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....On a Hull visa trip and do you know what? IT IS NOT TOO BAD HERE! This, coming from a man who is usually only too keen to stick the boot in to the UK. I arrived last Wednesday to the fine city of Newcastle.[my hometown] I could not believe how clean and fresh the cool air felt. I could not believe how modern and well run the place seemed to be. The prices of course were sky high as always, but on the flipside of that coin is the knowledge that one can complain/seek legal redress if need be.

I went into my Brothers local. Everyone complaining about the state of the country, but yet warm and friendly on a personal level. Crime not too big a factor if you ignore the Tabloids, be polite, and do not go to the wrong areas at night.[as in Thailand.]

I left Thailand expecting the worst but although I am really looking foreward to returning to my wife, St. Bernard and home in Chumphon, for the first time, I will miss what England also has to offer.Family, Old friends, Newcastle Brown ale, decent Indian curry, Marmite,the papers, good talk radio....

PS. I wil let you know how I got on with my visa application in Hull as soon as I can.

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As they say, it is not what you see when you go abroad that counts, it is what you see when you come home.

I'm firmly in the camp of those who love Thailand, but love England too and I see no parradox in that - Two places with different things to offer, and in both you'll fine the finest of life's riches if you care to look.

It's good to hear that confirmed from someone who admiits having been down on the UK in the past.

Best of luck in Hull.

....On a Hull visa trip and do you know what? IT IS NOT TOO BAD HERE! This, coming from a man who is usually only too keen to stick the boot in to the UK. I arrived last Wednesday to the fine city of Newcastle.[my hometown] I could not believe how clean and fresh the cool air felt. I could not believe how modern and well run the place seemed to be. The prices of course were sky high as always, but on the flipside of that coin is the knowledge that one can complain/seek legal redress if need be.

I went into my Brothers local. Everyone complaining about the state of the country, but yet warm and friendly on a personal level. Crime not too big a factor if you ignore the Tabloids, be polite, and do not go to the wrong areas at night.[as in Thailand.]

I left Thailand expecting the worst but although I am really looking foreward to returning to my wife, St. Bernard and home in Chumphon, for the first time, I will miss what England also has to offer.Family, Old friends, Newcastle Brown ale, decent Indian curry, Marmite,the papers, good talk radio....

PS. I wil let you know how I got on with my visa application in Hull as soon as I can.

well ,you aint been to hull yet?

and if that aint enough, go to leeds, youll wanna be on a plane quicker than they can issue a parking ticket/wheel clamp!

Place is more crooked than anywhere, legally speaking of course!

whilst ya there though try getting some email address of some of ya old mates etc!

have a good one and ps i m sure someone said it has just moved, the embassy in hull that is, maybe worth a phone call!


I'm the opposite! Went back to the UK for 2 weeks, my asthma come back with a vengeance, expensive prices, miserable cold weather. I'm back 'home' now in Phuket and loving it.



i too have recently returned after 6 weeks in blighty , and do you know what , i have been troubled by thoughts of wanting to return !!

in spite of the bombings , in spite of the laughable political correctnesses to be observed everywhere you go now , in spite of the awful advancement of the powers of the nannying government , in spite of the whining of the populace at how the government are responsible for everything and should even be doing more to stop the rain ,in spite of the failure of the health service and education system and in spite of the outrageous prices there and in spite of six weeks of daily rain , i loved it there.

we spent time in leeds , london , brighton and the isle of wight.

i loved the lack of visual and noise pollution that constantly assaults the senses here in thailand .

and i loved the british people , the genuine friendliness and sense of humour to be found everywhere on a daily basis.

the countryside , and in many cases the urban landscape is so restful and pleasing to the eyes that its a pleasure just to stand and look. the joy of having good journalism , good news coverage on tv , total free speech and debate and a society that really is much sincerer and friendlier than here in thailand.

i go back every year and i'm usually very happy to return to thailand , but this time was different.

im happy enough back here in thailand , but blighty is in my thoughts much more than normal.

my wife has exactly the same feelings too and she appreciates and values the fact that a foriegner can be made to feel so much at home in a foriegn country and have the same rights as a native.

in spite of the failure of the health service

The health service is still a great institution - it's not really economically viable in todays world, but it's still there and still something to be admired.

I went back last year for the first time in 18 months - I was dreading it.

It was actually OK.

People were generally polite and funny, and the contrast with Thailand was clear.

It was good to watch a political news report without any military uniforms in it.

No censorship...I could watch films without bits blocked or chopped out - got youtube too.

Creativity was rife....music, film and art.

I do have a lot of love and respect for my Thai family, and my son will be born here soon, but I do want him to know what it feels like to express himself.

It's the people who make a place though, and both countries have a good share of OK people.

I'm the opposite! Went back to the UK for 2 weeks, my asthma come back with a vengeance, expensive prices, miserable cold weather. I'm back 'home' now in Phuket and loving it.


The UK is a sinking ship .... Everybody get off!!!!!


love England..

even the weather not so good at the moment

raining..almost everyday..but it's so refreshing. :o

love winter too. no, i'm not crazy!

can't stand the heat in thailand.

it's far too hot for me so i shall stay here for a while. :D

and another things...sport

i'm a cricket fan and it on tv now!!!

nothing can beat this! :D

The UK is a sinking ship .... Everybody get off!!!!!

Can't agree with this.

It's got it's fair share of problems, but sinking? Nah. If anything it's the opposite.

