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I'll say it again, the Direct Express card is EXPENSIVE to use outside the U.S. and is a card probably best suited for an "unbanked" person.   While opening a bank account in Thailand can be challenging at some banks and for some people, the opening of a Thai bank account is still quite doable for the great majority of folks. 


And by EXPENSIVE I mean if you use it in a Thai ATM there will be a Direct Express card fee of $3 "plus" 3% of amount withdrawn and then you also have the Thai bank ATM fee of Bt220.   This means if a person used the card to withdraw Bt30,000 then another approx Bt1,222 in fees would be applied---OUCH!!!!!   But if the person had their SSA pension direct deposited to their Thai bank acct (assuming they want the pension paid to their Thai bank acct) a Bt30,000 withdrawal would cost zero in extra fees.   


Sure, if you do an in-depth/in the grass cost analysis to include the ACH and IDD transfer fees into your Thai bank acct there are some fees there also, but those fees are far less than what a person will incur using the Direct Express card.


I'm sure the Direct Express card will work fine in Thailand....but it's laden with heavy fees when used outside of the U.S.   Up to the individual whether they want to have pension payments deposited to a U.S. bank acct, Thai bank acct, some money service like Wise acct, etc....each one will have its costs, pros, and cons.....but a major con of the Direct Express card is high fees when used outside the U.S.




  • Thumbs Up 1
  • Thanks 1

Dear Pib Thank you again for your outstanding information regarding

USA Social Security issued Direct Express Master card additional charges for use as a cash ATM withdrawal outside the USA...


My husband is aproaching 86 years retired living in Thailand with a Bangkok Bank account and established IDD SSA deposits every month

as of last year...   The Jomtien bank manager informed us they started returning our SSA deposit because my husband passport expired and

the new Immigration RETIREMENT stamp was issued on his other EU

passport not on his USA passport number...   Manila FBU shall not

will not adjust IDD passport and Manila FBU FINAL declaration was to

contact Bank Of Bangkok Global operations for SSA deposits in Bangkok....   NO HELP NO LUCK payments stop year 2021 and

on hold at SSA USA postal  mail sending bank returned the money....


So we try alternated methods    to by pass Jomtien Bangkok Bank the managers decisions based on Immigration retirement rubber stamps

inside EU passport that replaced the 19 year old USA passport....    


No need trying to resolve Thailand Bangkok Bank recognition of a

customer and we have traveled to the moon and back with total

rejection from the Bangkok Bank lady manager at Jomtien.


Our age everything is very exhausting issue and there is no way

to adjust Thailand policy retained by the bank manager... 


We have SSA balance letters  describing we want to pay you 21,000 USA and every month again but the money was returned by

Bangkok Bank several times described as a wrong address ????


We also receipt of SSA 1040 Form 21000 was returned to SSA but these

letters and documents are not accepted by Bangkok Bank operations

we are ytreated as if trying to  steal money over several months not as along term customer that is trying to deposit USA GOV money


So that is why we want to try the SSA.GOV Direct Express Card and

after all the trouble and wastred time trying to resolve a Immigration

law rubber stamp visa verified bank account...  Jomtien Immigration director manager declared one passport one visa stamp and one

Bagkok Bank  account... we can not deposit SSA money you have the wrong SWIFT IDD address


Mr Pib

What would help now is to understand do all Thailand banks charge

a 220 Baht foreign issued  ATM DEBIT CARD FEE ?


These fees are cheap at our old age we are disabled retired inside

Thailand can not travel to USA there are no friends or family alive at our age close to 86 years old.. We need simple problem  solutions  


What is the policy about taking a USA SSA.GOV issued DEBIT CARD

that is paid in USA Dollars direct from the USA Treasury with a

Mastercard connection... Who and where is the USD Baht conversion

process that takes additional comission to convert USD to Baht ?


When using a USA bank issued master card  the additional fees are

on top of the SIX percent user fee and  then additional fees are integrated during the time of USD to Baht exchange service fees


The 3 USD fees is simple to understand the 3% additional user fee

islso simple to understand and absorb what is not clear and not

simple to understand is the additional 220 Baht list of BANK ATM

machine fees and  the additional BAHT conversion comission charges

that are applied to all  International Bank issued Master Card users inside Thailand....


We have no problems if we can use the SSA EXPRESS DEBIT CARD

to receive 20,000 USD for a fee of 3 USD plus 600 USD plus 220 Baht

because we are going no where dealing with Bangkok Bank Jomtien


Just trying to help USA citizens understand the new Global financial order banking crisis disaters coming 


47 minutes ago, tamy said:

Dear Pib Thank you again for your outstanding information regarding

USA Social Security issued Direct Express Master card additional charges for use as a cash ATM withdrawal outside the USA...


My husband is aproaching 86 years retired living in Thailand with a Bangkok Bank account and established IDD SSA deposits every month

as of last year...   The Jomtien bank manager informed us they started returning our SSA deposit because my husband passport expired and

the new Immigration RETIREMENT stamp was issued on his other EU

passport not on his USA passport number...   Manila FBU shall not

will not adjust IDD passport and Manila FBU FINAL declaration was to

contact Bank Of Bangkok Global operations for SSA deposits in Bangkok....   NO HELP NO LUCK payments stop year 2021 and

on hold at SSA USA postal  mail sending bank returned the money....

Based purely on above it seems the problem is not with the SSA but your identification (ID) credentials onfile with Bangkok Bank are outdated/incorrect.   The SSA does not need to know your passport number to setup a pension payment via ACH or IDD; all the SSA needs to know is the bank account information. 


If using ACH (via Bangkok Bank NY branch) the SSA only needs to know the ACH routing number of the NY branch and you in-Thailand Bangkok Bank branch account number.  If using IDD you need to have your Thailand address onfile with SSA (which I expect you do) and then the SWIFT code of the Thai bank (any Thai bank) and your acct number at that bank.   The SSA could care less less about a passport number....a passport number is not part of ACH or IDD direct deposit forms/setup.  So, once SSA has your ACH or IDD bank account info that is where they will send your payments.   


