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US and Europe Issue Stern Warnings to Hezbollah Amid Rising Tensions with Israel

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On 7/1/2024 at 1:07 PM, retarius said:

Why when Israel threatens to invade another sovereign country, and the defenders of the country respond with threats, why does the EU and US issue stern threats to Hezbollah? 

I suspect, Lebanon, like most unbiased countries are sickened by Israel killing thousands of children in Gaza.


  • Children in Gaza have been killed and maimed by Israeli forces at an unprecedented rate. More than 13,800 Palestinian children were killed in Gaza, and 33 Israeli children were killed by armed groups in the 7 October attacks. At least 725 children have been injured since 7 October in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and 114 have been killed.

https://www.savethechildren.net/news/over-2-gaza-s-child-population-killed-or-injured-six-months-war#:~:text=Children in Gaza have been,in the 7 October attacks.



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On 7/2/2024 at 1:29 PM, Hanaguma said:

Well, that is because the IDF is being remarkablly restrained in how it conducts operations.  Given the firepower available, they could have turned Gaza into a parking lot in 48 hours.  But they chose to be humanitarian and sensitive and do all they can to avoid civilian casualties. Remember, the war would end tomorrow if Hamas surrendered and returned the hostages.

They could have but it would have been too obvious. As it is, it is still obvious what they are doing. 


Can you explain how so many children were killed by the restrained IDF? It will actually be more now as Save  the Children published this on April 4.


More than 13,800 Palestinian children were killed in Gaza, and 33 Israeli children were killed by armed groups in the 7 October attacks.  


https://www.savethechildren.net/news/over-2-gaza-s-child-population-killed-or-injured-six-months-war#:~:text=Children in Gaza have been,in the 7 October attacks.

Edited by Neeranam
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