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Nigerian and 13 Thais arrested for operating romance scam


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This is an old scam. They also target westerners, especially the elderly, and when they know they got you hooked they'll ask to come and see you up close and personal cuz they're sure you're the one. 

Only problem they can't leave the base. Out of the question.

But boy are you lucky. Their base commander is corrupt enough to accept bribes, so, with just USD 4,000 deposited in his account they can come and see you wherever you are. 

Not sure how many fell for that but there's one born every minute, or so they say. 

I suggest Only the Animals (2021) "an effectively convincing slow burn thriller" that also showcases how exactly these scams work. 

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Top site for feeling I'm not as dumb as I thought, some sell their homes and pass life savings to people they never met but are 'in love' with. Some of the victims are unbelievable, always Nigerian scammers some con women into thinking they are talking to Johnny Depp!




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5 hours ago, neeray said:

There must be a sh*t load of palatial estates in Nigeria. The vast amount of scammers that I hear and read about are Nigerian. Surely it can't all be done by just one kingpin. If so, he/she must be a trillionaire by now.

I am special. I get frequent emails from a Nigerian Prince who promises to send me money. They are not all bad. ????

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5 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

Without "Khon Afliccaaahhhh" this article would have never made the news - me thinks! 

Wrong, not long ago they took out a few Thais using the same trick... 


Pity is that compared to Nigerian prisons the Thai Prison looks a holiday place alike..

Wouldn't bother him to hang off for a decade... 

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8 hours ago, Hakuna Matata said:

Well, it's time for Nigerian bashing?


I have been to Nigeria in 2006, mostly Nigerians are very nice people. There are good and bad people in any country including China, United States, Great Britain, Ukraine, Poland, etc.

You are right of course.

Unfortunately the ones they export are all wrong-uns.

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On 8/26/2023 at 3:50 AM, Hakuna Matata said:

Well, it's time for Nigerian bashing?


I have been to Nigeria in 2006, mostly Nigerians are very nice people. There are good and bad people in any country including China, United States, Great Britain, Ukraine, Poland, etc.

True there are but I think you should maybe check out the origin of the majority of online scams over the last few years.


Many of these scams require bank accounts to receive the scammers proceeds. Those accounts must only last a few days to avoid detection.  Whilst I accept the monies will often be moved several times, Nigerian banks must notice patterns of opening and closing accounts.  I am also sure that Nigerian banks will have been questioned by police and fraud departments from other countries and banks. Yet the scams continue. Are the banks then complicit? Do the authorities of countries like Nigeria not lean on the banks to assist?  Yes, I'm short on details but it seems pretty clear that many of these scams could not operate if the authorities and banks acted responsibly. The rule of thumb with UK police investigations into financial crime is 'follow the money'. I fail to see why a transparent system cannot be set up that would prevent these scams.


I don't doubt that with some of the bigger scams that involve large amounts - such as the romance scams encountered by often elderly victims in the UK, it would be difficult to trace as an account is probably  opend for the sole purpose of the particular scam and closed within minutes of funds being received.  But many of the current scams involve smaller amounts such as with this scam or the hundreds of 'parcel' scams that are doing the rounds. Surely accounts aren't closed after they receive just a few hundred baht or less?


How are the documents used to open a bank account checked? I know its not easy to open an account in the UK.  I don't believe it would be impossible for Nigerian banks to stop the opening of these accounts by requiring official documents be provided.  If there are staff at these banks that are 'facilitating' the opening of accounts, it would be fairly easy for the bank's fraud department to identify patterns.


Nigeria receives aid from many Western countries and international aid agencies, in fact the country could not survive without it.  I wonder if the Nigerian authorities and banks would be more co-operative if this aid was stopped? Given that Nigeria is also known for corruption - millions of dollars of aid money has simply disappeared, I'm bloody sure they would put a stop to much of the scamming within days if their gravy train was threatened.


None of the above means that Nigeria is the only country that contains scammers but it is well known that many originate from there, with it seems, the knowledge of the authorities. In addition, as with this scam - many Nigerians are known to operate scams in other countries.


There is plenty of evidence out there that would nullify any claims of 'Nigerian bashing'.  I would simply say, scamming is not exclusive to Nigeria or Nigerians but it is very widespread, both within the country and amongst its citizens.

Edited by MangoKorat
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On 8/26/2023 at 9:52 AM, Jackbenimble said:

what a childish & feeble attempt to bring pitbulls into the conversation. 

you right,, pitbulls are much nicer then Nigerians. go say hallo to the Dogg next-door..

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