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5 People - Pay Me 5000 Baht

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Was pulled over the other week on the highway near Pattaya for the heinous crime of being a farang at the wheel of a motor vehicle.

Cop asked me where I'm from and I launched into pretty much my whole life's story. I wasn't going anywhere special and had a lot of time on my hands so figured I'd try a tactic of giving very long-winded answers to whatever he asked me.

Eventually he told me that in Thailand I shouldn't hang in the right lane as in Thailand it's only for passing. Oh I knew that, I told him, and was just passing the pickup in front of me. In fact I really don't like when people hang out in the right lane because it blocks traffic up. You can imagine if everyone did that there'd be no way to pass because it would be a solid wall of cars. And when I lived in America some trucks would protest the speed limit by driving at exactly the limit in both lanes and blah blah blah blah....

Sure enough, his eyes glazed over and he gave me back the license, telling me I could go. My girlfriend suggested that he was losing revenue as I was yabbering away so he decided to cut me loose. :o

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