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"merging" Handles


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I've got an old handle, still alive, but I really don't like this sort of dual identity. And - as I've learned from the forum rules - it's illegal. Usually, I don't use that old handle - I only use it when I feel like interfering in some stupid arguments between 1-2 year old newbies discussing whose the better guy: the one with 1,714 posts or the one with 109 posts - However, regardless of how ridiculous it actually is - it seems like a 4-digit membership number often can settle an issue... So, can handles be merged - and in that case, what do I do?

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No, they cannot be merged.

You are correct when you said that dual handles are illegal and are actually a capital offence, however admin can take a lenient stance when confessed to early, so don't worry too much about the lethal injection just yet.

I suggest you choose one handle and stick to it, let an admin/mod know what nick you no longer require and we can stop the temptation to use it again.

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... we should make his other nick public, so that we can see who he ha been on the forum ...

Nah, I think we should give the guy a chance ... He might have a reason not to carry around too much of the sheet he let out in earlier incarnations :o .

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