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I think the saying the common folks use is "Jek lak pai, Thai lak ma, leaw yown hai falang dag. "


If you are going to try and show off your Thai skills, you should at least know the love is, spelled with and properly spoken with, an "R" not an "L".


lak as in "drag" (to drag)


OK you are right. I stand corrected, so sorry.

I just have this knee-jerk reaction to guys who try to speak Thai in English situations and botch it badly. Had to listen to a guy recently using the same word over and over endlessly like he had just learned it. It was a literary word to boot not something Thais use in spoken language.

Once again I'm sorry for my reaction.

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I think the saying the common folks use is "Jek lak pai, Thai lak ma, leaw yown hai falang dag. "

I'd be happy if someone would just tell the ignorami amongst us what this means in English :o .


If the Thai woman is not from a rich family where working for a living / future is just done for fun then IMO her No 1 priority should be to take a long hard look at Mr Farangs income prospects and / or cash in bank and what their prospects would be together. IMO stupid not to.

I would also say that she should not marry below herself, Ie if she is a brain surgeon not to marry a window cleaner............unless he owns the business (not just his own ladder!)

Her speaking Farang and having experiance of dealing with Farang, preferably involving trips abroad would be ideal..........or failing that I would suggest a night out in lower Sukhumvit would be an eye opener. A couple of nights on Kaosan (sp?! road may be an eye opener for different reasons to help her understand what Farang can consider acceptable / normal when not on best behaviour..........

I would also want to know how many times he has been married before and what £££ commitments he had in Farangland to ex partners and kids.

I would also choose someone in my own age range.

Probably sounds harsh...........

(I am taking that she likes / loves him enough to consider a "real" marriage and is not just after short / medium term cash).


The other thread about sex ed in Thailand made me curious about leading causes of mortality here. In the course trying to find some info on that, I came across the rather interesting :D website - http://www.asiatour.com/ - of a true expert :o on the topic of this thread.

He can tell you "how women choose men", (and much, much more !) but, for the most important tips ...

you need to be a member :D .

Reading TV one would think that girls are only interested in money. Some guys obviously think it is their looks or tool that attract them. What should the girls checklist be for selecting a farang guy? Girls don't be shy. Give us an idea what you really want and look for. Guys show us how stupid or smart you really are. Let us see how much you really know about women and what they want.

After reading your first post I can only say, no wonder you're getting silly replies.

It reads like you're asking the world to enlighten you as to what a girl's checklist should be for you.

All this without telling what and how you are or the whereabouts of your target group.

That's about as nebulous as asking a plumber which custom made suit is going to fit and look best on you in the eyes of the world, where to get it and how much to pay, all without a try on.

The reason why few women have troubled to answer is because it's logical to them that they should meet and get to know a man before drawing up their checklist, so they probably regard your post as naive.

Which I do too BTW, either that or you're a troll who hasn't troubled to read the informative posts in this forum or to do you own research.

Because if you had, you'd already have learned that most of the respondents, like me are only posting their personal viewpoint.

Tell us more, maybe we'll tell you more.

P.S. Posting in Thai on an English forum will considerably reduce the possibilty of eliciting sensible replies.

Reading TV one would think that girls are only interested in money. Some guys obviously think it is their looks or tool that attract them. What should the girls checklist be for selecting a farang guy? Girls don't be shy. Give us an idea what you really want and look for. Guys show us how stupid or smart you really are. Let us see how much you really know about women and what they want.

the man should have enough cash in an interest bearing term deposit so that he can drop at least 50,000 baht every day without having to bat an eyelid, free money(thanks to all those suckers with loans and mortgages).


Has any man gone to Thailand for any other purpose other than women (or man) -

yep i came not having any idea what thailand was like...

i came thru work promotion

I think the saying the common folks use is "Jek lak pai, Thai lak ma, leaw yown hai falang dag. "

I'd be happy if someone would just tell the ignorami amongst us what this means in English :o .

The phrase, as I understand it, can be use in different situations but in this case seems to refer to the idea that farangs get the leftovers after the Thai and Chinese are finished with them.