Also, U.S. SSA payments can go to non-U.S. citizens also when those folks paid into the U.S. SSA system for at least 10 years since many non-U.S. folks work part of their work career in the U.S. and pay U.S. taxes/social security while working.  The SSA makes payments to U.S. and non-U.S. folks with non-U.S. folks not having a U.S. passport but a passport from another country.   Passports are not an issue with the SSA.


"BUT," when the Thai bank receives the SSA payment the bank can/will reject the payment if the information they have on file if your account is outdated/incorrect, especially if your passport is expired or there is some other issue/problem the bank has with your account which appears to be the source of your problems. 


Once the bank rejects a SSA payment then the SSA will suspend future payments until the problem is resolved which in your case requires "you" (not SSA), repeat, you (not the SSA)" to resolve the banking ID/visa problem you are having with your bank which is Bangkok Bank in your case.   And whether you have a U.S. or other country passport should make zero issue with Bangkok Bank regarding incoming payments "as long as they have your current/valid passport on file.  With outdated ID info on file with your Thai bank you are just begging for problems especially when it comes to money transfers. 


You can cuss, scream, etc., all day and night about Bangkok Bank rejecting your SSA payment(s) but the SSA can not fix the problem you have having with Bangkok Bank.   You and Bangkok Bank need to resolve the problem and once resolve notify the SSA the problem is resolved which would probably require submission of a new direct deposit form "signed by/sent from the bank" to the SSA which signifies to the SSA the account information provide is correct and the bank will accept the payment.   Probably best to send the new direct deposit form to the Manila FBU with a memo the bank account issue as been resolved with Bangkok Bank.


If you haven't done so yet I recommend you call HQ Bangkok Bank in Bangkok and ask to be collected to the section which deals with U.S. govt pension payments such as SSA, military retirement, etc.  Either one of the following phone numbers should get you into that section:  02- 230-2457 or 02-230-1323....and they will be able to look into their system to see why your payments are being rejected. 


In fact, this particular headquarters section may have first seen the invalid passport info and notified the Jontien branch to take action.  You may or may not know this but incoming foreign payments like SSA payments first go thru HQ Bangkok Bank before being relayed to your particular branch anywhere in Thailand....it's possible the Headquarters Bangkok Bank is the one that started rejecting the payments and just notified your Jontien branch of the reason.....and you should have got a letter from Bangkok Bank explaining why your payments were rejected and how to fix the problem.  


Talk to Bangkok Bank again....tell them you don't think what your Jontiem branch told you about not being able to accept your EU-type passport & visa for U.S. SSA payments is correct.   Or switch to another Thai bank and provide a new IDD direct deposit form to the SSA.  Good luck.


  • Thumbs Up 1

FBU Manila seems to have problems. I'm American, single, 62, no dependents, no complications...recent retiree.Last August, I began receiving benefits into my Vietnam bank acct. But then suddenly, payments sputtered out. It went like this:











I'd used their online inquiry MANY times, and received varied responses, such as, "your bank info not correct" (impossible, since it worked before/nothing changed.)

Then it was "We've re-instated benefits, please wait 7-10 days" but NOTHING.

Then it was "It appears bank info incorrect" again. WTF?

They don't answer phone calls,and my lovely friends, who've been helping me survive, are about to wring my neck. I'm wondering why FBU Manila can't seem to simply try to deposit/if unsuccessful-contact me so I can change bank or?


Anyway, that's my story. It's frustrating,because I want to exit Vietnam and live in Thailand, but......


Dear Pib

Thank you so much for your time the energy to advise us old folks

is very much appreciated....

There is always ywo sides of a coin and please bear with us hope to

expand what happen since SSA USA stop 2021 delivering our IDD payment to Jomtien Bangkok Bank...


We went to the lady bank manager and showed her two identical biometric facial passports and asked her do you see can you see two different people is there another person that you see here? We gave her all the 1040 SSA statements of money rejected returned by Bangkok Bank and all personal letters sensitive letters from Social Security USA she has photo copied. On our last visit the papers was still on her desk!!!  We also contacted Manila FBU they told us we have the wrong address and so we also contacted SSA USA and spelled out our address and every thing was identical correct....  Then we contacted the Thailand bank REGULATOR OFFICES BOI and had several conversations with the Bank Of Thailand Manager Over ALL Thailand Banks who routed us  to a very young girl working at Bangkok Bank

SWIFT  IDD computer terminal....   These people are born and educated in Thailand have no authority to make decisions or agjust problems

they follow and obey and worship the limited restricted orders assigned dictated from the top of the Bangkok Bank pyramid.


It is an attitude problem they are paid as soldieres and Dear Mr Pib you may have had several issues talking with Thailand store people

or same when you try to explain or adjust or correct a situation...

We have asked for the manager to contact us for explantion and resolution from the beginning start with the lasy Jomtien Bangkok Bank manager who did not speak English and we asked for interpretter and we tried several times to ask her do something and

talk to who ever is cancelling returning our SSA money at bangkok

but nothing has happen nothing shall happen...   The BOI told us

it is the job of a girl operating a computer typewritter at the Global

SWIFT money transffer office of Bangkok Bank! How do you suggest we connect with her boss manager to authorize verify a change of passport when the local Jomtien Bangkok Bank Mangaer can not

communicate or solve or forward or instruct problem solutions?

We get the impression they are all ROBOT attitude can not think outside their office desk wory about getting fired by head quarters!!!


