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Really a stupid tax ?

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31 minutes ago, liddelljohn said:

I dont and never have had to pay  tax on any money or investments  held in any country I am not resident in ,  either in my home country of UK or my  dual citizen EU country or anywhere i have been resident  for career of 45 years   in my jobs  unless I brought that money as earned income  into resident country /


This is exactly what will happen in Thailand : you will pay tax if you bring your foreign income to Thailand, unless the DTA help you (and it often helps)

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15 minutes ago, Photoguy21 said:

I wonder if the Thai's working in the Middle East will be happy about it? They send their money back home for the family and the Middle East is essentially tax free. Tax them on what they send home and Thailand will need to have at least 250000 jobs waiting for them as I know they wont remain in the Middle East and pay tax.


Are you sure ?

Will they really pay Thai tax if they are not residents of Thailand for tax purposes ( Over the 180 day residency threshold ) ?

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Just now, The Cyclist said:


Are you sure ?

Will they really pay Thai tax if they are not residents of Thailand for tax purposes ( Over the 180 day residency threshold ) ?

I was talking about Thai nationals and if the government wants to get tax from them, which I hope they dont, there will be a significant number returning to Thailand.

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Just now, Photoguy21 said:

I was talking about Thai nationals and if the government wants to get tax from them, which I hope they dont, there will be a significant number returning to Thailand.


Yes, I understand that you are talking about Thai Nationals.


I am asking you if the they will pay tax on tax free ME salaries if they are non resident for tax purposes, ie, spend less than 180 days a year in Thailand.


Just like Nationals of most Countries keep tax free earning tax free by sticking to their Countries rules.


Remember this new interpretation of the rules affects people who are tax residents of Thailand, above 180 days in a tax year.

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I think it is plain stupid, because sucking out more money from a weak economy to finance populist schemes is utter garbage. They should make the best use of the money they got now; eradicate corruption. If this happened I'd be happy to contribute.

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16 hours ago, liddelljohn said:

what the Thais are proposing but unlikey to actually implement is  contrary to all international law and dual tax treaties


I do not understand why it is contrary to all international law and dual tax treaties, can you explain me better ?



In my native conuntry (Italy) if you import some money from abroad you have to explain from where this money is coming and, if not covered by a TDA, you must pay tax on it.

Moreover, if you have any investement abroad, also if not generating income, you are obliged to declare it and to pay a small tax.

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56 minutes ago, federicoP said:


I do not understand why it is contrary to all international law and dual tax treaties, can you explain me better ?




It isn't, he just upset. Any sovereign state can impose whatever tax rules and regulations it wishes, end of story.

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7 minutes ago, Mike Lister said:

It isn't, he just upset. Any sovereign state can impose whatever tax rules and regulations it wishes, end of story.


We are all upset, we thought we lived in a tax haven and could forget the word "tax", but suddenly we discover that this is not true.........

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2 minutes ago, federicoP said:


We are all upset, we thought we lived in a tax haven and could forget the word "tax", but suddenly we discover that this is not true.........

Monaco is a tax haven, the Caymans is a tax haven, Thailand has only just recently emerged from being a third world country. Why anyone ever thought Thailand is a tax haven and that things would never change is remarkable.

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18 hours ago, federicoP said:

Why do we continue to complain about this new, more restrictive interpretation by the Revenue on a regulation that has already existed for many years and we pretended it didn't exist?

1. Because we (some of us) already paid taxes in our home country on the money we bring here. Double-taxation is wrong.

2. Because we already contribute far more to Thailand's economy than the average taxpayer. The money we inject into the Thai economy directly and indirectly keeps Thais employed. Not to mention we do pay sales taxes and other taxes directly or indirectly.

3. Because this may put a burden on expats who don't owe taxes yet will have to file and explain sources of income anyway.


We don't know if, and how, any of this will be enforced. Depending on how bad it is will determine how much further whining we do, as well as more drastic measures like leaving Thailand for at least 6 months a year if that's the only way to avoid double-taxation. And the stupidest part is that this isn't even going to help Thailand - on the contrary, if actually enforced it will halt the majority of overseas money flowing into the country and devastate the economy.

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18 hours ago, federicoP said:

I see a lot of comments about this “stupid/nonsense tax”,  as if it had been designed above all to target us expats.

Have you seen the details? if so please chare.

Even  without the details I can tell you that it is not designed to primarily target expats. 

there are an estimated 3-4 million expats living in Thailand thats 5% of the Thai population. 

If indeed this is designed to increase revenue, as they said, then you go where the money is .

And I suspect that's exactly where they will go

Now if they were lying and  what they actually are trying to do is decrease  revenue  then yes indeed, tax foreign   investment  coming into Thailand. 


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1 minute ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

1. Because we (some of us) already paid taxes in our home country on the money we bring here. Double-taxation is wrong.

2. Because we already contribute far more to Thailand's economy than the average taxpayer. The money we inject into the Thai economy directly and indirectly keeps Thais employed. Not to mention we do pay sales taxes and other taxes directly or indirectly.

3. Because this may put a burden on expats who don't owe taxes yet will have to file and explain sources of income anyway.


We don't know if, and how, any of this will be enforced. Depending on how bad it is will determine how much further whining we do, as well as more drastic measures like leaving Thailand for at least 6 months a year if that's the only way to avoid double-taxation. And the stupidest part is that this isn't even going to help Thailand - on the contrary, if actually enforced it will halt the majority of overseas money flowing into the country and devastate the economy.

There is zero evidence that anyone is going to be taxed twice, that is the purpose of a Dual Tax Agreement.


The fact that many foreigners are more wealthy than the average Thai is irrelevant. Anyone who moved to Thailand to live, did so on the understanding they would abide by their laws. If at any time they don't agree with those laws, they are free to return to their own country. Comparing the wealth of a foreigner to a rural Thai is inappropriate. Pointing out that foreigners pay sales tax and VAT is also meaningless, everyone pays it so everyone is the same.


There is no evidence the amended law will put an extra burden on any one doesn't owe tax here other than to understand their own finances at a detail level.


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3 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Have you seen the details? if so please chare.

Even  without the details I can tell you that it is not designed to primarily target expats. 

there are an estimated 3-4 million expats living in Thailand thats 5% of the Thai population. 

If indeed this is designed to increase revenue, as they said, then you go where the money is .

And I suspect that's exactly where they will go

Now if they were lying and  what they actually are trying to do is decrease  revenue  then yes indeed, tax foreign   investment  coming into Thailand. 


Nobody is trying to tax inbound FDI, for goodness sake!

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1 minute ago, Liverpool Lou said:

"sales tax and VAT"


What is this "sales tax" that you are bizarrely claiming foreigners pay in addition to VAT?   Perhaps you just trying to make it appear that we pay more than we actually do?

The complete quote, had you bothered to read it in full, is:


"Pointing out that foreigners pay sales tax and VAT is also meaningless, everyone pays it so everyone is the same".

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