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Koh Ta0 Murders.


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As we all remember 2 British backpackers were murdered in Koh Tao in 2014 Hannah Witheridge and David Miller. No need to go into the details as we all know about it and like me we assumed the 2 Burmese migrants were wrongly accused. However, after watching a documentary called Death on the Beach outside forensics have investigated the case and they have found evidence they were in fact the murderers. CCTV analyzed a motorcycle leaving a store I presume 7/11 with 3 suspects on the bike. Evidence also shows they bought Cigarettes and beer and headed to the beach where 1 of them had a Guitar. They further said 1 of the 3 left to go and see his g/f leaving the 2 on the bike to go to the beach to drink beer and play Guitar. Cigarette butts were found three metres near the bodies and the Garden Hoe was found nearby stained in blood. The conclusion was the 2 Burmese saw Hannah and David kissing and cuddling up on the beach, and they waited and watched them, they decided to Rape Hannah after they bludgeoned David and threw his body into the sea they then raped Hannah and decided to kill her to so they would not be identified if she survived. On discovery of Davids's body his Mobile was missing when the RTP apprehended these 2 Davids's phone was found in their place of stay. DNA was also found linking 1 of them to holding the Hoe. this DNA was obtained from outside Thai forensics, and finally, they were convinced the 2 suspects were correctly identified as the culprits.

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yes it was a terrible Thai bashing episode on this forum by conspiracy theorist nutjobs with no idea and the British Andrew Drummond clown stirring it all up.


The local thai family was slagged off, the Thai police, the Thai judicary and Koh Tao itself. Most of the slaggers had never been to this beautiful island but vowed they would never return.


And lets not forget Hannah had a boyfriend back at home she was cheating on. But made out to be angelic.

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I had a very nice family holiday on Koh Tao last year. I'm planning to build our family home there (believe me I've seen just about every part of Thailand and it's Koh Tao for me, or maybe Phangan, or maybe, maybe. . .). Every British person thinks they know AAAALLLL about death island, just like everyone in Britain knows AAAALLL about Thai women. Yawn. Yawn yawn yawn. Massive yaaaawwwnn.








Edited by Led Lolly Yellow Lolly
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