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The New and Increasingly Pervasive...Queequeg-Fashion-Statement: Good?

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Dear Folks,


I do not like tats on ladies.


Where I grew up, tats were considered to be nothing but downright GAUCHE!


But, these days, it seems that almost everyone and everybody is hell-bent on covering themselves with multicolored ink, and ink that is not easily washed off.


This is not a new fad, of course.


But then....

When will it ever stop?


I would never date a woman with tats, just because I would not know whether to read her or bed her.


When I first read Moby Dick, I could not imagine that a harpooner would choose to cover himself with ink.






And yet, today, so many stylish women (not really stylish, of course, nor educated, either), seem to be competing for attention with Mr. Queequeg.


I find it unnerving when I see a woman attend a formal function, only to show her back, completely covered in illustrations, sort of looking like the posters we might have expected to see, years ago, in San Francisco, in Haight-Ashbury.


What is the world coming to, these days, anyway?


Have they no common sense?


Don't they care about their skin, these women?

And what happened to the good old days when women would pay much money to buy ....skin creams....such as Chanel, and other brands?



All that I have to say is that I am truly disgusted at this sight, and also the typical uncaring, present today, for one's own precious skin, not to mention....

A bit of DECENCY, too!


So then, what is your opinion?


Has the pendulum now swung far too far from proper decorum?


One of the scariest movies for me, when I was young, was the great Steiger film, The Illustrated Man.....

And, now, this nightmare seems to be haunting me....every time....I venture outside my house....

With every woman and her sister, not to mention their menfolks, covered from head to toe in INK!




Will this never end?


I mean, I know that it will end....and I know this will not end well, for these NITWITS who take sadistic pleasure in ....

Disfiguring themselves.


What are your thoughts, Folks?


Thanks and Regards,

Gamma G.



NOTE:  Even on Nantucket, these days, .... Nantucket which was once a huge whaling community...., nobody runs around looking like Queequeg carrying a harpoon!  These days, most of the people living on the island are wealthy, and have a touch of class.  They would NEVER be caught dead covered from head to toe in INK!


So then...

What's going on around here?

The INK just keeps on spreading.....

And, spreading!









  • Confused 1

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