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Believed Dead, Respected Thai Monk Surprises Devotees at Ceremony

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In a mix-up that has left many in a state of joyful disbelief, a revered Thai monk, Luang Pu Sila Sirijantho, has resurfaced in the public eye, dispelling rumours of his demise. The confusion unfolded in the quiet Kalasin province, at the sacred grounds of the Dhamma Park where a hut donation ceremony for venerable Luang was taking place.


The source of this merry miscommunication sprung from a devout, yet ill-informed follower misinterpreting an image of Luang on Facebook, subsequently believing the revered monk to be deceased. Motivated by faith and in a time of personal hardship, this devotee made a vow to gild the late monk's effigy at his temple if their circumstances improved. Lo and behold, when the individual's fortunes did indeed turn for the better, they promptly journeyed to the temple to fulfil their vow, only to be met by a very alive and well Luang.


In a hilarious twist, the viral element of this story isn't so much the resurrection of Luang for the unsuspecting devotee, but more so the act of gilding the live monk. Traditionally, gilding is a practice executed on statues or images of monks, not the living figures themselves. It's easy to imagine the surprise of Luang himself, now a shining example of faithful devotion, quite literally!

Born in 1928, Luang has led a life of devout worship, earning respect for his deep understanding of Buddhist texts and meditation practices. The 78-year-old monk, however, isn't unfamiliar with close encounters. Back in 2021, Luang escaped harm in a potential vehicle accident. In what his followers deemed divine intervention, a pickup truck narrowly missed colliding with his travelling party after losing control, cementing Luang's protective spiritual aura in the eyes of his devotees.


The recent unexpected and joyful reunion of the faithful follower with the monk he believed deceased is yet another testament to Luang's revered stature. As news of the golden gilding continues to glow online, the incident has cemented Luang Pu Sila Sirijantho's status as a living legend – adored, respected and very much alive!


File photo for reference only. Courtesy of Google



-- 2024-05-13


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12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Lo and behold, when the individual's fortunes did indeed turn for the better, they promptly journeyed to the temple to fulfil their vow, only to be met by a very alive and well Luang

Sounds a bit like someone elses miraculous recovery

  • Like 1

Born in 1928 and only 78 years old?🤣🤣

It's the Thaiger reporting so we understand the lack of editorial oversight and inability to count which would have picked up that one. 

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  • Haha 1

Superstitious peasants. And not very smart 🤔 he was dead already. At least they managed to turn their financial problems around. Surely not due to any religious glib. But perhaps the actual itself made them do something different from what they normally did badly. 

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