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Alina Habba Warns of "Uproar" if Donald Trump is Jailed Following Conviction

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2 hours ago, Thailand said:

House arrest with ankle bracelet.

In Trump Tower, NYC.

Mar Largo isn't legally considered a residence but a club house as registered by Trump with the county assessor office. Trump would consider it his right to roam Mar Largo freely vs kept away from the public and prevented from holding threat/hate speech rallies.

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55 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

In Trump Tower, NYC.

Mar Largo isn't legally considered a residence but a club house as registered by Trump with the county assessor office. Trump would consider it his right to roam Mar Largo freely vs kept away from the public and prevented from holding threat/hate speech rallies.

So his supporter should not complain that he's  given 30,000 square feet of freedom... 

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10 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


it would take a very crazy judge to order the nominee for the POTUS to jail before the appeal process was completed.

Sentencing has to be done now but can be appealed. Following your reasoning he shouldn't be sent to jail because he is a presidential nominee. 

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11 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

True, hopefully. There is enough pushback in legal circles (even among lifelong Democrats) who recognize that the trial itself was obviously politically motivated. Adding a prison sentence to an essentially victimless crime would possibly cement the win for Trump.

CUOMO: former dem AG & Gov of NY!

The case should of never been brought.


https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4734858-andrew-cuomo-donald-trump-alvin-bragg-hush-money-case-new-york/#:~:text=Cuomo%2C in an interview Friday,'ve never been brought.”

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10 hours ago, theshu25 said:

Totally agree,the grifting lying rapist ,conman should get some time just for being the smug mutt that he is.

Rapist is a lie ,if it was true it would be settled in criminal court .

Keep it up ! These are far left talking points!


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9 hours ago, Celsius said:

So this trial is about him paying off a prostitute? Can a decent American on this forum who has no affiliation to left or right ideology explain to me fairly why is this different than what Clinton did?

I am not an American. I will leave it to others to decide if I am "decent".


Lewinsky was not a prostitute.


The whole stained dress and denial of having sex was tacky and unconvincing, but: Clinton did not "pay her off" using money donated for his election campaign. Neither did he comprehensively " cook the books" and lie about having done so. 34 times!

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