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Kamala vs Jane: If forced to choose one for Prez, Your Choice?

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1 minute ago, fredwiggy said:

they're mostly Christians like myself.


Just more superstitious behavior.

There is no God.

If there were a God, then God would have given the Mexicans jobs in Mexico, rather than having them make their Exodus out of Mexico, just to die drowning crossing the Rio.


It's NOT about having a "problem" with them!


It's about cultural preferences.


You just do NOT get it, do you.


It's about living in a place that feels comfortable based on culture.

The Mexican culture is disgusting.

Puerto Rican culture is disgusting.


I prefer East Asian culture.

I just wish I could return to the Tang Dynasty and live with refined people, instead of the indians and Mayans, south of the US border.


What a dump.

No wonder Mexicans are DYING TO GET OUT!



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Just now, GammaGlobulin said:


Just more superstitious behavior.

There is no God.

If there were a God, then God would have given the Mexicans jobs in Mexico, rather than having them make their Exodus out of Mexico, just to die drowning crossing the Rio.


It's NOT about having a "problem" with them!


It's about cultural preferences.


You just do NOT get it, do you.


It's about living in a place that feels comfortable based on culture.

The Mexican culture is disgusting.

Puerto Rican culture is disgusting.


I prefer East Asian culture.

I just wish I could return to the Tang Dynasty and live with refined people, instead of the indians and Mayans, south of the US border.


What a dump.

No wonder Mexicans are DYING TO GET OUT!



God isn't an employer, so leave that one out. I actually do "get it" Personal preferences are what you like. If you like a certain culture, good. I like some of all cultures, but don't live in a certain country because of it's culture. I moved here because I have a daughter here, and will stay until I can re-establish back home, where she and I will have a much better life. You've never lived, or probably have never even visited Mexico. I was less than 200 miles from Mexico, and went there hunting many times, along with fishing. What makes Mexican and Puerto Rican culture disgusting? Does the food upset you, or do you not like the countries for some reason, or are you prejudiced against Latinos for some reason? It doesn't matter what culture you like. It's all personal preference in where you choose to live. If living here makes you happy, stay, but don't comment on things you know little to nothing about. Mexicans are dying to get out because they have a huge, poor population that wants to make money. They work their asses off for little money to survive. Kinda like here. The problem isn't Mexicans coming to the US illegally. The problem is rich Americans hiring them.

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On 7/22/2024 at 10:14 PM, GammaGlobulin said:

Hi Folks,


Some of you may be old enough to recall Jane visiting North Vietnam.

Kamala strikes me as someone cut from the same cloth as Fonda, only better.


There are those who are not able to see the goodness in Jane, or in Kamala, but I am not one who is so blind.


So, the Question Is:


If, this November, there were only two candidates running, and if Jane was running to be the next Republican president, which I must say, she would have to be, considering the politics of Kamala, then which honey would garner your vote?


I do not mind telling you that I am a Fonda Fan, and she would get my vote, just as she always has had my unwavering support.


What about you?

Which girl is for you?

Or, would you prefer both, at once...

One for Prez, and one for V-Prez, and why.


What is it about these pair that causes such utter fascination among the voting public?


Just in case you forget which is which, here are two images I found.

And, once again, Kamala is no match for Jane, as we can plainly see.






You Jane,
Me, Kamala....


Best regards,













well, let me start with Jane - if she were on fire I still wouldn't piss on her to put the fire out.  I don't like traitors or those who give support to our enemies whether or not one supports the VN war or not.  As for KH I read a lot about her prior to the previous election.  She could obviuosly work on Soi Cowboy with her talents.  I read one of her comments about learning how to care for her "children" (step children) when she married they were already in HS or College so she has no experience of raising children as she claimed in that article I read.  As for her sponsorship through the ranks I have read those stories but they may or may not be true in all sense of that career.  Now running against the convicted felon, is she the better candidate?  the most knowledgeable about politics? more honest  - I give her the yes.  Will the country suffer more under her or Trump? based on what Trump has promised re taxes, govt workers, and those he doesn't like, and the revenge he says he will carry out - I sure don't see that as positive for the American public.  He wants to drop the taxes even further for the rich and their businesses while the middle class has just about disappeared.  Used to be, working folks could buy a home, nowadays more and more can't even afford their current house anymore.  A scary situation for many.  News stories talk about how many citizens are fleeing the taxing states for those states with no state tax or lower taxes and property taxes.  But, no matter what now that Joe is out, it should be a more interesting election period.  This is my opinion only based on what I have read over the past 5 years or so and as for Joe/Trump, have not read a lot of positives over the decades I have read about them.  Good luck to all and hope you pick a good one.

