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Inside Biden's delay on going "nuclear" at the border

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President Biden's contemplation of a significant executive order to curb illegal border crossings has been protracted by the anticipation of legal challenges, political backlash, and operational limitations. Amid Republicans' elevation of the border issue for the 2024 election, Biden faces the delicate task of balancing a crackdown with progressive expectations and legal feasibility.


Biden's potential executive action would hinge on utilizing Section 212(f) of the federal code, a provision previously wielded by former President Trump in his immigration policies. Despite the risks involved, including the need for congressional funding to enforce such measures, Biden is reportedly moving closer to a decision.


The White House has notified Capitol Hill aides of impending briefings on the border plans, indicating a forthcoming announcement. However, Biden has publicly expressed reservations about invoking Section 212(f), acknowledging potential judicial setbacks while still considering its implementation.


Navigating legal obstacles is just one aspect of the challenge for the administration. The practical and political risks loom large, especially amidst Republican opposition to border funding and progressive discontent over Biden's stance on issues like Israel. Securing additional resources to fortify the border requires congressional approval, a prospect made uncertain by partisan divisions.


The collapse of a bipartisan border deal in Congress has left Biden with limited options, pushing him towards the Section 212(f) approach as a last resort. The timing of any executive action is crucial, given the fluctuating trends in illegal border crossings, which typically surge during warmer months.


While executive measures may offer short-term solutions, they do not address underlying structural issues within the immigration system, such as inadequate infrastructure and resource constraints. Thus, even if Biden opts for a bold move at the border, it may only offer temporary relief without addressing the systemic challenges at hand.






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5 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

An article excusing joe of inaction because it would only be a short term fix... well golly... if a pipe is leaking, plug it until you can replace it, don't let it flood everything.

You'll know when Americans have had enough when the start bailing out of USA

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7 hours ago, retarius said:

An article without merit. Biden could have simply reinstated Trump's executive order than be abolished on Day 1 of his tenure. He is not doing this to give himself an, admittedly weak, answer to the Republicans' horror at his letting in illegals, even those on watch lists who may be feature in future terror strikes. Biden and the Democrats strategy is to bring in millions of illegal aliens, then to pass local legislation allowing them to vote, hoping they will overwhelmingly vote Democrat. How about simply governing in the interests pod all the country Joe? 


In this day and age of AI and Electronic Money supply coming into being, and the ability to shut down anyone's Bank Account, if they so much as breathe incorrectly.

It seems an Obvious Solution to institute an Electronic Green Card System, wherein Immigrants are admitted, { having previously brought all the necessary documentation, to the Border Control }.

These immigrants are admitted, on the proviso of constant reporting to Immigration centres, { monthly or 3 Monthly }. so that their Green Cards can be updated, with work situations achieved, and residences acquired  !

If after 12 Months { or other permitted period }, Employment has NOT been found, the Green Card, can instruct them to attend an Immigration Centre, or Freeze their Green Card, or any other Sanction, deemed necessary  !
If ALL else fails they can be Deported, and their Green Card { which they keep }, will show this  !

Immigration can ALWAYS, back check, should they return to a border Crossing  !

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2 hours ago, rovinman said:


In this day and age of AI and Electronic Money supply coming into being, and the ability to shut down anyone's Bank Account, if they so much as breathe incorrectly.

It seems an Obvious Solution to institute an Electronic Green Card System, wherein Immigrants are admitted, { having previously brought all the necessary documentation, to the Border Control }.

These immigrants are admitted, on the proviso of constant reporting to Immigration centres, { monthly or 3 Monthly }. so that their Green Cards can be updated, with work situations achieved, and residences acquired  !

If after 12 Months { or other permitted period }, Employment has NOT been found, the Green Card, can instruct them to attend an Immigration Centre, or Freeze their Green Card, or any other Sanction, deemed necessary  !
If ALL else fails they can be Deported, and their Green Card { which they keep }, will show this  !

Immigration can ALWAYS, back check, should they return to a border Crossing  !

Once they are in the USA many of them will simply disappear.

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