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Penis hacking all the rage

Polygamy blamed for Thai penis-hacking craze

BANGKOK: -- They have been boiled, fed to ducks, even attached to hot air balloons and cast into the night sky: when it comes to permanently depriving a cheating lover of a recently severed penis, the imagination of the wronged Thai woman knows few bounds.

Thailand has become the world centre of penis reattachment surgery, but then it has been forced to be. While not unique to the kingdom, penis severing has been honed to its most devastating effect through a heady mixture of routine infidelity, assertive womanhood and a national cuisine that lends itself to a kitchen full of sharp knives.

The men are now fearful of a rash of Thailand's most notorious crime of passion, according to the surgeon who has stitched back many a male member for grateful patients.

'It goes in and out of fashion'

Sitting in his office at Bangkok's Paolo Memorial Hospital, surgeon Surasak Muangsombot recalled how he re-attached his first phallus in 1978 and soon discovered that penis hacking was a peculiarly Thai form of sexual violence.

Since then Sweden has had three cases, the United States two - including the notorious case of John Wayne Bobbitt who returned from reattachment surgery to star in pornographic films - and one in Australia.

In the same period, Surasak's team alone has operated on 33 cases and many more have been reported around Thailand.

"Some years there are three or five and then it goes quiet. It goes in and out of fashion but sometimes its like an epidemic," he said, mimicking with his nimble surgeon's hands the swoop of a blade on an unsuspecting member.

Doctors and psychologists blame the shocking attacks on a cultural mix of Thailand's tradition of polygamy, which was banned about 100 years ago but still persists, and the fact that the phallus is revered as a symbol of power and fertility.

'Sometimes its like an epidemic'

The phenomenon has become so widespread that doctors have had to keep up with increasingly inventive and angry wives and lovers who want to prevent the offending item from being reattached.

"They boil them, feed them to ducks, flush them down the toilet, bury them and have even tied them to hot air balloons and let them float away," Surasak said.

He said his hardest case required bribing an angry wife to confess its location in a septic tank and the hiring of a wrecking crew to retrieve it.

"I asked the nurse to clean it up well and warned the patient that he may get septicemia and he said, "do your best and if it gets septicemia I will die with my penis."

"It was 15 hours between it being chopped off and reattached, which is much longer than the books say it can be done, but I went ahead and to my surprise everything went fine," he said.

The latest case was reported Tuesday when a 29-year-old farmer in north-eastern Thailand was admitted to hospital for surgery with a severed penis, claiming that his wife kicked him.

The couple had fought, she then denied his requests for sex and kicked him when he complained, according to his account to doctors. Such was the length of her toe nails, she severed his penis.

Thai psychologist and media commentator Doctor Wallop Piyamanotham said the practice stemmed primarily from the outlawed, but flourishing, Thai habit of keeping secret wives.

"Before a man could have many wives but later we followed the western law of one man one wife, but men still act the same and have many wives so the only revenge open to the wife is to cut off his penis," Wallop said.

"Very few of these men have sex with their main wife and this leaves her feeling sexually unimportant and the only joy they have is getting him to come home and spend more time with his family," Wallop said.

The phallus also plays a special role in Thailand as a symbol of personal vigor and prosperity, and carved wooden and stone phalluses are found everywhere from shop fronts to ship prows.

Wallop said this special symbolism also made it a prime target for a vengeful partner.

"It's not just about being practical and getting his mind off sex, it is like a symbol of potency so they cut off his power," said Wallop.

In another reported case in Thailand this year, a bloodied Preecha Nasomyon, 31, was found by neighbours after he had an argument with his wife over an extramarital affair.

The fight ended with Preecha's privates being nearly completely severed by a large kitchen knife.

The distraught man refused to press charges against his wife and had his penis successfully re-attached by Thailand's experienced surgeons.

Dr Surasak said despite the damage done to patients such as Preecha, the recovery rate is surprisingly high.

"The operation success rate is 100 percent but I think only about 50 percent can again experience normal reliable function again," he said.

"The wife of one recovered patient complained her guy made love to her four to seven times a night and was waking her up at all hours because it only lasted two to three minutes," said Surasak with a resigned shrug, adding "we do our best."