I we would assume that the local Jomtien lady branch manager should

be authorized and capable of verifying the holder of two identical passport embedded biometrics to be integrated and added to one USA Government SWIFT deposit account number delivered to her Bank Of Bangkok Jomtien office desk as a personal in person contact over

the remote, scatter brain decisions of a young computer girl typing rejections from Bankgok Bank head quarters of a US SSA>GOV SWIFT account deposit.. It is all a method of what they are told and how

much authority supervision to solve a problem in person face to face

with the lady manager of Jomtien bank Of Bangkok Bank


We gave up we can not change their education and training attitude

as a customer we had and did and was depositing large sums of USA Government money in the past to this new lady Jomtien bank manager. The gentleman who managed the Jomtien Bangkok Bank

2011 2012 etc etc was courteous and a great help also very dedicated

to their job unfortunately promoted and replaced by this lady manager who can not speak English






+Hello mel2surf  and thank you for your story and experience communicating with FBU SSA.GOV small office and a desk buried inside the USA State Department operated Embassy managing

and hiring temporary SSA.GOV paid but not trained not motivated civil servant of the street agents...  Example of out many contacts

over ~17 Manila agents since 2011 one girl Maria took our probl;em then a week later informed us sorry shr was leaving to deliver her baby at manila then there is Iveez Gomez who informed us do not

worry there is no longer need for paper forms every thing id paper less and then she disapeared fired from Manila FBU SSA... The

story you can read inside the EXPAT POSTS of vietnam  the oldest bloggers named BUD and ,amy others complained... The only one who was always happy blogger used a name OCEANSIDE however

after all that he reported returning to San Diego at his age using

the trollet cars to get around....


Any wat my husband and i have a serious prejudiced long time since 2011 problems with the workers at Manila FBU paid by Social Security Office Of trhe International Operations that is a seperate ISOLATED

under managed office with a temporary GHOST Deputy Director

we and many others failed to reach,,,, the solution of this Deputy

SSA Ghost manager is and was to forward every thing to be intercepted by brain dead FBU Manila SSA temporary civil servants....  sO DO NOT EXPECT THE COURTEOUS ACCOUNTABLE



mel2surf    you would like to move to Thailand we have been there and done that from Vietnam because Vietnam has no NOTHING

available for a long term visa only a 2-3 year visa if you work for a Vietnam Government recognized business and pay taxes.. other than

that there is a 5 year free entry and departure so called visa if you

get a marriage certificate red stamp from the Vietnam Government

but this paper you must leave the country every six months by the

date of the Vietnam Immigration stamp.... To nake it a real problem

the Vietnam Government told all banks that NO FOREIGNER  can

hold a bank deposit account after the date expiration of trheir rubber stamped passport the bank accounts are closed !!!  You can

only have a Vietnam bank account time period that is the same as your Vietnam visa time period.... Many USA foreigners left Vietnam Government wanted only short term tourist to stay spend money!


Thailand Government has offered a one year temporary retirement

visa you can read about proceedures and Immigration policy and

solutions to open a bank account and receive a temporary rubber stamp valid for one year retirement. There are other solutions to stay

short term in Thailand with border run renewal of passport but the

one year retirement rubber stamp demands prood of ~23,000 USD

deposited verified inspected approved at a Thailand bank by the

Thailand Immigrayion department....


mel2surf  What my husband and I  trying to setup is after relocating from

Vietnam and also approved with Social Security benefits is to



look at and investigate the Social Security Direct Express Master Card

issued by  Social Security to pay all money to USA Government AGENTS and or USA Social Security approved benefit customers...


The Direct Express SSA Master card do not need a complicated foreign country passport and immigration issued bank account... The SSA Master  Card is a smart way to travel around the world with your

Social Security Benfits money in your pocket as a small plastic card

use it any where buy any thing authorized with Master card global...


Where we me and my husband are having trouble is collecting MAsterCard International customer information from actual real time owner of SSA issued EXPRESS DEBIT CARD owners... The money is direct deposited from the USA Treasury as USA Dollars into your pkastic SSA Master Card so there is no worry about 300 USA banks in trouble out of money or the other global financia USD regulation

proceedures on the horizon... Use the card in every country every airline every restraunt blessed with MasterCard cash payments...


Travel inside the USA  SSA.GOV issued Direct Express  MasterCard

cost nothing to use but travel outside the USA the card costs 3 USD

and additional 3 % of the total purchase... Example if you buy something in Vietnam or buy something in Thailand for 1,000 USD

then your SSA.GOV MasterCard  pay 967.00 USD the fees are 3 USD

plus 30 USD abouts 33 USD removed from 1,000 USD...  


This is a hot argument using a USA issued plastic card in your pocket

because it is hidden and difficult to audit trace when a USA citizen

has a standard USA plastic bank card and removes 1,000 USD from any country in the Master Card world...


The arguments are using USA stock broker plastic card or other bank issued plastic card have different but untraceable customer deductions for example 6% is or was a standard USA bank card added by a merchant or deducted from use of your card. There is also the argument about the USA stock broker or investment advisor pay checks office rent telephone comissions deducted when they offer

you a no fee international plastic card who pays them salary out

of burried inside  your bank or broker account serviced money


We are waiting for these analytical answers from USA Government

assigned INTERNATIONAL agents who have the DIRECT EXPRESS MASTER CARD inside their pockets roaming the globe....


Please help and provide share your experience with SSA.GOV MANILA

or perhaps by pass FBU MANILA and ALL THE FOREIGN BANK hidden

expense Immigration approved passport visa stamped bank account


1 hour ago, tamy said:

Dear Pib

Thank you so much for your time the energy to advise us old folks

is very much appreciated....

There is always ywo sides of a coin and please bear with us hope to

expand what happen since SSA USA stop 2021 delivering our IDD payment to Jomtien Bangkok Bank...


We went to the lady bank manager and showed her two identical biometric facial passports and asked her do you see can you see two different people is there another person that you see here? We gave her all the 1040 SSA statements of money rejected returned by Bangkok Bank and all personal letters sensitive letters from Social Security USA she has photo copied. On our last visit the papers was still on her desk!!!  We also contacted Manila FBU they told us we have the wrong address and so we also contacted SSA USA and spelled out our address and every thing was identical correct....  Then we contacted the Thailand bank REGULATOR OFFICES BOI and had several conversations with the Bank Of Thailand Manager Over ALL Thailand Banks who routed us  to a very young girl working at Bangkok Bank

SWIFT  IDD computer terminal....   These people are born and educated in Thailand have no authority to make decisions or agjust problems

they follow and obey and worship the limited restricted orders assigned dictated from the top of the Bangkok Bank pyramid.


