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Clover weeds


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Hello & hope I'm in the right forum regarding this weed  guestion. I have this aggressive clover making colonies all over our lawn. They root extraordinarily deep and pulling them out is futile.

Would any of you have a suggestion on a weed killer, or similar? Hopefully something that wouldn't wipe out the grass around it.

It's amazing how it can find its way several meters away, rapidly expanding new colonies.

Thanks for any information!


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clover is usually a sign that your soil is poor in nutrients.  Which is why they  plan clover on nutrient poor fields after a harvest to reconstitute nitrogen. 

Also is more drought resistant than grass. 

So as the grass is less healthy due to the lack of nutrients and perhaps because you are not watering  during the dry season the clover takes over  and is hard to get rid of, 

Try this Roundup clone from Lazada. do a section first and if it works well do the rest, 



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First off, it is not clover, clover is a temperate grass /legume .and will not grow in Thailand, the hot season will kill it off, the wife says it is Pak Wen,it like wet land, is your lawn wet? to much water? or during the rainy season water sits on the land and cannot get away.?

Try going around with a fork or a pointed rod making hole best is 6-9 inch's deep, that will help drainage, you may have to do this more than once.

As for using Roundup, that will just kill everything it touch's, it is a contact herbicide, that is the last thing you need, look at MCPA or MCPB, they are selective herbicide's, kill's the weeds not the grass.

But if you have a lot of weeds, using any chemical could make the lawn very patchy as the weeds die off.

As been said some compound fertilizer could well help. 

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