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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ends Democratic presidential bid, launches independent campaign

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declared his “independence from the Democratic Party” on Monday in Philadelphia, ending his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination and launching an independent bid that he said aims to heal the political divide, which he portrayed as a fiction of a corrupt establishment.

“I intend to wrest the reins of power from both parties and give to it the American people,” he said, comparing Republicans and Democrats to teenagers fighting over the steering wheel of an out-of-control car, both following a GPS route programmed by lobbyists.


“This hatred we have for each other is orchestrated,” Kennedy said, switching to a medieval metaphor. “My job ... is to unify Americans. Then we’re all going to go over the castle walls together.”

Kennedy has struggled to gain traction in the Democratic primaries, even with voters expressing a desire that someone younger take the party banner from President Joe Biden. His views on issues like vaccines and abortion has left him outside the Democratic mainstream.

A crowd of about 1,000 turned out on a sunny fall day to hear Kennedy speak in front of Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed. Some wore suits and ties; others wore homemade Kennedy T-shirts, hats and buttons and at least one custom-made cape. One sign read, “I want Camelot," a reference to the mythologized Kennedy dynasty.

“There have been antiestablishment candidates before but none of them who actually understand how to get the job done,” he said. “This time the independent is going to win.”

Kennedy said the time is ripe, citing the growing proportion of Americans who tell pollsters they’re fed up with both parties — a record 63% say Republicans and Democrats do “such a poor job” of representing America that “a third major party is needed,” according to a new Gallup survey.

Still, Kennedy faces long odds. The best-perform





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For me, I prefer Biden, as he continues to fail miserably, COLA are high & strong $$$.  A win for Biden, almost guarantees Harris as president, when Biden put out to pasture, if he doesn't crap out.  Not so good for USA.


Trump, 4 yrs of distractions, though via executive order, better for USA.  Bad for me, as low exchange rate & COLA much lower when he was President.  Not a warmonger, so a plus for all.


Kennedy ... can't do any worse, hopefully, or hope so ???? though I don't care either way.  What's bad for USA (inflation) is good for me.  Me Me Me

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