It is an attitude problem they are paid as soldieres and Dear Mr Pib you may have had several issues talking with Thailand store people

or same when you try to explain or adjust or correct a situation...

We have asked for the manager to contact us for explantion and resolution from the beginning start with the lasy Jomtien Bangkok Bank manager who did not speak English and we asked for interpretter and we tried several times to ask her do something and

talk to who ever is cancelling returning our SSA money at bangkok

but nothing has happen nothing shall happen...   The BOI told us

it is the job of a girl operating a computer typewritter at the Global

SWIFT money transffer office of Bangkok Bank! How do you suggest we connect with her boss manager to authorize verify a change of passport when the local Jomtien Bangkok Bank Mangaer can not

communicate or solve or forward or instruct problem solutions?

We get the impression they are all ROBOT attitude can not think outside their office desk wory about getting fired by head quarters!!!


I we would assume that the local Jomtien lady branch manager should

be authorized and capable of verifying the holder of two identical passport embedded biometrics to be integrated and added to one USA Government SWIFT deposit account number delivered to her Bank Of Bangkok Jomtien office desk as a personal in person contact over

the remote, scatter brain decisions of a young computer girl typing rejections from Bankgok Bank head quarters of a US SSA>GOV SWIFT account deposit.. It is all a method of what they are told and how

much authority supervision to solve a problem in person face to face

with the lady manager of Jomtien bank Of Bangkok Bank


We gave up we can not change their education and training attitude

as a customer we had and did and was depositing large sums of USA Government money in the past to this new lady Jomtien bank manager. The gentleman who managed the Jomtien Bangkok Bank

2011 2012 etc etc was courteous and a great help also very dedicated

to their job unfortunately promoted and replaced by this lady manager who can not speak English


I would think that Jontiem branch is convinced you are who you say you are (i.e., satisfied with your passport/documentation proof) otherwise they would have frozen/closed your bank account by now....could use the account for anything.  To me, there is still some Bangkok Bank miscommunication/misunderstanding regarding your authorization to receive the SSA payment (or any incoming foreign transfer). 


 It could be as simple as a spelling mismatch between your passport and bank account information because Thai banks will sometimes reject incoming foreign payments if the first and last name do not match....been plenty of AseanNow posts stating such over the years.  I think when such a reject occurs due to name mismatch it's usually due to an actual manual review (human eyes used) of an incoming transfer versus just letting the computer scan for problems with incoming transfers. 


I would recommend you call the Headquarters Bangkok Bank phone numbers/section I gave you earlier and ask for specific information as to why your SSA payments are being rejected (i.e., name mismatch, passport/ID on file problem, address problem, etc).   I would also recommend you say the Jontien branch recommended you.   This particular section is the one all Bangkok Bank branches deal with regarding problems with such foreign remittances/payments. 


I highly recommend you DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT explain all the conversations, phone calls, emails, etc., you have had with your Jontien branch or SSA as you may "lose your cool" and the bank rep you are talking to may be scared-off or simply not want to offer any detailed help.  Ask to talk with a rep who deals with incoming U.S. govt payments such as Social Security payments....and be sure they understand your payment is via the IDD method (comes via SWIFT) versus the ACH method since the ACH method involves a special/restricted bank account but the IDD method does not.   And be sure they understand the SSA is saying Bangkok Bank has been rejecting the payments back to SSA so the rep you are talking to can't use the excuse of "has the SSA actually been sending your payments?"     


Purely focus on finding out "why has Bangkok Bank been rejecting/returning your SSA payments?"   What is the specific problem on the Bangkok Bank end?   From your various posts where each one seems to reveals a few month details it seems your payment problem is not on the SSA sending end but the Thai bank receiving end....so, focus on fixing that issue with the Thai bank versus trying to get SSA Baltimore/Manila to fix the Thai bank problem for you because SSA is not going to be able to fix any problem on the Thai bank end.  


Good luck.


P.S.  And since you are happy with using IDD this means you could have your SSA payment sent to "any Thai bank".....maybe the bridge between you and Bangkok Bank has been burnt down and it'stime to try opening a new bank account says with Kasikorn Bank, Krungsri Bank, etc., which a lot of foreigners use in Thailand.



  • Thumbs Up 1

Dear Pib thank you so much for all your concern and time over this issue...


Purely focus on finding out "why has Bangkok Bank been rejecting/returning your SSA payments?"   What is the specific problem on the Bangkok Bank end? 


Please understand we have IDD established and signed by the bank manager n ot a lower staff worker who has no authority...   The fundamental problem is the USA passport name is a full

complete middle name in text and the Social Security name is an abreviated middle name one

letter... Your suggestions and contacts have been tried over several years when the trouble started

and there are no answers from Bangkok Bank returned in English other than that our address is incorrect,,,


Mr Pib we are in Thailand and every thing here is lost in translations as in the  movies... We wasted

six months with Manila DBU and SSA Baltimore to receive a printed letter in the mail that our address was not correct! Do you understand our postal mail from SSA USA  stated our address was incorrect

and therefore payment was stopped!!  But our mail was correct and was received and was and is the same recorded on the official IDD form signed by the lady bank manager...


Mr Pib we want a direct name of a English speaking bank manager who is authorized and able to

communicate with the Jomtien Bank manager and be able to talk and be able to resolve why a

Jomtien bank manager in charge of three different Bangkok bank locations and is in charge of

the Jomtien Bank Of Bangkok has zero authority has zero control has zero ability to resolve a

year old customer SWIFT deposit  problem...   


Are we idiots to assume a Thailand bank manager is just a robot monkey who has no authority?


Do you beleive Bagkok Bank hires Thailand bank managers to keep their mouth shut

and do nothing about a USA Government direct deposit to an established bank account that

was setup and is operating since 2011,,,


Why are we treated as crimminals when we have and only wanted to deposit USA Government money into our long estblished bank account taht was signed and authorized by the same lady

Bangkok manager face to face in person! Why do you think as the bank manager she has zero

authority can not approve can not advise can not correct our deposit trashed at Bangkok Bank

SWIFT computer operations...  


