste and disdain for women infiltrated almost every workday decision.”


Fox has countered with its own lawsuit, trying to bar Grossberg from disclosing confidential discussions with Fox attorneys and saying in a statement that “her allegations in connection with the Dominion case are baseless.”





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28 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

'I am stunned': Don Lemon announces that he's been 'terminated' by CNN



Lemon had been digging himself a hole lately, as the Raw Story article explains regarding some of his recent antics...


But it does go to show the difference between a place like CNN, that still aspires to maintain a proper work environment while also pursuing responsible journalism, vs. a propaganda spewing sexist nuthouse like Fox which allowed its loonies to run amok in the asylum for years with little apparent intervention, because it suited Rupurt Murdoch's finances.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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1 minute ago, ozimoron said:

Carlson was recently named in a lawsuit filed by Abby Grossberg, a Fox News producer fired after claiming that Fox lawyers had pressured her to give misleading testimony in the Dominion lawsuit. Grossberg had gone to work for Carlson after leaving Maria Bartiromo’s Fox show.


Her lawsuit says that Grossberg learned “she had merely traded in one overtly misogynistic work environment for an even crueler one — this time, one where unprofessionalism reigned supreme, and the staff’s distaste and disdain for women infiltrated almost every workday decision.”


Fox has countered with its own lawsuit, trying to bar Grossberg from disclosing confidential discussions with Fox attorneys and saying in a statement that “her allegations in connection with the Dominion case are baseless.”





She's got the receipts and another giant check writing is at hand.


His sitting devoutly like a dim witted Irish Setter during the Trump interview (more of a rapt listening session) after say how much he hated him was sweet. 


I was hoping for more humiliation for him before the inevitable heave-ho, but he'll take care of that himself.


He called Sydney Powell a rhymes with runt. Classy.

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Will anybody miss Tucker's nightly scaremongering diatribes?


"This has never happened in the U.S. before"

"You're freedoms are at risk because of this"

"This is a dark moment in our history"

"It's hard to believe this is happening"

"This is the end of the First Amendment"


I guess his ever fattening face will still show up somewhere else..dammit.


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3 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

So he's finally moving to RT where he belongs.

Rod Dreher, another right wing loser I follow for laughs, got bounced from American Conservative for going too weird on the pedo issue.


He's now working at a Hungarian think tank. So basically a foreign agent.


But Tucker will have better options.


We must take a moment to laugh out loud at the nonconformist right wing blogosphere.


As I understand it, noncomformist means penniless and cheapskate. George Neidermeyer, a conservative catholic blogger died recently in Africa while chasing some bit of fat dashiki-wearing strange.


He said before he died on his twitter that his best ever year as a conservative journalist was about $32K and he was living with his sister in central Florida -which is like Haiti for white bible thumpers.


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When Fox came out with the statement they "adhered to the highest standards of professional journalism" at the end of the Dominion case, I wondered who they would pick to say it on air with a straight face. Not Tucker Carlson, apparently.


His firing may well rebound on Fox, unless there is a non-disclosure clause. Fox paid out $787.5 million, basically to prevent Murdoch, Hannity, Carlson et al from being forced to take the witness stand. In the upcoming Smartmatic case, Carlson could do more damage.


I have never been a shareholder in News Corporation or Fox. If I was, I would want Murdoch's head on a platter. Tucker Carlson and any who follow him out the door are merely scapegoats.

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Slate has a theory that Fox has wanted to dump him for a while, partic over his claim that no riot at the capitol happened -at all- but were afraid of him turning on them during the Dominion Trial.


Settlement done, time to take out the trash. 


Fox's new problem is that just generally going after "The Media" and "The Liberal CRT Conspiracy" is too vague and unsexy. They need a new hate object to go into a rage about like Goldstein in 1984.


But Hillary isn't returning their calls.


We had the "nonconformist" here the other day, raging about coma-victim Biden, but hate-wise, Biden is a hard sell. Hence, now nonconformists go after the "The Biden Crime Family", which is rather pointedly not about Biden himself. 


Antifa? Vanished without a trace. Black Lives Matter? On a l-o-n-g vacation.


What lefty boogie man can they now invent to keep dim wits and uh, nonconformists amped up? Time for another "caravan" arriving at our border that never seems to actually get there?

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6 hours ago, JensenZ said:

Don Lemon was fired from CNN today too. What's your take on him? 

Both CNN and FOX  news suck. 


Give me BBC, AL Jazeera,  or other sites if I want to catch up on the day's news. 

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