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Zelensky to Putin: War is Coming Home

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21 minutes ago, ChicagoExpat said:

Tovarisch, there is no one in the world except a Kremlin stooge that would seriously consider that an Article-5 invoking "attack on a NATO member."  It was an attack on a Russian-owned an operated pipeline.


NATO has been expanding eastward and northward SOLELY because countries are afraid of Russia.  Period.  You don't seek protection when there's no threat.  And those Eastern European countries were only Russian colonies because they were forced to be.



The attack on Nordstream was an attack on a pipeline that runs through German territory. Nordstream AG was part-owend by German, French and Dutch companies where the sharholder was in part their respective states.


This is why German officials were outraged and said that this attack could trigger article 5 of NATO.


"Disgruntled German officials involved in the investigation declared the sabotage operation had put Berlin in a difficult position."


'An attack of this scale is a sufficient reason to trigger the collective defence clause of NATO,' one official told WSJ in alarming comments."








So much for "nobody in the world except the Kremlin" would think article 5 could be triggered by the Ukrainian sabotage.



Again, at least you tried, ChicagoExpat. Well done. But failed again.

Edited by Cameroni
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12 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Lol, if you think NATO membership is solely decided by votes you probably never heard of the fact that countries hold talks before crucial votes to ensure the votes go their way. The US provides the main military muscle and the bulk of financial funding for NATO, they have a vested interested what happens with NATO. By the time the vote happens the US would have long ensured it goes the way it wants.


Why do you think when Ukraine sabotaged the Nordstream pipeline, something which German officials protested could trigger article 5 of the NATO treaty, we never saw article 5 triggered? Because Germany has to fall in line with what the US wants in terms of foreign policy, even to the extreme of abandoning its own self interest. It's very sad to see a once proud nation like Germany humiliated by America in this way.








And please tell us all how Turkey came around to support Finnish and Swedish NATO membership? By being  leaned on by the USA who promised Turkey F16 fighters and other perks, no?  Thank you for proving my point, BKK Brian



The U.S. likely has a dominant role in NATO, but thete are seldom disagreements with other members, I.e. in the case of Sweden, only Turkey disagreed with it, and it was only to get some benefits from it.


As to the German example, the answer is quite simple: they don't care any more about it as they have decided not to be reliant on Russian gas (another great achievement by Putin). The pipelines would have roasted in the sea without being used, anyway.

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15 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


The attack on Nordstream was an attack on a pipeline that runs through German territory. Nordstream AG was part-owend by German, French and Dutch companies where the sharholder was in part their respective states.


This is why German officials were outraged and said that this attack could trigger article 5 of NATO.


"Disgruntled German officials involved in the investigation declared the sabotage operation had put Berlin in a difficult position."


'An attack of this scale is a sufficient reason to trigger the collective defence clause of NATO,' one official told WSJ in alarming comments."








So much for "nobody in the world except the Kremlin" would think article 5 could be triggered by the Ukrainian sabotage.



Again, at least you tried, ChicagoExpat. Well done. But failed again.

Tovarisch, there is no one in the world except a Kremlin stooge that would seriously consider that an Article-5 invoking "attack on a NATO member."  It was an attack on a Russian-owned an operated pipeline.


NATO has been expanding eastward and northward SOLELY because countries are afraid of Russia.  Period.  You don't seek protection when there's no threat.  And those Eastern European countries were only Russian colonies because they were forced to be.


Keep trying, little man.  At the end of the day you're an apologist for a dictator who poisons the underwear of his opponents... and fails at that.

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19 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


You didn't "disprove" anything. In fact you proved my point for me. You claimed the Turkey veto against Finlnd and Sweden was evdidence the US had no undue influence. But remind me again, how did Turkey come around? The US promising to supply F16 fighters and other perks? So you proved my point, Brian no?




Your little truth bomb blew up in your face


My dear @Camoroni

For all of your crying and whining here, that it's all the fault of the West, Russia chose the military option. Hoping to intimidate the West into taking no action. That tactic failed. They chose the battlefield, so the battlefield it is. No point in crying, whining and trying to blame others. It's weak, like a girl. Are you a girl?

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5 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


My dear Nownow, Russia did not choose the military option. Russia chose to neogtiate with America. Sadly Americans spoke with forked tongue. They lied and deceived Russia regarding the true intentions of NATO.  For decades Russia had drawn a line in the sand and made clear that NATO eastwards expansion was unacceptable due to security concerns. For decades the West ignored Russia and lied to her.


Faced with the real possibility of nuclear armed Ukraine as a member of NATO on its very borders Russia had to face reality. It was either fight for security or be encircled by NATO who as policy puts US nuclear weapons in its member states. 


Russia did not choose this of course. Do you think Russia wants war and to see the cream of its youth perish yet again? Its resources squandered? Why would Russia do this, unless it had no other option?

Too nauseating for words. Crimea a river for the barbaric choices Putin was made to make (which of course he wasn't). 

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1 hour ago, ChicagoExpat said:

When the only "friends" you have in the world are China, North Korea, and Iran, it's time to question your life choices.

 Don't like India?  what about:   Algeria, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Laos, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Brazil, Honduras, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam? Cuba?

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12 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


The Nazi jibe against Ukrainians always puzzled me. Because Russians really believed this. But you have to look at history, Ukrainians collaborated with Hitler, there were Ukrainian diviisions fighting for Hitler. So this notion of Ukrainians as fascists must have entered the Russian Psyche. However, it's not just history. 


the 1994–2014 period  a radical right-wing party elected to the parliament as an independent organization within the proportional part of the voting: Svoboda in 2012.


According to estimates, in 2008 Ukraine had a maximum of 2,000 organized skinheads. Then there's the radical right wing Ukrainian organization Patriot of Ukraine. There are three other extreme right wing organizations in Ukraine, Svoboda, National Corps and Right Sector. 


But by far the most dangerous goups are the right wing paramilitary groups such as the Azov Battalion. Some members are openly white supremacists. Just as in the Social-National Assembly of Ukraine.


The list of Ukrainian Nazi organizations would include:


Social-National Party of Ukraine (1991–2004)

Ukrainian National Assembly (1990–present)

Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists (1992–present)

Svoboda (political party) (2004–present)

Social-National Assembly (2008–2015)

Ukrainian National Union (2009–present)

Right Sector (2013–present)

National Corps (2016–present)




But I would agree that this Nazi contingent is used as a pretext by Russia to justify the invasion. I do not see Ukraine as a particularly "Nazi" country. So this pretext was not fully truhful, yes.


I do not support Putin or Russia. I support the west. However, my support is qualified by the truth. And I can understand why Russia got to the point of invading Ukraine, and our own Western politicians were to blame for this. Telling the truht here is supporting the West because we should not suffer such incompetence again. The war in UKraine is not good for the West, and costing us billions.




 I, too, don't like the "Nazi" theme, but that aside Ukraine is a totally corrupt banana republic. I have been there many times and seen it first-hand - most on here have seen it on CNN and think it's just east of Spain.

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3 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Very childish. Of course Russia is now taking the military option, but only after decades of trying to negotiate with the West. This failed, as Russia was only given lies and false promises. Then it became clear that soon Russia may be faced with a pro-American Ukraine armed with nuclear weapons pointed at Russia and a member of NATO. So yes, if diplomacy is not possible, what other option did Russia have to ensure its security?


As for your claim that Russia deliberately targeted civilians, please post a link to the Russian directive or order that directs the Russian military to target UKrainian civilians?


Oh you can't?



How would the USA like Russian nukes in Mexico or Hawaii?  or........................ CUBA

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