With your direct phone numbers Do you think FBU Robert Jocson contacted them to start and

continue our deposit problems? Robert Jocson at Manila has created a lot of SSA trouble from




We have handed over our postal MAIL delivered to our home that describes the authorized use

of TWO PASSPORT IN DETAIL delivered to the Jomtien Bangkok Bank manager lady who copied

all our SSA mail as proof we are honest and real not a fraud.... We believe FBU Manila is responsible

for the THEFT OF OUR MONEY and have been asking the USA State Department The USA attorney General and every body to help put this Robert Jocson behing bars,,,


Mr Pib your suggestions and time are valuable but please take time to evaluate what we are

writting here is that we have delivered a letter from USA SSA.GOV that explains the details and

use of two passports delivered to JOMTIEN BANK OF BANGKOK and we have delivered both

passports and all 1040 REJECTED SWIFT deposits to the Jomtien Bangkok Bank Managar

SO PLEASE digest and convolute OUR FACTS AS THE FACTS and do not make us believe that

Bangkok Bank hires young lasy BANK MANAGERS OF THREE JOMTIEN OFFICES who are not

allowed to do any thing but open and close the office doors....


Mr Pib it is a complicated world but there is no excuse for this type of Bangkok Bank opertions

that ignore and destroy a friendly old long term customer who is trying to give them trying to

DEPOSIT to them USA approved certified money into a long established Bangkok Bank account number,,


We are treated as young punks just got off an airplane ready to party not as a respectable long term Jomtien property owner and retired resident investor paid by certified by the USA  SSA Agent

Government....   Our integrity and honesty is and was proved but is and was mishandled by an

incompetent actions of Bangkok Bank paid servants programmed by Manila FBU agent Robert Jocson a long term prejudiced enemy of our family....


Mr Pib with all due respect should your mind begin to wonder and drift off please return back to

the problem of why a Jomtien Bangkok Bank Manager after collecting and photo copy all our personal and private SSA.GOV documents as evidence....   Why is she as the Bangkok Bank manager

totally out of control and unable to work with a long time custoimer who has been with the bank

long time before she became the new Jomtien Bangkok Bank manager... 


A manger that avoids problem solutions may be under prejudice or bias of others and as mentioned

by you the SWIFT account is a computer  number transffer account that was intercepted and manually adjusted redirected by the Banglol Bank SWIFT computer center by the thief crimminal Robert Jocson FBU Manila agent


We as USA citizens can by pass the gross negligence failure if fiduciary duty bordering fraud

operations of Manila FBU.. These FBU people under normal conditions would have phoned

your Bangkok Bank SWIFT SSA.GOV  business operations manager and instructed trhem that we

do have use of dual passport from USA Social Security Agency in writing !!!! 


Mr Pib thank you for listening opur mission is to help older retired USA citizens who have had and

continue having customer service problems under the MANILA FBU assimilated staff operated

by Robert Jocson the FBU SSA.GOV  thief







Mr Pib sincerely thank you over end over again your comited suggestions advice to help older

retired USA citizens understand, evaluate, comprehend the gross negligent failure of civil servants

scattered by irresponsible zero management from Social Security International Operations, Baltimore Maryland....   How many FBU paid monkeys does it take to change a light bulb was asked by our friends also grossly neglected avoided by Robert Jocson influenced staff of ladies at FBU Manila


We personaly have since 2011 that was 12 years history contacting dealing with explicitly following

the demands the orders the instructions foaming from the brain dead mouth of low paid low skill

Manila FBU SSA.GOV temporary agents...   Look at the list of names we posted inside ASIEN POSTS

over 17 agents untrained scattered irresponsible have zero accountability paid by our USA SSA TAX


THAT ARE TRASHED by these SSA.GOV children hired at SSA Manila FBU



SSA FBU... So beware we have the paper and USA Embassy rubber stamped proof of delivering

the paper demands supervised manipulated by Robert Jocson at Manila FBU and his lady friends


All this started in 2011 wnen we was asked by our USA Wells Fargo Bank Manager a nice Japanese boy and his African  American assistant to mail to their office a Social Security Card. We have been

receiving 10000 USs PER MONTH  use af pre authorized wire transfer paper forms signed at the

Wells Fargo Bank in person ( deliver money from sale  expensive CA house)  before we LEFT THE

USA to retire inside sunny warm friendly South East Asia under the control of FBU MANILA ROBERT

JOCSON Social Security MANILA FBU....


Robert Jocson gave us orders to go to the USA Embassy and have the USA Embassy certify who

we are and to send this bastard thief at Manila our marriage and divorce certificates stamped by an

official at the Superiour Court Of California and our bank records and assets from court stamped records and our USA passport and USA citizen identity a full disclosure and theft of our private sensitive personal information verified and mailed by the USA Embasy just for a FUC!!! SSA CARD

application this bastard manila punk never delivered over 2011 2012 2013.....   Wells Fargo trashed our

bank accounts and credit cards and wrote a letter we are never to enter or talk to Wells Fargo bank

BECAUSE THE MANAGER OF FBU MANILA SSA.GOV did nothing deliver nothing just sat on his AZZ

collecting his pay checks...   YES WE WENT INSANE called Baltimore SSA several times and called and

asked the USA Embassy several times and we got answers that this punk crimminal Robert Jocson was and has been FOAMING IN HIS MOUTH THE POOR THIEF WAS INSULTED abd he can not refused

to deliver a stupid SSA card he had no idea was never trained Robert Jocson was never educated to

process a SSA card application never motivated to process a gorm filed application delivered by the USA Embassy several time to Manila FBU


This is a fact we have sent forms to Baltimore the USA attorney General the USA State Department the USA Embassy asking for simple paper forms process of USA citizen SSA.GOV documents and

wht rhis piece of scum meat THE MANAGER BOSS IN CHARGE OF  MANILA FBU SSA can not do





wE HAVE WRITTEN EXAMPLES of gross fraud manila FBU OPERATIONS RETURN 2016 when we 

was again forced to deal with this punk piece of meat Robert Jocson at Manila and USE Two USA

embassy OFFICES TO file for ssa.gov benefits BECAUSE WE WAS 70 YEARS OLD again just wanted


using the original printed SSA.GOV forms of the USA EMBASSY to file for SSA.GOV BENEFITS and

additional papers to pickup USA Dollar Treasury checks every month in person at the USA Embassy.


