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China Issues a Firm Warning to NATO - Warns Against Spreading 'Chaos' to Asia

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China issued a firm warning to NATO on Thursday, criticizing the alliance for pursuing security at the expense of other nations and cautioning it against exporting the same "chaos" to Asia that it has allegedly brought to Europe. This statement followed NATO's recent characterization of China as a "decisive enabler" of Russia's war against Ukraine.


"NATO hyping up China’s responsibility on the Ukraine issue is unreasonable and has sinister motives," said Lin Jian, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, during a daily briefing. Lin defended China's position on the Ukraine conflict, describing it as fair and objective, countering the narrative advanced by the United States and its European allies. These allies have condemned China for not denouncing Russia's invasion.


Since the conflict began, China has not only maintained but also strengthened its economic ties with Russia, helping to offset the impact of Western sanctions. NATO, in a communique issued at a summit in Washington, asserted that China has become an enabler of the war through its "no-limits partnership" with Russia and its substantial support for Russia’s defense industrial base. Lin countered this assertion by stating that China’s trade with Russia is both legitimate and compliant with World Trade Organization rules.


Lin further argued that NATO's version of security often comes at the cost of other nations' security. He reiterated China's support for Russia's view that NATO's expansion poses a threat to Russia. This expansion has long been a point of contention, and China has expressed concerns about NATO's increasing involvement in the Asia-Pacific region. Leaders or deputies from Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea attended the NATO summit this week, highlighting the alliance's growing focus on the region.


"China urges NATO to ... stop interfering in China’s internal politics and smearing China’s image and not create chaos in the Asia-Pacific after creating turmoil in Europe," Lin stated. This appeal underscores China's anxiety about NATO's potential influence and engagement in Asia.


In a related development, Chinese troops are participating in joint military exercises in Belarus, a close ally of Russia, near the border with Poland, a NATO member. These drills are the first of their kind between China and Belarus, raising concerns about regional security dynamics. However, Lin sought to downplay these worries, describing the joint training as routine military exchange and cooperation, not aimed at any specific country.


China's remarks highlight a broader geopolitical struggle as NATO addresses the challenges posed by both Russia and China. The alliance’s depiction of China as an enabler of Russia’s actions in Ukraine emphasizes the complexity of the global security landscape and the interconnected nature of international relations.


China's strong reaction to NATO's accusations and its caution against the alliance's expansion into Asia illustrate the growing tension between these global powers. As NATO continues to navigate its relationships with China and Russia, the consequences for global stability and security remain significant. Lin's statements reflect China's firm stance on maintaining its sovereignty and its critical view of NATO's actions on the global stage.


By drawing attention to what it sees as NATO’s overreach, China is positioning itself as a defender of regional stability against what it perceives as Western encroachment. This narrative is likely to resonate with other countries wary of NATO's influence, thereby shaping the discourse on global security and diplomatic relations.


Credit: ABC News 2024-07-12



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There is only one country spreading chaos in Asia, and that is China.


How many hundreds of thousands of Chinese Communist Party "operatives" have been sent out to spy on and disrupt Asian countries?

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Yes, yes, that good old China that constantly ups the ante, see now again in the entire China Sea which they claim about 85% as being theirs.
Starting to hate that china more and more.

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12 hours ago, Hakuna Matata said:


This is the end of the American domination in the world.

Not now, but that's the trend. Emerging economies wil complete their emergence some day, and in the future there will be several large countries competing for power with the U.S (and also between themselves).


However, I doubt that this multipolar world will be any better for smaller countries. I don't see how being under the domination of China or India, for example, could be more enjoyable than being under the domination of the U.S. It may well be worse.

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