Well, apart from areas which have recently literally sunk.

love England..

even the weather not so good at the moment

raining..almost everyday..but it's so refreshing. :o

love winter too. no, i'm not crazy!

can't stand the heat in thailand.

it's far too hot for me so i shall stay here for a while. :D

and another things...sport

i'm a cricket fan and it on tv now!!!

nothing can beat this! :D

"i'm a cricket fan and it on tv now!!!

nothing can beat this!"


love England..

even the weather not so good at the moment

raining..almost everyday..but it's so refreshing. :o

love winter too. no, i'm not crazy!

can't stand the heat in thailand.

it's far too hot for me so i shall stay here for a while. :D

and another things...sport

i'm a cricket fan and it on tv now!!!

nothing can beat this! :D

"i'm a cricket fan and it on tv now!!!

nothing can beat this!"


England reach 43-0 in their second innings, still 240 behind India, after a gruelling day in the field in the second Test at Trent Bridge.


love England..

even the weather not so good at the moment

raining..almost everyday..but it's so refreshing. :D

love winter too. no, i'm not crazy!

can't stand the heat in thailand.

it's far too hot for me so i shall stay here for a while. :D

and another things...sport

i'm a cricket fan and it on tv now!!!

nothing can beat this! ;)

"i'm a cricket fan and it on tv now!!!

nothing can beat this!"


England reach 43-0 in their second innings, still 240 behind India, after a gruelling day in the field in the second Test at Trent Bridge.


Khan has just took 2 quick wickets and after we were looking like rescuing the match were now 295 for 5 and struggling to survive.......... back to normal then :D .

I havent been back to England for 6 years and occasionally have the odd nightmare that I'm back living there , but reading this thread has raised my hopes for the day I go back :o ( false hopes maybe ?? :o:D ).


Its ok coming back for a few weeks and seeing the nice side, but when your living here and are taxed to <deleted> to pay for dole scroungers/immigrants/single mothers and god knows what else they waste tax on.

Living under a Orwellian regime that is taking away free speach and free thought very quickly.

Not being allowed to be proud of English history/culture without being branded more evil then Hitler.

Speed cameras everywhere, paying for the right to watch TV, when the BBC, is blatanty Liberal and far left, i am right ring.

Being unable to afford a house unless you make over 50K GBP per annum. average price is now 200K GBP for a 3 bed semi, and rising.

And not being able to find a bird under a size 24.

Apart from that its tickity boo.


I am back in uk at present , i have to be here and will in future have to do 1 two month stint here every year for the next 4 years and i am climbing the walls while being here . I have everything good uk has to offer fantastic family, nice home , great buisness ,handfull of realy good friends . Although i feel awfull saying this but i would rather be dead than have to live here longterm . I hate being here with a vengence .




This is me...... on the road out of Halifax,last time!!!!

no, wouldnt be a wire fence out of halifax, would be a hill!


And got lost :D

Off to the airport now.

Hope they have internet cafes in'Fax



I went back home to Newcastle a couple of years ago for ten weeks, even got my old job back while I was there ( hated it when I lived there) but you know what I really enjoyed my ten weeks, maybe because I knew it was only ten weeks and not the rest of my life.

This is me...... on the road out of Halifax,last time!!!!

no, wouldnt be a wire fence out of halifax, would be a hill!


And got lost :D

Off to the airport now.

Hope they have internet cafes in'Fax

well i hope that M62 has got better, i live about 15 miles away from halifax in morley, leeds, and was an awful road, right from manchester to pontefract!

Have a good one steve, and have a proper fry up! :D

when the BBC, is blatanty Liberal and far left, i am right ring.

Oh.. how awful for you.. :D

totster :o

We should be careful not to mock the afflicted or mentally-challenged. :D

Those without any social awareness or feeling are condemned to to die old and alone, just take a look, at any expat-bar during Happy-Hour & you'll see what I mean ! :D

i too have recently returned after 6 weeks in blighty , and do you know what , i have been troubled by thoughts of wanting to return !!

in spite of the bombings , in spite of the laughable political correctnesses to be observed everywhere you go now , in spite of the awful advancement of the powers of the nannying government , in spite of the whining of the populace at how the government are responsible for everything and should even be doing more to stop the rain ,in spite of the failure of the health service and education system and in spite of the outrageous prices there and in spite of six weeks of daily rain , i loved it there.

we spent time in leeds , london , brighton and the isle of wight.

i loved the lack of visual and noise pollution that constantly assaults the senses here in thailand .

and i loved the british people , the genuine friendliness and sense of humour to be found everywhere on a daily basis.

the countryside , and in many cases the urban landscape is so restful and pleasing to the eyes that its a pleasure just to stand and look. the joy of having good journalism , good news coverage on tv , total free speech and debate and a society that really is much sincerer and friendlier than here in thailand.

i go back every year and i'm usually very happy to return to thailand , but this time was different.

im happy enough back here in thailand , but blighty is in my thoughts much more than normal.

my wife has exactly the same feelings too and she appreciates and values the fact that a foriegner can be made to feel so much at home in a foriegn country and have the same rights as a native.

"total free speech" - you've got to be joking!

In central London now, legislation is now in place that prohibits any form of political protest. Parliament Square, Whitehall, Trafalgar Square are all off limits for demonstrating or any form of protest whether in a group or alone.

If you say stood at the foot of the Cenotaph in Whitehall and read out the names of dead British soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq as a protest against British involvement in those conflicts you would get arrested and charged.

So much for democracy!


Three months working in London last year - loved it to death and didn't want to come back to Thailand. When I talk to friends and family in the UK about returning home they all say I must be mad. I don't know a single person there who, given a choice, would remain. Makes me think I'm missing something they see and I don't.

"total free speech" - you've got to be joking!

i take your point re. some of the recent pronouncements from westminster , but basically, unless you are inciting people to kill and bomb infidels and non believers , you can say what you want , criticize who you want and print what you want.

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