For old people who do not have knowledge in the years 2016 onward untill recent the USA Embassy

required in person using a passport pickup of your SSA.GOV Federal Benefit checks every month




There is no peace there isno SSA.GOV resolution untill this punk is trown out on the streets of Manila

All this punk has serviced was his foaming mouth and MAnila lady friends he has refused to get involved to resolve problems to follow up a small hand full of USA citizens he has tortured on purpose he has deprived isolated USA citizens their Legal representation and payment he has foamed in the mouth clever manipulating why he is above the laws of the USA Government


As an documented example we was forced to contact and negotiate with the Superiour Court Of Cakifornia to be paid at our time and expense to postal mail our marriage divorce settlement that described in detail our million dollar assets our bank accounts our entire personal history to be delivered FROM USA CALIFORNIA TO USA EMBASSY IBN SOUTH EAST ASIA TO THE AZZ HOLE ROBERT JOCSON IN CHARGE OF MANILA FBU SSA>GOV..  aLL WE WANTED WAS TO FILE THE 



We telephoned and telephoned and telephoned Baltimore MAryland SSA and we wrote and we wrote and we wrote Baltimore Maryland and we wrote the USA State Department and we wrote The USA

Atoorney General in charge of SSA and we wrote the President and today we are 76 years old

have no Social Security Benefits money delivered under the control of MAnila FBU Robert Jocson....


Hello Hello we simply give up as mentioned nobody cares  it is not their money nothing to worry

about every thing is beautiful every thing is wondefull so WE ONLY WANT OLD RETIRED USA CITIZENS



We have recorded because we no longer have faith and no longer trust FBU Manila stupid 2016 2017 2018 converstation we can not help you we do nopt answer mail we do not answer email we ask you

use the internet and connect with SSA (Internet was BLOCKED BY SSA USA email was BLOCKED by

MAnila FBU servers) Box full of legal papers certified stamped by USA Embassy TRASHED AT MANILA FBU SSA,,,  So nobody care WE GAVE IT UP 2023



Out of 17 SSA.GOV  agents so,e of the most memorable monkeys emploted at Manila FBU are

Marie who told us in writing sorry she must stop processing our claim because she is leaving to have a baby in Manila then there is Iveez Gomez who demanded our USA Embassy certified documents

that was mailed diplomatic number puch numbered TWO TIMES that she never got the package

and we must start all over after wasting another year then there is Kristina Cuevaz who FORCED US

to phone her on a Saturday her over time pay to ask us to SSA.GOV INTERVIEW ON THE PHONE

and then she finisished the phone call and promised to phone the USA Embassy and just disapeared

again solicited by Robert Jocson prejuciced hate..  Later that year 2017 2018 when we applied at age



Now TODAY 2023 we have letters from SSA.GOV that they want to pay 21,000 USD to our IDD account

that we mailed to Baltimore not to the AZZ punk Robert Jocson but our money was returned every month from Bangkok Bank... IT TAKES ONE YEAR TO SEND AND RECEIVE CORRESPONDNCE FROM BALTIMORE INTERCEPTED BY MANILA... The Manila agent told us we do not answer phones we do not answer email and Robert Jocson is happy blocking and messing up destroying the lives of USA SSA

payments that his brain dead monkeys can not and refuse to motivated follow up solution


Why the hell did the GHOST temporart Deputy Director Of Baltimore International Operations have sex with Robert Jocson what and why is this FBU SSA office opeb for inside South East Asia They

can not and shall not take action or get involved to adjust and to deliver USA SSA.GOV pension

money they prefer to sit in an aircon office at Manila drink cafe and collect pay checks!!!  Inside

the USA SSA.GOV agents do work for a living and do follow up and help USA citizens with bank

and SSA.GOV audited traced assistance but not at Robert Jocson Manila MAFIA operations they

do nothing see nothing just want a pay check every week


















  • 3 months later...


This is interesting. I have my SSA direct deposited into BBK monthly. There is always a difference of 1000 baht. I assumed this was a BBK fee. This month the difference was over 2000 baht, I contacted the bank and was told BBK fee was 100 baht. The rest was a fee from CITIBANK! How is Citibank involved? I have contacted SSA and am waiting for a reply. There appears to be a $60 or so fee from Citibank. This doesn't fit at all with the information posted here. I do show the Bahtnet info on my BBK web page. I'm really starting to smell something funny here. Wait to see what happens next.

12 hours ago, Paul039 said:


This is interesting. I have my SSA direct deposited into BBK monthly. There is always a difference of 1000 baht. I assumed this was a BBK fee. This month the difference was over 2000 baht, I contacted the bank and was told BBK fee was 100 baht. The rest was a fee from CITIBANK! How is Citibank involved? I have contacted SSA and am waiting for a reply. There appears to be a $60 or so fee from Citibank. This doesn't fit at all with the information posted here. I do show the Bahtnet info on my BBK web page. I'm really starting to smell something funny here. Wait to see what happens next.

Are you enrolled in the SSA Automated Clearing House (ACH) direct deposit method or the SSA International Direct Deposit (IDD) direct deposit method?



IDD. Uses a swift number. I was just surprised to see the change from last month to this month. I have had no issues with BBK but miss detailed statements such as US banks send. I am waiting reply from SSA. I use two accounts. One in the US for pension deposits and BBK for SSA deposits. After really going through a lot of this, I cannot see where Citibank is involved at all. It may be a very poor application of exchange rates. The baht rate has increased and my deposit decreased. Surprises do not please me unless it's dessert. Hopefully I get some information this week. Your explanations of the systems are invaluable. I learned a lot and really appreciate it.