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36 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I moved here because I have a daughter here, and will stay until I can re-establish back home, where she and I will have a much better life.


I feel sorry for you.

You are living in a culture that you cannot truly appreciate.

You yearn to be elsewhere, and you are dissatisfied with your life here, at this time.


I chose to go to East Asia as soon as I had graduated university.

I chose the culture.

I chose to live in several countries because I knew I would enjoy the culture in these countries.


I live where I now live due to the culture and due to the fact that a better life is possible here than almost anywhere, again culturally speaking, and not materialistically speaking.

I need not move to be happy or have a much better life, unlike you.


So, I feel sorry for you, if this is truly the case, as you have reported it.



I might add just one more thought....


There is no God.

Never was there God in this universe, nor outside this universe.

And, we are all lucky and blessed that there is no authoritarian God, and that there is no eternal prison awaiting us.


If I should die, at least my soul shall live on in the Farang Pub, on TV.

And this is how it should be.





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Just now, GammaGlobulin said:


I feel sorry for you.

You are living in a culture that you cannot truly appreciate.

You yearn to be elsewhere, and you are dissatisfied with your life here, at this time.


I chose to go to East Asia as soon as I had graduated university.

I chose the culture.

I chose to live in several countries because I knew I would enjoy the culture in these countries.


I live where I now live due to the culture and due to the fact that a better life is possible here than almost anywhere, again culturally speaking, and not materialistically speaking.

I need not move to be happy or have a much better life, unlike you.


So, I feel sorry for you, if this is truly the case, as you have reported it.



I might add just one more thought....


There is no God.

Never was there God in this universe, nor outside this universe.

And, we are all lucky and blessed that there is no authoritarian God, and that there is no eternal prison awaiting us.


If I should die, at least my soul shall live on in the Farang Pub, on TV.

And this is how it should be.





Don't feel sorry for me. I got a daughter out of the deal. One I'll see growing up in the US, and in a much better place for her, as well as myself. My daughter will do better in school, jobs and in life itself there, I will be back where I can do my hobbies, as I can't here, besides some fishing far away from where I am now, and not like I enjoyed back home. Like I said, if you like it here, stay. You have at times talked about moving to other countries, albeit Asian ones, so I'm thinking Thailand really isn't for you as much as Asian cultures are. As far as there being a God, the universe exists because of a creator. You can believe like some that it all happened by chance. We as Christians and other believers in God know it had to be created, as matter, which is everything in the universe, doesn't happen from nothing. Heaven isn't a prison. This world has many nice things and many bad, and seeing the nice shows that God does think about us. He's in charge, so his laws are his because he made everything, and knows whats best for us. Turning your back on him is the only unforgiven sin. There's no if you're going to die, there's only a when. Be ready.

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

So you do believe there is a God then, unless you worship something else.



It means that I have not turned my back on God, as you seemed to suggest.


I thought that point was crystal clear!


I clearly stated that I am not apostate.

My meaning should be clear.



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Just now, GammaGlobulin said:



It means that I have not turned my back on God, as you seemed to suggest.


I thought that point was crystal clear!


I clearly stated that I am not apostate.

My meaning should be clear.



How can you not turn your back on God if he doesn't exist?

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

How can you not turn your back on God if he doesn't exist?



How can one turn one's back on a non-existent God.....





But this is not about God.

This comment is about superstitious behavior common to All Christians, even you, after you, so strangely, introduced you religious beliefs into this Topic.



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Just now, GammaGlobulin said:



How can one turn one's back on a non-existent God.....





But this is not about God.

This comment is about superstitious behavior common to All Christians, even you.


You're the one who said there is no God. Then you say you're not apostate. I'm not superstitious. I'm just a believer out of faith.

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Just now, fredwiggy said:

You're the one who said there is no God. Then you say you're not apostate. I'm not superstitious. I'm just a believer out of faith.


I rarely discuss religion or the existence of God.

Such discussions are inherently boring.

If you wish to discuss these topics, go to the GOD forum, and pray.



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