According to the surgeon there are no solid numbers on how many Thai victims there have been because embarrassed patients, including some public figures, always seek discreet doctors, or disappear immediately after treatment.

He said it was now possible to make replacement penises from arteries and skin taken from other parts of the body that could be inflated with pumps, but warned men who insist on being unfaithful to follow a few golden rules.

"If you have a mistress they (wives) will get mad and cut it any time, so make her very happy, always carry a thermos to put it in and keep the name of a good doctor close by," he said.

--AFP 2004-07-07

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Penis hacking all the rage
Not in this household its not
The couple had fought, she then denied his requests for sex and kicked him when he complained, according to him. Such was the length of her toe nails, she severed his penis

Did she register these "weapons" with the local old bill?

This gives food for thought if not the ducks just how long were these toenails and if it's not too personal a question the lenght and thickness of this poor gentlemans member?


You have to be sorry for Thai men.

As boys, they are spoilt rotten by their mothers.

So they become irresponsible and go chasing younger models as soon as their wives are busy spoiling their sons.

Then they get their willies sliced off.

Life just ain't fair to them.


2 things (pardon the pun)

the death penalty should be brought in for such behaviour and if not then a baby's arm holding an apple size member should be sewn on as a replacement.

then watch the Mrs face turn when you go out drinking

If a woman transgresses her, well no, let's see, umm her... that can't be done either, ummm...

It seems to me you have led a sheltered life.

How about female circumscision as carried out on women in Muslim countries mostly young girls.


Ha ! Ha ! Is this a hoot! :o

After reading much of the commentary on this subject it sounds to me like many of our members are here in Thailand for the male dominance thing.

They seem very threatened by the idea that their better halves would dare to be indigniate and hurt by their disloyality and unfaithfulness to such a macho like extent that they would commit such an act of disobedience and disrespect to their manhood and cut off the only rational reason for existence?

Get over it guys, times they are a changing.

I am dumb founded why in Thailand, of all places, men see the need to marry knowing full well they intend to be the P' hounds they were before they got married. Man o man Is that being a user and a scrumb or what!

Man its just not that hard to get laid in Thailand! That is except maybe for those from the lower rings of human existence who have crawled out of some hole to blight the countryside of thailand.

An easy solution to this threat on everyones manhood would be some real odd concepts like loyality, fidelity, honor and respect not only to their wifes, families but to themselves..

Oops what was I thinking, those concepts are "to Fahrang" for place like Thialand?

Ya, I know, if Dat chu ( infidelity) is good enough for Thai men , its surely good enough for Fahrang too!

Just remember, as the article suggested, alway carry an ice chest and know the phone number of a good reattachment doctor. :D

In advance!

Man, dude you are a real loser for thinking such things! :D



I should preface this by saying I have no respect for cheating. But some of the things you have said are a little off-base.

"After reading much of the commentary on this subject it sounds to me like many of our members are here in Thailand for the male dominance thing. "

Pleeeenty of women cheat too. Believe you me. Lots and lots and lots and lots of women cheat, too. I used to work as a cab driver and got to hear all sorts of things. And cheating generally has nothing to do with male-dominance. Of course men want a double standard, but that, like cheating itself, is a *human* trait, not a just male one.

"An easy solution to this threat on everyones manhood would be some real odd concepts like loyality, fidelity, honor and respect not only to their wifes, families but to themselves.. "

I wholly agree with the concepts and the practice there. (maybe not the bitterness, though- even though I have been cheated on) However, I have been wrongly accused by jealous girlfriends before...

It is interesting, though. The frequency of cheating in Thai entertainment media is astounding compared to the States. And it usually involves the wronged party (nearly always a woman) getting piss drunk and buying a gun. One movie featured the girlfriend tying her guy to the bed and cutting off his legs with a hacksaw!! (it was a comedy) Generally speaking, what happens in the States is the other person (usually a guy, but not nearly so consistently) gets his stuff thrown out and the relationship is over. People do get killed, too, though. Both in the LoS and in the USA. He!!, in Texas, killing your cheating partner and/or the cuckold, povided you catch them in the act, is legal. (automatic temporary insanity)

An easy solution to this threat on everyones manhood would be some real odd concepts like loyality, fidelity, honor and respect not only to their wifes, families but to themselves..