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  To be honest with you, as soon as you started talking a Bt100 fee (i.e., the BAHTNET receiving fee) and Citibank I knew you were using the IDD method, but I wanted to see if you knew as many people remain confused about the ACH and IDD direct deposit methods.


   Citibank Global is involved with IDD because they are the contactor bank used by the U.S. Treasury for IDD payments to Thailand and some other countries.  The exchange rate used for IDD payments is not published anywhere...a person must calculate it based on using the "net" amount of their payment (e.g., gross amount of your SSA payment minus all deductions like tax, Medicare, etc.)....it's critical to know the "net" amount being paid. And the IDD rate is "not" the local Citibank bank exchange rate as the IDD exchange rate is determined upstream by the US Treasury/it's contractor bank "before" your payment arrives Thailand. 


  "Several business days before" you receive your payment the US Treasury or it's contractor bank will accomplish the exchange on their end (i.e.., the dollars converted to baht, round-up the baht to pay you, etc.) and then it's transferred/paid to you typically on the 3rd of each month.   With IDD there are no fees applied "except" the possibility of a receiving bank fee....no Citibank fees, no other fees except the possibly of a receiving bank fee.


   An IDD payment flows through the SWIFT system and the last leg of that transfer to a Thailand bank flows through the Bank of Thailand "BAHTNET" system which interfaces with the SWIFT system.  Thai banks typically use the transaction code of BTN for a payment via the BAHTNET system.   Thai banks charge a receiving fee for BAHTNET transfers....that receiving fee is Bt100.   Citibank uses BAHTNET for the last leg of the transfer to your Bangkok Bank acct or whatever Thai bank a person has his IDD payment go to. 


  Exchange rates whether you track exchange rates via XE, Wise, your Thai bank exchange rates vary from day to day, week to week, month to month....even during the day they can change multiple times.  Like if I use the Wise exchange rate trend chart shown at bottom their exchange rate was 35.31 and 34.465 on 3 Jul and 3 Aug, respectively....that's a pretty healthy drop of 2.4% over one month.   The IDD exchange rates used for 3 Jul and 3 Aug payments were 35.195 and 33.789, respectively....a very healthy drop of 4%.  BUT KEEP IN MIND these Wise and IDD rates are really several days apart since the Wise rate is real time and the IDD rate is based on an exchange rate occurring several business days (how many unknown) before the actual payment date on the 3rd of each month.   Sometimes the IDD rate being determined several days before an actual payment works to a person's advantage (like when rates are peaking) or can work to your disadvantage (like with rates are dropping)....exchange rates are volatile. 


    Now you might be thinking right now that the IDD 3 Jul exchange rate was durn close to the Wise 3 Jul exchange rate, however, the IDD rate was quite a bit below the Wise rate for the 3 Aug payment.  Why?  Well, keeping in mind what I said earlier that the IDD rate is determined "several business days" before the actual payment when you look at below Wise trend chart  where I have entered some blue arrows pointing to the Wise rates for 3 Jul and 3 Aug you will see the rates a few business days before were quite different....the trend rate a few days before 3 Jul was significantly higher and the trend rate a few days before 3 Aug was significantly lower.  Unless you can compare exchange rates on the same date and time then it makes if hard to compare.


  So, where you were saying you were use to seeing around a Bt1,000 difference in what you "expected" to receive and figured it was fee being applied somewhere along the way, I expect that is because you were using some exchange rate like XE, Wise, etc., for your reference....but it's incorrect to use such a rate.  Instead, you must calculate the IDD rate used based on your "net" payment from SSA....there are no fees applied along the way other than the Thai bank BAHTNET Bt100 receiving fee.  It's not like the ACH method where Bangkok Bank NY branch takes a $5 or $10 fee and then the receiving Bangkok Bank applies another 0.25% (Bt200 min, Bt500 max) fee.  And it's not like the Wise method where Wise fees occur.


  So, assuming you know the "net", repeat, net dollar amount of your SSA monthly payment use the IDD rate of 35.195 for the 3 Jul payment and 33.789 for your 3 Aug payment.   Then substract the Bt100 BAHTNET receiving fee.  Using that info should come within a few stang of the monthly payment "posting" to your Bangkok Bank acct.  Keep in mind the Bt100 fee is not reflected on your Thai bank statement/passbook/account as it's applied before posting to your acct.  However, you can see the fee if your are signed up for the Bangkok Bank "free" SMS Remittance Alert for foreign incoming payment which will show the amount being received, any fees, and exchange rate used (except no exchange rate reflected for incoming payment already converted to baht like IDD payments).


  In closing, my wife has received her SSA pension payment via IDD since 2019 and for the first 12 months I tracked it monthly to determine how the IDD method compared to the ACH method in terms of exchange rate, fees, total baht hitting a person's Thai bank acct after all the "exchange rate and fee" dust settled.   At that time if a person was receiving approx $1,125 or below it was better "purely from most money posting to your acct" to use IDD and if above $1,125 it was better to use the ACH method. 


    Of course IDD and ACH have other pros and cons like with IDD the payment can go to any Thai bank, to a joint acct, an unrestricted acct, can have a debit card, can do online outward transfers, etc., where an ACH payment can only go to Bangkok Bank, only to a acct in your name, it's a restricted acct, no debit card allowed, online outward transfers not allowed.  But ACH transfers get your FTT international transfer bank coding where IDD transfers get your BTN local transfer bank coding.  Up to each individual as to whether IDD or ACH best meets their needs and desires.


Wise Trend Exchange Rate Chart with Arrows Pointing to 3 Jul and 3 Aug rates....quite a bit of change occurring around & between those dates.








  • Thumbs Up 2

Found the spreadsheet where I use to track IDD vs ACH method exchange rates, amount posting to a person's acct, etc., based on some typical payment amounts.  Below is a 12 month average reflecting 12 monthly  payments from 3 Jul 2019 to 3 Jun 2020.  ACH exchange rate was based on the Bangkok Bank TT Buying Rate in effect for the 3rd day of month at the 0830am opening rate which is what incoming ACH/SWIFT transfers are typically based on.  IDD exchange rate is based on my wife's SSA payments made via IDD.