I guess if I were a girl I would consider the following.

1. No smoking

2. No drinking

3. No gambling

4. No cheating

5. No lying

6. No hitting women

7. Someone who supports you and tells you what you CAN do not what you CAN'T do.

8. Someone who looks you in the eye when talking to you and really listens.

9. Someone who is more interested in what he can do for you instead of what you can do for him.

10. Someone who actually likes spending time with you someplace other than the bed.

11. Someone who touches you someplace other than your privates.

12. Someone who doesn't have a stupid "checklist" that includes things like cup size, etc...

13. Someone who is confident and successful but not completely full of himself.

I hope you get the idea by now as this list could just keep on growing. Very few posters seemed to get the point so maybe just maybe this might help. I'm probably overestimating potential though.


From an amateur anthroplological view, I'd suggest that historically women have sought men who could support them and their offspring. Once this was a physical thing; subsequently it became a financial thing. In turn, for a woman who now doesn't require financial support from a husband, looks and manners (in the broadest sense) are a luxury they can afford.

In other words, love is a luxury that only some independent women can afford (risk).

I edited out my last reply. I really need to avoid these topics populated by losers who think women are a commodity. If they are in Thailand only for the women, it's often because they don't have the social skills, manners, or common sense to keep a relationship back home. They come here where poverty and language barriers give them an upper hand, but sooner or later their other half learns what his ex companions back home learned. When she wises up and dumps him he stops ranting about western women and starts on about gold digging Thai women, probably not even a clue that it may be he that has the problem.

I think this should be on the top of list for Thai girls to ask prospective suitors;

Ask him why his past relationships failed. His way of answering will tell you a lot about himself.

I'm 100% with you cdnvic. I wonder if Thai women realize to what extent some of the men who turn up in Thailand are the dregs of the dating scene back home -- most farang women wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.

I can respect men who come to Thailand because they can't find someone back home because they are older, or don't look like Brad Pitt, or have their hearts broken in some way, but who have good hearts to give to their Thai partners. But I find it hard to respect men who come to Thailand with this "I want something for nothing" attitude, who have failed back home because they have no idea how to treat anyone with respect.

I've known some great Thai-farang couples, and there some lovely men on TV, so I don't want to paint everyone with the same brush. But how many guys you see posting on these threads can be summed up by this:

1. Farang women are fat, hairy, feminist b*.

2. I'm going to Thailand where are the women are hot and feminine!

3. Woo! Kid in a candy store! Making checklists!

3. Where can I find a Thai woman who is not a golddigger?

4. Thailand is no longer delivering the GFE ("no one treats me like a king for 30 bucks")

5. hey, how are the chicks in Cambodia?

Can he be taken by the nose like a kwai

Check ! And I have fewer fleas than most kwai (I think) :D

Does he answer to the name "Khun ATM"

Check ! (I actually tell people in certain establishments that my name is "ATM". Some of them actually "get it" <the joke that is, not the money> !)

Has any man gone to Thailand for any other purpose other than women (or man) - lets say 2% have to be generous. If not for easy availability of companionship shall we call it most of you would be in Spain or Mexico and not Asia


No hable Espanol (or something like that). I'm getting a little tired over having to answer the same question, in slightly different form, just about every week. There's always someone else coming on and insinuating that all men (or 98% of them at least) are only in Thailand for cheap sex. :o

Whenever I have a broken record, I throw it out. I don't keep trying to play it over and over, and over, and over, and over, and over <bump> again.

I don't have a check list.

Finding one who is not an arse should be a good start.

Ha ! You'll never find me ! You can dangle all the Jack Daniels you want in front of my nose and I'll........er..........uh.........oh h3ll. Who am I trying to kid ? I can be had for 25 satang's worth of Lao Khao. :D

I used to be cheap and easy. Then the world became "Politically Correct".

Now I'm financially inexpensive and readily available ! :D

1. Farang women are fat, hairy, feminist b*.

2. I'm going to Thailand where are the women are hot and feminine!

3. Woo! Kid in a candy store! Making checklists!

3. Where can I find a Thai woman who is not a golddigger?

4. Thailand is no longer delivering the GFE ("no one treats me like a king for 30 bucks")

5. hey, how are the chicks in Cambodia?