Oops what was I thinking, those concepts are "to Fahrang" for place like Thialand?

What planet are you from? Infidelity is rife in all "Fahrang" countries.


heh... funny little story. My dad is a piano player, and a few years back was playing the reception at a wedding. Or should I say *would have* played the reception at the wedding, except that somewhere between the ceremony and the reception, the bride caught the groom getting a BJ in the closet *from one of her bridesmaids*. Anyway, he got to go home a little early.

What planet are you from? Infidelity is rife in all "Fahrang" countries.

It is indeed rife, but Thais do seem to bring it to another level. And most Thais are a bit less concerned with cheating themselves. I have seen many friends from different circles in the States get chastised by their male friends for

cheating / cheating related stuff.

Example ... me. I have a g/f with a baby due in Jan. I made a comment to a friend of mine about a group of girls- something like "they look good, if you like that kind of thing. Actually a few of 'em look giood even if you don't like that kind of thing." And he laughs, then says "What are you talking about? You have a /f and a baby on the way!"

I've seen lots of this kind of stuff. Point is, there is a cultural difference on the subject from the States and LoS. Granted, I don't speak Thai well enough to know how often these kinds of things get said by Thais, but there just doesn't seem to be quite the same support for remaining faithful in LoS.

That being said, there is a general foundation for cheating / not cheating that goes beyond cultural influence, (some very interesting research is being done on chemicals, like oxytocin, that create feelings of attatchment between people. And how some people are strongly affected by them (generally don't cheat), and some people don't have them (generally cheat a lot).

CALIFORNIA - Sometimes you really have to wonder what goes through these people's minds. Tommy Laws, from Fresno, California is to be tried on charges of mutilation of a corpse after he cut the penis off the body of John Sheehan and stuck it in a jar. Laws' friend, Roland Thomas has been charged with murder, accused of shooting the businessman after hitting him over the head with a whisky bottle. Laws allegedly used a kitchen knife to hack off the dead man's penis, kept it overnight and then flushed it away in a motel toilet. A judge at Fresno County Superior Court has ruled there is enough evidence to try the case after Thomas's girlfriend pleaded guilty to charges including "accessory after the fact".

A whole site devoted to this & similar penis related issues :o


man this article scared the $hit out of me. i guess as long as i remain faithful, well i don't have a girl now but dam*. what about the whole gossip crap out here. is it as bad as back home? don't wanna lose the most important member of my team over hearsay. :o


Man its just not that hard to get laid in Thailand! That is except maybe for those from the lower rings of human existence who have crawled out of some hole to blight the countryside of thailand.

True that! If you can't get laid in Thailand you must be broke as a joke, or a mutant. Even old, fat, ugly bald headed guys get it here. GROSS! These women are so hard up for cash they will go with just about ANYBODY! The only reason they are choppin penises is because they are mad that another women is taking money they think is ment for them. They should be more appreciative that the guys are generous enough to share not only their penises with more than one woman but also thier money!


Unbelievable :o

I've had casual conversations with a couple of Thai women and I'm shocked to find out their chart topping level of blood lust.

Ever heard of "I can't stop until I see red"?

An easy solution to this threat on everyones manhood would be some real odd concepts like loyality, fidelity, honor and respect not only to their wifes, families but to themselves..

Oops what was I thinking, those concepts are "to Fahrang" for place like Thialand?

What planet are you from? Infidelity is rife in all "Fahrang" countries.

He's obviously from the planet USA, and brain-washed by the politically correct (555) - meaning woman-dominated - climate that is destroying that formerly great country.


Anybody remember the poor dude posting last year, who gave a blow by blow account of how his g/f got really jealous when she heard he'd stopped by for an innocent drink at a bar at the end of the soi one evening, and went literally mad as a bag of spiders? She bought a whole chicken and started chopping it up with a big knife in front of him, then fed it's neck slowly into a liquidiser and finally drank the contents with blood and guts pouring down her neck. And all he did was stop off for a quiet beer! :D

The g/f probably went down with salmonella or bird flu, but anyone ever know what happened to the crapped out poster? did he make it out of LOS with his crown jewells intact, or did she Moulinex his manhood? :o:D

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