  • Thumbs Up 2

Wow. That corresponds almost exactly with the difference month to month. The listed exchange was 34.40 bht to the dollar and the IDD used 33.789 bht. The previous deposit was at 35.195 bht. And I sent inquiry letters to SSA. oh well. The bank may not fully understand how this works and assumed like myself that there was a fee from them. I am somewhat distrustful of Citibank. (They cancelled my credit card of 14 years after living three years in Thailand. Some new procedural business they started.) Just sour grapes. They were a good group to deal with. I can not say thank you well enough.  This has been frustrating me for the last several weeks. At least I know what happened now. Thank you for the help!

  • Thumbs Up 1
  • 11 months later...
On 5/4/2023 at 10:01 PM, Pib said:

Two ways to have a person SSA pension direct deposited to a Thai bank such as Bangkok Bank.


Method 1:  Transfer via the Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfer method which uses an ACH/ABA routing number such as the Bangkok Bank New York branch routing number to your in-Thailand Bangkok Bank account number.  Info on the Bangkok Bank acct.   Only, repeat, only Bangkok Bank has ACH receiving capability among Thai banks.


But basically it boils down to the Bangkok Bank NY branch slicing off a fee as it flow thru them to your in-Thailand Bangkok Bank acct...typically a $5 or $10 fee depending on the amount.   So, say your monthly payment is $2,100....the NY branch will slice off a $10 fee and forward $2,090 on to Thailand.  Once it arrives your in-Thailand Bangkok Bank branch they will first use their "TT Buying Rate" exchange rate (usually the bank's daily opening TT Buying Rate) to covert those dollars to baht....then they apply their fee of 0.25% (Bt200 min, Bt500 max) and the remaining amount is posted to your acct. 

Hello PiB,

Im interested in setting my Social Security payment up as an ACH as you describe above…

I have access to my SS account online and am familiar with setting up the ACH using it….

Assume it just a matter of putting it BK Bank ACH (026008691) and my Thai Bangkok Bank account number.


My question is do I need to contact Bangkok Bank and inform them that they will be getting an ACH transfer to their NY Branch from Social Security?


10 hours ago, BKKKevin said:

Hello PiB,

Im interested in setting my Social Security payment up as an ACH as you describe above…

I have access to my SS account online and am familiar with setting up the ACH using it….

Assume it just a matter of putting it BK Bank ACH (026008691) and my Thai Bangkok Bank account number.


My question is do I need to contact Bangkok Bank and inform them that they will be getting an ACH transfer to their NY Branch from Social Security?


No, you do not need to contact your in-Thailand/local Bangkok Bank branch. 


However, please take note of an important IMPORTANT NOTE that you did not include from my earlier post..see the bold text part below.  For reoccurring US govt payments like social security, military pension, etc., arriving via ACH the transfer must be going into a "special/restricted" Bangkok Bank acct; not a regular/unrestricted acct.  If not going into a "special/restricted" acct setup for these types of transfer your Bangkok Bank branch will reject the payment eventually....how long it takes your branch to spot it's a reoccurring govt payment, from the 1st payment to years later, will vary.  About a decade and half ago when I tried it for my military pension it got spotted on the 2nd payment by my branch here in Bangkok.  The payment got put onhold, the branch sent me a letter saying such and I needed to come in an open a special/restricted acct to receive the reoccurring US govt pension payment....it's a completely separate account from a person regular acct.  If you don't want the a special/restricted acct and for your payment to go into "any" regular savings acct in any Thai bank (to include a regular Bangkok Bank savings acct) then you must use the IDD vs ACH method.




IMPORTANT NOTES: above mentioned fees are applied "prior to" posting to your acct and will not be reflected anywhere which fools some folks into thinking no fees were applied but the fees were indeed applied.  And for reoccurring U.S. govt payment like social security they must be direct deposited into a special/restricted Bangkok Bank acct which require the acct owner to physically visit any Bangkok Bank bank branch to withdraw/transfer-out funds and no debit card allowed.


Bangkok Bank Fees for ACH transfer....whether for govt payments, personal transfer from a U.S. bank, etc.  




  • Thumbs Up 1
1 hour ago, Pib said:

No, you do not need to contact your in-Thailand/local Bangkok Bank branch. 


However, please take note of an important IMPORTANT NOTE that you did not include from my earlier post..see the bold text part below.  For reoccurring US govt payments like social security, military pension, etc., arriving via ACH the transfer must be going into a "special/restricted" Bangkok Bank acct; not a regular/unrestricted acct.  If not going into a "special/restricted" acct setup for these types of transfer your Bangkok Bank branch will reject the payment eventually....how long it takes your branch to spot it's a reoccurring govt payment, from the 1st payment to years later, will vary.  About a decade and half ago when I tried it for my military pension it got spotted on the 2nd payment by my branch here in Bangkok.  The payment got put onhold, the branch sent me a letter saying such and I needed to come in an open a special/restricted acct to receive the reoccurring US govt pension payment....it's a completely separate account from a person regular acct.  If you don't want the a special/restricted acct and for your payment to go into "any" regular savings acct in any Thai bank (to include a regular Bangkok Bank savings acct) then you must use the IDD vs ACH method.



Yeah I think I’ll just go the IDD route… Seems pretty straightforward…


The one question I have is about ongoing reporting using this method?…

I seem to have seen posts where you must report that you are still alive periodically…

How does that work?… Can I do that via my SS.gov account?

33 minutes ago, BKKKevin said:

Yeah I think I’ll just go the IDD route… Seems pretty straightforward…


The one question I have is about ongoing reporting using this method?…

I seem to have seen posts where you must report that you are still alive periodically…

How does that work?… Can I do that via my SS.gov account?

1.  Yeah...you need a foreign address on file with SSA to do IDD which which also means you'll get a 7162 form each year to confirm you are still kicking.


2.  Sign up for IDD by completing the IDD form for Thailand....and provide to Manila  SSA.  No can sign up for IDD using your SSA online acct.


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