I vote for #2 :o

I'm 100% with you cdnvic. I wonder if Thai women realize to what extent some of the men who turn up in Thailand are the dregs of the dating scene back home -- most farang women wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.

I won't diagree with the gist (albeit IME many Farang women do seem to really go for f#ckwits......but that is another thread!).

One of the things that I talked about with the Missus was that the Farang men in Farangland were NOT the same in general as those who she encountered in Thailand (she's been around a bit!), both "Good" and "bad"..........and I would therefore have more "competition" to keep her as my wife. She was kinda surprised at this, but after a bit of thought she can understand why.......just not something she ever gave much thought to before cos' she did not need to.

BTW I won't say the fellas you disaprove of (and fair enuf for that - even I ain't blind enough to say it is a great thing) are "dregs" cos' IME the most "disturbing" thing about most of the fellas being naughty in Thailand is that they are "normal" fellas, quite often just like your Bank Manager, Doctor, Teacher, Plumber, Bus Driver, Neighbour, Brother, Uncle. Because they are these people. and IME usually nice people to share a few beers with. Not to say I would marry any of them! Of course their are always Class A f#ckwits, but IME in a minority.

Obviously I have not lived in Pattaya................so I will defer to others on this area!

Now we can see he knows not of what he speaks. Not been around as much as he would like to think.

Thailand is not the favoured haunt of old Asian men or guys from Singapore ;-))

We had better discount his rants then :D

i actually have been nowhere and know nothing - everything i say i read on thaivisa or overheard on a barstoll - guys from Singapore do not exist as do not old asian men looking for mia nois. :o

now to get back on topic - a woman wants a man with some cash any way you slice it (unless she is young and horny and already has a sponsor and then she will just f@@k you for sport)

I always did like sport...... :D

I edited out my last reply. I really need to avoid these topics populated by losers who think women are a commodity. If they are in Thailand only for the women, it's often because they don't have the social skills, manners, or common sense to keep a relationship back home. They come here where poverty and language barriers give them an upper hand, but sooner or later their other half learns what his ex companions back home learned. When she wises up and dumps him he stops ranting about western women and starts on about gold digging Thai women, probably not even a clue that it may be he that has the problem.

I think this should be on the top of list for Thai girls to ask prospective suitors;

Ask him why his past relationships failed. His way of answering will tell you a lot about himself.

Correct :o !!!!!

Reading TV one would think that girls are only interested in money. Some guys obviously think it is their looks or tool that attract them. What should the girls checklist be for selecting a farang guy? Girls don't be shy. Give us an idea what you really want and look for. Guys show us how stupid or smart you really are. Let us see how much you really know about women and what they want.

As women are individuals, then I guess their wants are also individual. Are there any females in Thailand that rate money as being important?? I've never met any! Although I did once hear of a girl in Issaan who took all of her foreign husband's money and then locked him out of his own house !!!! I doubt if it were true though, I mean can you imagine coming home after a hard days work only to find you have to climb through the window?


Not hard really - treat someone in a relationship how you like to be treated. A complete partnership 2=1 affaire. Never had any issues if one follows this course of behaviour in any relationship.


1. Someone who has something to contribute to my life (whatever that may be)

2. Someone who is not so ugly that everyone believes that #1 must be money


What Thai women want is not encompassed in an obtuse check list. They are no different than most men. They want to be around someone that brings much more pleasure than headaches. What they settle for in many cases is much less. Same-Same in any country, but more extreme in LOS.

Has any man gone to Thailand for any other purpose other than women (or man) -

yep i came not having any idea what thailand was like...

i came thru work promotion

part of the 2% hypothsis then I take it?

how many girls actually want a man with a big tool? girls dont need it or want it like guys.

No point in me going there again then, eh Blizz? :o

how many girls actually want a man with a big tool? girls dont need it or want it like guys.

I've been dying to ask this question for ages.

What is a women to you Blizzard?

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