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Gaza Strip in maps: How life has changed in two months


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8 hours ago, billd766 said:

Thank you for posting the topic and the link.


The UN teams and some news teams on the ground can only report and can do very little.


Sadly the majority of countries do little but talk, whine and cry.


Only one country, South Africa, has Stood up and actually done something about it.




Predictably, Israel has strongly rejected the allegation, calling it "baseless".

"Israel rejects with disgust the blood libel spread by South Africa", the foreign ministry said.


Meanwhile for every day of inaction, hundred of men, women, children die unnecessarily, and hundreds more are injured. What does the world do about the murderous Israeli regime.


They talk a lot and do SFA.


In the UN security council they say that they can do nothing because Russia has a veto.


Russia, another "peaceful" country.


The simple answer is to remove the veto from Russia. If they don't accept it, then kick them off the UNSC and give their position to an African country such as South Africa. Russia will be no great loss.

They should move the US to South Africa and kick the US and Israel out! 

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