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Flagging Pm's?

November Rain

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As anyone who has ever pm'ed me will know, I'm the world's worst at answering them. Unless it's a short one line answer needed, or I have time on my hands, I'll read them, think "I'll answer that tonight (or whatever)" & promptly forget them - as my little top right hand side display then reads "0 new messages". Is there any way I can flag read messages as unread, so that I get reminded to answer the things whenever I'm on TV?

Thanks for any advice. :o

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As anyone who has ever pm'ed me will know, I'm the world's worst at answering them. Unless it's a short one line answer needed, or I have time on my hands, I'll read them, think "I'll answer that tonight (or whatever)" & promptly forget them - as my little top right hand side display then reads "0 new messages". Is there any way I can flag read messages as unread, so that I get reminded to answer the things whenever I'm on TV?

Thanks for any advice. :o

The only way I can see to do it would be to create a new storage folder and transfer the messages you want to reply to into that folder.

On the messenger page, using the menu on the left side, select "Edit Storage Folders". Then under "Add New Virtual Directories" create the name of the new folder you want (i.e. Reply To or Replies Pending or what ever).

Then transfer the messages into that folder.

It's not what you were looking for (as far as answers go), but that's about the only way I can see to do it.

Other option would be to use the same steps, but create a folder for "Saved Messages" or "Old Messages" and transfer everything that you've already replied to (or just want to save) into those folders.

Then the only things you'd have left in your inbox would be the messages you want/need to reply to.

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There is no method that I'm aware of in the current forum software to do this. I assume you get e-mail notifying you when a PM has arrived? What I do is just keep the PM in my local INBOX of my e-mail reader to remind me an answer is needed. When I have gotten around to answering, I then delete it from my inbox. I have a couple like that now to remind me.

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