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CAMIGUIN flights - 15 kg luggage limit? Other tips?

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 Hello, there are flights to\from Camiguin from Manila and Cebu, for instance with CebGo.  


Is it true that the maximum checked luggage is 15 kilograms?  Do you know the penalty for more than 15 kilograms, by kilogram?  

Is the hand luggage weighed as well, or maybe even the passenger? (I had that on small planes to Palawan in 2008.) 

Are these flights sometimes cancelled at short notice even if the weather is good?  

Anything else that might flummox the foreign traveler on these flights?    


One airline servicing Camiguin is obviously CebGo, seemingly an offspring of Cebu Pacific and anyway to be booked through the Cebu Pacific website. This site always stalls when I try to see a flight like Davao-Camiguin via Cebu. That means I can't check the luggage restrictions at the source. Many other search sites like Kayak offer this flight and link to a travel agency (not the airline itself); but I don't trust their information as much as I trust the information on the site of the airline itself. (I would prefer PAL if available.)    


If the Cebu Pacific website does work alright, is it possible to book a domestic flight like Davao-Camiguin from a European computer with an international Visa credit card or PayPal? (That was impossible in 2008 and maybe also in 2014 IIRC.) 


Thanks for your real life experiences about flights to\from Camiguin!

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